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NiceLib Driver Example

In this guide, we'll run through the process of writing a driver that uses NiceLib to wrap a C library, using the example of an NI DAQ. A NiceLib-based driver consists of three parts: low-level, mid-level, and high-level interfaces.

Mimics the C interface directly
Has the same functions as the low-level interface, but with a more convenient interface
Is nice and pythonic, often doesn't necessarily mimic the C interface's structure

NiceLib semi-automatically generates a low-level interface for us. To tell it how to do so, we create a build file, which contains a build(). This function invokes build_lib() with arguments that tell it what library (.dll/.so file) we're wrapping and what header(s) to use.

For our ni library, we name our file

from nicelib import build_lib

header_info = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\NIDAQmx.h'
lib_name = 'nicaiu'

def build():
    build_lib(header_info, lib_name, '_nilib', __file__)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from instrumental.log import log_to_screen

You can see we've indicated the path to the header NIDAQmx.h and the library nicaiu.dll that are used by the Windows version of NI-DAQmx.

Now let's manually invoke a build:

$ python
Module _nilib does not yet exist, building it now. This may take a minute...
Searching for headers...
Found C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\NIDAQmx.h
Parsing and cleaning headers...
Successfully parsed input headers
Compiling cffi module...
Writing macros...
Done building _nilib

Nice, it worked! We now have a freshly-generated module, which is our low-level interface. You can then call load_lib('foo', __package__) to load the LibInfo object, as we'll see in the mid-level interface section.

We won't always be this fortunate, since headers sometimes include nonstandard syntax which nicelib's parsing system can't handle. In that case, there are two basic approaches:

  1. Manually include only the necessary snippets of the header, cleaning up any unparseable syntax.
  2. Use build_lib's options, including token_hooks and ast_hooks to avoid or programmatically clean up the problem syntax.

Option 1 can be good for quickly moving on and starting to write your mid-level interface. You can include just a few functions that you want to test out, and perhaps later come back and pursue option 2. For example, we could do the following for our DAQmx driver:

from nicelib import build_lib

source = """
#define __CFUNC         __stdcall
typedef signed int int32;
typedef unsigned int uInt32;

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetSysDevNames(char *data, uInt32 bufferSize);
int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetDevProductNum(const char device[], uInt32 *data);
int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetDevSerialNum(const char device[], uInt32 *data);
lib_name = 'nicaiu'

def build():
    build_lib(None, lib_name, '_nilib', __file__, preamble=source)

We use header_info=None to skip loading any external header files, and pass in our source via the preamble parameter.

Option 2 is more complete, but can sometimes be tricky, as it requires some extra knowledge of C and why some section of code may not be parsing correctly (e.g. because it's actually C++, which happens commonly in some libs written only for Windows). In the simplest case, you may just need to exclude a problematic header that's being included, or use one of the pre-written token hooks or ast hooks that nicelib provides. In other cases, you may need to write your own hook to clean up the header. See the nicelib docs for a more detailed account of how to use token/ast hooks and the other paramters of build_lib().

Once we have a low-level interface that can be loaded via load_lib(), we can start to work on the mid-level bindings. What's the point of these bindings? Well, they make the functions a lot more hospitable to work with. Take for example int32 DAQmxGetSysDevNames(char *data, uInt32 bufferSize). This function takes a preallocated char buffer and its length, returning its string within the buffer, and an error code as the int32 return value. Using the low-level binding looks like this:

buflen = 1024
data ='char[]', buflen)
retval = DAQmxGetSysDevNames(data, buflen)
result = ffi.string(data)

Seems kinda verbose---and this function only takes two arguments! Write too much code like this and your code's intent will drown in a sea of bookkeeping. In contrast, using a mid-level binding looks like this:

result = NiceNI.GetSysDevNames()

Better, right? So how do you write these mid-level bindings? Here's a simple start:

from nicelib import load_lib, NiceLib, Sig

class NiceNI(NiceLib):
    _info_ = load_lib('ni', __package__)
    _prefix_ = 'DAQmx'

    GetErrorString = Sig('in', 'buf', 'len')
    GetSysDevNames = Sig('buf', 'len')
    CreateTask = Sig('in', 'out')

We define a subclass of NiceLib that specifies some general info about the library, as well as some signature (Sig) definitions for the functions we want to wrap. _info_ specifies the lib we're wrapping, and _prefix_ is a prefix that will be removed from the names of the functions. A Sig specifies the purpose of each of its function's parameters, e.g. whether it's an input, an output, or something more special.

For instance, CreateTask was was matched with Sig('in', 'out'), reflecting that int32 DAQmxCreateTask(const char taskName[], TaskHandle *taskHandle) uses taskName as an input, and taskHandle as an output. This tells nicelib that CreateTask takes only one argument and returns one value, and nicelib creates a function accordingly:

In [1]: NiceNI.CreateTask('myTask')
Out[1]: (<cdata 'void *' 0x000000000AD49250>, 0)

But wait, there are two values here, what's going on? The first part makes sense, that's our taskHandle (of type TaskHandle, an alias for void*), but what's the zero from? It's the actual return value, the error-code of type int32. What if we want to ignore this value, or do something else with it? That's where RetHandlers come in. We'll talk more about these later, but nicelib comes with two builtin return handlers, ret_return and ret_ignore. ret_return is used by default, and it tacks the C return value on the the end of the Python return values. ret_ignore simply ignores the return value. There are a few levels at which we can specify the return handler, but to apply it to all functions within the lib we use the _ret_ attribute:

from nicelib import load_lib, NiceLib, Sig, ret_ignore

class NiceNI(NiceLib):
    _info_ = load_lib('ni', __package__)
    _prefix_ = 'DAQmx'
    _ret_ = ret_ignore

    GetErrorString = Sig('in', 'buf', 'len')
    GetSysDevNames = Sig('buf', 'len')
    CreateTask = Sig('in', 'out')

Now let's try again:

In [1]: NiceNI.CreateTask('myTask')
Out[1]: <cdata 'void *' 0x0000000009169250>

For now let's ignore the return codes; we'll handle them properly later. Now that we've explained 'in' and 'out', what do 'buf' and 'len' do? Recall that DAQmxGetSysDevNames(char *data, uInt32 bufferSize) takes a char buffer and its length, writing a C-string into the buffer. The pair of 'buf' and 'len' are made for exactly such a situation---nicelib will create a char array, passing it in for the 'buf' parameter, and its length in as the 'len' parameter, then extracting a bytes object using ffi.string() and returning it:

In [2]: NiceNI.GetSysDevNames()
Out[2]: b'Dev1'

You can check out the nicelib docs to find a listing of all the possible Sig string codes and what they do.


  • NiceObject classdefs
  • RetHandlers

Now let's get start writing our driver:

from instrumental.drivers.daq import DAQ

class NIDAQ(DAQ):
    _INST_PARAMS_ = ['name', 'serial', 'model']

    def _initialize(self): = self._paramset['name']
        self._dev =

We inherit from DAQ, a subclass of Instrument, and use the _INST_PARAMS_ class attribute to declare what parameters our instrument can use to construct itself.