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Stateful Service ✨

Lightweight state management for Angular.

Compatibility with Angular Versions

Angular version 14.0.0 or higher is required.

Table of contents


npm i ngx-stateful-service

Initial setup

Initializing state with modules approach

With the standard modules approach, all you have to do is import the StatefulServiceModule and provide it with an initial state:

import { StatefulServiceModule } from "ngx-stateful-service";

interface ExampleState {
  firstName: string;
  todos: string[];

  declarations: [ExampleComponent],
  imports: [
      initialState: {
        firstName: "Maciej",
        todos: ["Vacuum the apartment"],
  providers: [],
export class ExampleModule {}

###Initializing state with standalone components approach The initialization of state in the standalone components approach resembles that of the module approach. However, in this case, you'll utilize the importProvidersFrom method to provide the StatefulServiceModule:

interface ExampleState {
  firstName: string;
  todos: string[];

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
        path: "",
        loadComponent: () => import("./example/example.component").then((m) => m.ExampleComponent),
        providers: [
              initialState: {
                firstName: "Maciej",
                todos: ["Vacuum the apartment"],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

Accessing the StatefulService

In components declared within the proper module/route, you have access to the previously initialized instance of StatefulService:

import { StatefulService } from "ngx-stateful-service";

  selector: "app-example",
  templateUrl: "./example.component.html",
export class ExampleComponent {
  private readonly exampleStatefulService = inject(StatefulService<ExampleState>);

Creating custom stateful service

You can also create a custom stateful service that includes all the features of the default stateful service. To initialize an initial state within it, you should pass an object as an argument in the constructor:

import { CustomStatefulService } from "ngx-stateful-service";

export class ExampleStatefulService extends CustomStatefulService<ExampleState> {
  constructor() {
      firstName: "Maciej",
      todos: ["Vacuum the apartment"],

State manipulation

Extracting state

The Stateful Service offers several methods through which you can extract data:

this.exampleStatefulService.getStateSlice$("todos"); // observable of ['Vacuum the apartment']

this.exampleStatefulService.getStateSliceValue("todos"); // ['Vacuum the apartment']

this.exampleStatefulService.getWholeState$(); // observable of {name: 'Maciej', todos: ['Vacuum the apartment']}

this.exampleStatefulService.getWholeStateValue(); // {name: 'Maciej', todos: ['Vacuum the apartment']}

Updating state

To update data, you can use the patchState method, which accepts a Partial of the declared state interface:

  todos: [...this.exampleStatefulService.getStateSliceValue("todos"), "Cook dinner"],
}); // adds 'Cook dinner' to the todos array

Reseting state

Last but not least, you can use resetWholeState and resetStateSlice to reset the state to its initial data:

this.exampleStatefulService.resetWholeState(); // sets whole state to initial value

this.exampleStatefulService.resetStateSlice("todos"); // sets todos property to its initial value


In this repository you can find demo component where an example of use is presented.