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RangoJS - a fearless gunslinging Node.js web framework that brings unmatched speed, precision, and power to API development. Crafting bullet-fast, sure aim, and ace-high APIs becomes an exhilarating adventure. Embrace the wild west spirit of development and experience the thrill of building robust and lightning-quick APIs with ease



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Blazingly-Fast, Featherweight, Fearlessly Efficient and Gunslinging Web Framework for Node.js

The name "Rango" comes from the animated adventure comedy film released in 2011. The story follows a chameleon named Rango, voiced by the legendary actor Johnny Depp. However, it's worth noting that "Rango" is originally a Spanish word that means "range" or "to range." It seems that the movie title "Rango" is also the same in Tagalog and has been kept as is, possibly due to its original Spanish origin.

Table of Contents


"Ace Up, Ride the Code, Bullet Fast Your APIs" - The Wild West of Node.js!

Welcome to the untamed frontier of wild wild web development with RangoJS, the all-new, gunslinging Node.js library that will revolutionize the way you create APIs. Just like a skilled gunslinger, RangoJS delivers precision, speed, and unmatched performance, making your API development journey a thrilling adventure.

Say goodbye to clunky frameworks and embrace the lightning-fast power of RangoJS. Our lightweight and agile library ensures that your APIs hit the target with bullet-fast response times, leaving your users amazed by the lightning-quick performance.

In the spirit of a sure aim, RangoJS provides you with an intuitive and developer-friendly interface that lets you effortlessly handle routes, middleware, and endpoints. With the confidence of a sharpshooter, you can craft APIs that are robust, scalable, and built to handle any challenge that comes your way.

Speaking of ace-high API development, RangoJS equips you with the tools to secure your applications like a fortress. Our battle-tested security measures and error handling capabilities ensure that your APIs stand strong against any threats that might lurk in the shadows.


  • Blazingly-Fast Performance

    Built on top of Node.js and Typescript, RangoJS harnesses the full potential of asynchronous I/O operations to deliver unmatched speed and responsiveness, even under heavy loads.

  • Featherweight Footprint

    RangoJS streamlined design guarantees minimal resource consumption, allowing you to create lean and efficient APIs without compromising on functionality.

  • Gunslinger-Friendly

    Embrace the gunslinger way of coding with RangoJS's intuitive syntax approach and well-documented features, making API development a breeze for developers of all backgrounds.

  • Fearlessly Efficient

    We take pride in RangoJS's lightweight nature, ensuring minimal overhead and resource consumption, so your APIs can shoot to the top in terms of efficiency.

  • Trail-Wise Routing

    Simplified route handling empowers developers to structure APIs effortlessly, making it a breeze to define endpoints, request types, and middleware functions.

  • Unyielding Reliability

    Just like a seasoned gunslinger, RangoJS comes prepared. Built-in error handling and comprehensive testing tools guarantee your APIs stand tall with unwavering stability.

  • Showdown-Ready Extensibility

    RangoJS embraces the spirit of adventure, providing a modular architecture that lets you customize and enhance functionalities with ease, whether you're drawing from third-party packages or crafting your own solutions.

  • Sharpshooting Community Support

    At RangoJS, we ride together. Expect continuous updates, active community support, and a lively environment where gunslingers exchange ideas and celebrate triumphs.

Prepare to reload your coding skills and unleash the gunslinging fury of RangoJS. Whether you're an experienced trailblazer or a greenhorn eager to learn, our library invites you to forge powerful APIs with unmatched speed, developer-friendliness, and reliability.

Join us in the fast-paced showdown of API development as we ride into the future with RangoJS. Embrace the gunslinging spirit, and together, we'll paint the wild west of web development with unmatched success and innovation.

Howdy, Let Start

Welcome to the RangoJS Getting Started Guide, where we'll help you wrangle your way through the wild world of RangoJS and become a true cowboy coder! Saddle up your code and get ready to ride like a seasoned trailblazer!

In this guide, we'll show you how to set up your RangoJS application, lasso those routes, and round up your data like a pro wrangler. So grab your hat, tighten them boots, and let's hit the trail with RangoJS! πŸ€ πŸš€


Listen up, code cowboy! Before you saddle up and ride the RangoJS trail, make sure you've got the essentials roped and ready on your local machine:

  1. Your trusty steed, Node.js. You can download it from the official website here.

  2. A sturdy sidekick NPM (Node Package Manager) comes bundled with Node.js. However, it's essential to have the latest version. To update npm, run the following command in your terminal:

    npm install -g npm

Once you've got these mighty tools, you're all set to wrangle RangoJS and conquer the digital frontier like a true code cowboy! Giddy-up and let's hit the trail!

Setup Project

Let's begin by setting up a new RangoJS project. Ride along with these instructions:

  1. Create a new project directory:

    mkdir my-rangojs-app
    cd my-rangojs-app
  2. Initialize a new Node.js project:

    npm init -y
  3. Install RangoJS:

    npm install rango
  4. Install Typescript and Nodemon:

    npm install typescript ts-node nodemon -D

Creating a Basic Server

Well, howdy, cowboy coder! Now that we've got RangoJS lassoed and ready, it's high time to build ourselves a sturdy corral for our code. So, saddle up and crack open that trusty text editor or IDE of yours - the one that feels like an old friend.

With your cowboy hat on tight, let's wrangle some code and create a basic server that'll stand tall like a strong, dependable stallion. Get ready to ride the wave and blaze the trail in this digital frontier! Just follow the steps below, cowboy!

  1. Create a new file named app.ts in the project root directory.

  2. In app.ts, add the following code:

    // Import RangoJS
    import rango from "rango";
    // Create an instance of the RangoJS app
    const app = rango();
    // Define a route for the home page
      path: "",
      GET: () => {
        return "Hello, RangoJS!";
    // Start the server
    const port = 3000;
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

See the full code here.

Starting the RangoJS Server

To kickstart that trusty server, just mosey on over to your terminal and wrangle up this command:

nodemon app.ts

Now that our trusty server's up and running, it's time to hitch our wagon to the trail and see what RangoJS has rustled up for us! Head on over to your web browser, and pay a visit to this link:


There, right before your very eyes, you'll find the message "Hello, RangoJS!" all shiny and gleaming like the stars in the night sky. Ain't that something? RangoJS sure knows how to make an impression!

Yeehaw! Code Cowboy

You've successfully set up a RangoJS project, created a basic server, and sent a response to a user request. Now you can dive deeper into RangoJS and explore its powerful features to build robust and sophisticated web applications.

Happy gunslinging and coding, Code Cowboy! πŸŒ΅πŸ€ πŸš€

Saddle up and let your code roam free like a wild mustang, breaking new ground and blazing trails in this digital frontier. Ride with the wind in your hair and the thrill in your heart as you wrangle them bugs and rope up them features. Keep your eyes on the horizon, 'cause the sky's the limit when you're a code cowboy! So kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride with RangoJS as your trusty sidekick.

Understanding the Code

Let's break down the code in your app.ts.

We imported the RangoJS

import rango from "rango";

We created an instance of the RangoJS application

const app = rango();

We defined a route for the home page

  path: "",
  GET: () => {
    return "Hello, RangoJS!";

When a user accesses the root URL (i.e., /), the provided callback function is executed, and the response "Hello, RangoJS!" is sent back. RangoJS automatically detects the returned data from the callback and assign the correct content-type in the header.

We started the server on port 3000 using

const port = 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

The server is now running and ready to handle incoming requests.

To test each method, you can use tools like curl, Postman, or using a frontend application built from React or Angular that sends requests to your server using various methods.

Well, now that you've got your spurs on, it's time to ride into unexplored territories and uncover the boundless capabilities that RangoJS has in store for you. Keep your eyes peeled as you mosey on ahead to discover all the remarkable things RangoJS can do for ya.

Single Route with Multiple HTTP Methods

Now, let's create a single route that supports multiple HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE). We'll handle each method differently based on the action we want to perform using a callback function. We call these callback function route endpoints.

In app.ts, update the app.add function and add the following code:

    path: "users",
    GET: () => {
      // Logic to handle GET request for '/users'
      return "This is a GET request!";
    POST: () => {
      // Logic to handle POST request for '/users'
      return "This is a POST request!";
    PUT: () => {
      // Logic to handle PUT request for '/users'
      return "This is a PUT request!";
    PATCH: () => {
      // Logic to handle PATCH request for '/users'
      return "This is a PATCH request!";
    DELETE: () => {
      // Logic to handle DELETE request for '/users'
      return "This is a DELETE request!";

In this example, we use a common name for each HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE) as function to handle all the supported HTTP methods. This makes your application more flexible and efficient, as it can perform different actions based on the HTTP method used and managing it in one place.

See the full code here.

Why this Approach in Routing

In Express.js, there are two ways to define routes to handle HTTP requests: using individual route methods (app.get,, etc.) or using a single route method (app.all) to handle multiple HTTP methods. Let's compare the two approaches and discuss their use cases:

Individual Route Methods (app.get,, etc.)

With individual route methods, you define separate route handlers for each specific HTTP method:

// Using individual route methods
app.get('/users', (req, res) => {
  // Logic to handle GET request for '/users'
  res.send('GET request for /users');
});'/users', (req, res) => {
  // Logic to handle POST request for '/users'
  res.send('POST request for /users');

app.put('/users', (req, res) => {
  // Logic to handle PUT request for '/users'
  res.send('PUT request for /users');

app.patch('/users', (req, res) => {
  // Logic to handle PATCH request for '/users'
  res.send('PATCH request for /users');

app.delete('/users', (req, res) => {
  // Logic to handle DELETE request for '/users'
  res.send('DELETE request for /users');

Single Route Method (app.all)

With the single route method approach, you use app.all to define a route that handles all HTTP methods:

// Using a single route method
const handleUsersRequest = (req, res) => {
  switch (req.method) {
    case 'GET':
      // Logic to handle GET request for '/users'
      res.send('GET request for /users');
    case 'POST':
      // Logic to handle POST request for '/users'
      res.send('POST request for /users');
    case 'PUT':
      // Logic to handle PUT request for '/users'
      res.send('PUT request for /users');
    case 'PATCH':
      // Logic to handle PATCH request for '/users'
      res.send('PATCH request for /users');
    case 'DELETE':
      // Logic to handle DELETE request for '/users'
      res.send('DELETE request for /users');
      res.status(405).send('Method not allowed!');

app.all('/users', handleUsersRequest);

Which Approach to Choose?

The choice between individual route methods and the single route method approach depends on the complexity and organization of your application.

Use Individual Route Methods when you have different actions and significant logic for each HTTP method and want the code to be more explicit.

Use the Single Route Method when you have shared logic between multiple HTTP methods and want a more concise and DRY codebase.

By combining the Individual Route Methods approach and the Single Route Method approach in one. RangoJS can provide a balanced and flexible approach to handling HTTP requests. By using both approaches strategically, you can take advantage of their respective strengths and address their limitations.

Pros of Combining both Approaches in RangoJS

  • Explicitness: Each HTTP method has its dedicated route handler, making the code easier to read and understand.

  • Granular Control: You can handle different HTTP methods differently, which is useful when the actions vary significantly for each method.

  • No Code Duplication: If you have shared logic between different methods, you don't need to duplicate the code across multiple route handlers, leading to DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code.

  • Decreased Number of Route Handlers: For complex applications with many routes and methods, the number of individual route handlers can grow significantly, making the codebase larger and harder to manage. Managing each route handler in a single routeObject makes it easier.

  • Code Reusability: With this approach, you can centralize the shared logic for multiple HTTP methods within a single route object.

  • Conciseness: The codebase can be more concise with fewer route handlers, especially when handling similar actions for different HTTP methods.

Overall, combining the Individual Route Methods approach and the Single Route Method approach allows you to create a well-structured and maintainable application. By choosing the appropriate approach for each route based on the complexity and similarity of actions, you can achieve a codebase that is both expressive and efficient.

Code Cowboy Advice

Listen up, buckaroo! In this wild frontier of code, remember that keepin' your code maintainable and easy on the eyes is as important as water in the desert. Strive to strike that perfect harmony between makin' your code crystal clear and wranglin' it to be reusable, all while keepin' in mind the unique needs and demands of your blazinfly-fast application. So saddle up, partner, and ride steady on that fine line 'cause in this coding rodeo, balancin' is the name of the game!


Our Blazingly-Fast Featherweight Gunslinging Fearless Web Framework for Node.js, aptly named RangoJS, brings the cowboy spirit of coding to the forefront while delivering top-notch performance and versatility. With RangoJS, you can blaze through the digital wilderness with ease, harnessing the power of modern web development without the weight of complexity.

As a fearless gunslinger, RangoJS is designed to empower developers to ride the trail of web development with confidence. Its featherweight nature ensures lightning-fast response times, while its intuitive API allows for easy integration of Express.js middlewares, making it a seamless transition for those familiar with Express.js.

So saddle up, partner, and embrace the cowboy spirit as you code fearlessly with RangoJS. Let this gunslinging framework be your trusted companion on your journey through the vast digital frontier of web development. Happy coding, and may your web applications be as fearless as the gunslingers of old! πŸŒ΅πŸ€ πŸš€


RANGO is the result of the work of a great community. Team members are listed in alphabetical order.

Lead Maintainer



Join the pioneers of web development and set out on a wild west adventure with RangoJS. Get ready to experience bullet-fast performance, sure aim precision, and ace-high results like never before. It's time to strap on your coding holster and let RangoJS lead you to API greatness. Are you up for the challenge? See our documentation for contributors and let's ride into the sunset of web development together with RangoJS!


RangoJS is inspired by Express.js, a fantastic web application framework. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated open-source community that supports and contributes to both projects. Your innovation and commitment have been instrumental in shaping RangoJS into what it is today. We stand on the shoulders of giants, and we're excited to continue this journey of web development together.

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RangoJS - a fearless gunslinging Node.js web framework that brings unmatched speed, precision, and power to API development. Crafting bullet-fast, sure aim, and ace-high APIs becomes an exhilarating adventure. Embrace the wild west spirit of development and experience the thrill of building robust and lightning-quick APIs with ease



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