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CopyRight Madalina Zanficu 323CA

Homework Communications Protocols

Basic Routing Protocols implemented:

Forwarding, ICMP Protocol, ARP Protocol,

Longest Prefix Match Efficient, Bonus checksum

Structure and flow

  • router.c - contains the overall flow of forwarding packages.

    • At the most abstract level, a packet contains: [len][Payload][interface].

    • The Paylod is formed by the headers [ETHERNET HEADER] [ARP HEADER / IPV4 HEADER] [ICMP (optional)].

    • The transmission of the packets is influenced by Ipv4 Header or Arp Header :

    • If the router receives an Ipv4 packet: the router could be the final destination, the packet could be corrupted, the TTL of the packet may have passed, or the forwarding process continues.

    • For the last case: the best route to destination is found using binary search implementation. Once the next hop is found, the mac address needs to be found as well.

    • At first, to search the mac address, a broadcast message will be transmitted in the network of the next hop. Until the response is received, the packet will be in a waiting queue.

    • After receving a response, the mac will be stored in arp_table.

    • In case the mac address is already in the arp_table, we have all the information in order to send the packet forward.

    • Arp Case: The router is in charge of replying to requests or managing replies.

    • Reply to request: in case the message from the broadcast was intened for the current router, it will send a packet replying with his MAC address. Used reply_ARP function for handling this case.

    • Manage a reply: The current router recevied the needed MAC address in order to send forward the packet. Used dequeue_packet to take care of sending the specific waiting packet.

  • functions.c

  • Get_best_route: binary searching the entry with the suitable prefix and the biggest mask.

  • Compare_function: used in order to sort the route_table. The main criteria in sorting is the mask (increasing order) and the second criteria is the prefix.

  • Functions for ICMP Protocol:

    • echo_reply_ICMP, error_reply_ICMP (TTP or Destionation Unreacheble).
    • Both of them use reply_ICMP which build a new packet (with all the specified headers), and send the packet back to the source.
  • Functions for ARP Proctol:

    • request_ARP, reply_ARP, my_send_ARP
  • Implemented functions for extracting headers:

    • get_ether_header
    • get_ip_header
    • get_arp_header
    • get_icmp_header
  • Implemented functions for building headers:

    • build_ethhdr
    • build_iphdr
    • build_icmphdr

Source and documentation: My program basis was Lab04-Forwarding implementation. It was really useful to study forwarding at lab before. Also, the previous skeleton that included send_ICMP and send_ARP was useful to understand how the packet is constructed in order to be sent, but I have implemented my own version of these functions. Bonus checksum: