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Verifying log/slog Handlers

The verify package provides various log/slog (henceforth just slog) handler test suites. This document discusses simple usage details. Technical details for the test suite are provided in the file in the tests package subdirectory.

There are two main benefits to using slog:

  1. If everyone uses it then logging from a package imported into an application will go through whatever slog handler (slog.Handler) is configured for that application. Logs will all look the same and be amenable to downstream processing.
  2. The ability to swap slog handlers without rewriting all the log statements in existing code. This might be done for CPU and/or memory efficiency. This only works if the various handlers behave in a similar manner.

The second benefit justifies a strong verification suite.

Simple Example

Verification of a slog handler using the verify test suite is fairly simple. The following code runs the test suite on slog.JSONHandler:

package verify

import (


// Test_slog runs tests for the log/slog JSON handler.
func Test_slog(t *testing.T) {
    slogSuite := tests.NewSlogTestSuite(creator.Slog())
    suite.Run(t, slogSuite)

The file itself must have the _test.go suffix and contain a function with a name beginning with Test in order to be executed as a test. In this instance slog_test.go contains function Test_slog.

The first line in Test_slog creates a new test suite. The argument to the NewSlogTestSuite function is an infra.Creator object, which is responsible for creating new slog.Logger (and optionally slog.Handler) objects during testing. In this case an appropriate factory is created by the creator.Slog function that is already defined in the creator package. In order to test a new handler instance (one that has not been tested in this repository) it is necessary to create a new infra.Creator for it. Existing examples can be found in the creator package.

Once the test suite exists the second line configures a warning to be tracked. The meaning of WarnOnly is to only warn about an error condition, not fail the test. The warning mechanism documented below describes this in more detail.

Finally the suite is run via its Run method. In short:

  • The TestXxxxxx function is executed by the Go test harness.
  • The test function configures a SlogTestSuite using an infra.Creator factory object.
  • The test function executes the test suite via its Run method.

More Examples

This package contains several examples, including the one above:

In addition, there is a main_test.go file which exists to provide a global resource to the other tests (described below).

Running Tests

Run the handler verification tests installed in this repository with:

go test -v ./verify -args -useWarnings

On an operating system that supports bash scripts you can use the scripts/verify script.

Note: running go test ./... -args -useWarnings will fail as the other tests in the repository don't recognize the -useWarnings flag.

Test Flags

There are two flags defined for testing the verification code:

  • -debug=<level>
    Sets an integer level for showing any Debugf() statements in the code. As of 2024-01-11 there is only one in the test suite code at a level of 1. This statement dumps the current JSON log record.1
  • -useWarnings
    Activates the warning system (see Warnings) below. Without this flag the tests fail on errors in the usual manner. When this flag is present tests succeed and warnings are presented in the go test output.


The test harness that drives verification has some limitations.

Verification only makes sense for JSON handlers, which are generally used to feed log records into downstream processing. Text and console handlers don't have a consistent format. While it might be useful to test those handlers as well, the difficulty of parsing various output formats argues against it.2


Creator objects are factories for generating new slog.Logger objects.

Detailed documentation on this is provided in the README for the infra package.


A "warning" facility is built into many of the tests to provide a way to:

  • avoid scanning through a lot of go test error logs in detail over and over,
  • get a compressed set of warnings about issues after testing is done, and
  • provide a list of known issues in the test suite.


Compare the simple example above with the following excerpt from the current (2024-01-15) test suite for phsym/zeroslog:3

// Test_slog_zerolog_phsym runs tests for the physym zerolog handler.
func Test_slog_zerolog_phsym(t *testing.T) {
    slogSuite := tests.NewSlogTestSuite(creator.SlogPhsymZerolog())
    suite.Run(t, slogSuite)

The various WarnOnly() calls configure a set of warnings that are recognized by the test suite. Each warning is recognized by one or more tests, which execute different code when the warning is configured. When such a test is run and the relevant warning is set the test executes code that "warns only" instead of running the usual Go testing assertions (resulting in test failures). The test suite will succeed (PASS) and the following result data will show at the end (2024-01-15):

Warnings for phsym/zeroslog:
     2 [EmptyAttributes] Empty attribute(s) logged ("":null)
           {"level":"info","":null,"first":"one","pi":3.141592653589793,"time":"2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00","message":"This is a message"}
           {"level":"info","first":"one","":null,"pi":3.141592653589793,"time":"2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00","message":"This is a message"}
     1 [GroupEmpty] Empty (sub)group(s) logged
           {"level":"info","first":"one","group":{"second":2,"third":"3","subGroup":{}},"time":"2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00","message":"This is a message"}
     1 [ZeroTime] Zero time is logged
         TestZeroTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
           {"level":"info","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","message":"This is a message"}
     6 [MessageKey] Wrong message key (should be 'msg')
         TestCancelledContext: `message`
         TestCancelledContext: `message`
         TestKey: `message`
         TestKeys: `message`
         TestZeroPC: `message`
         TestZeroTime: `message`
     4 [NoReplAttr] HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr not available
         TestReplaceAttr: too many attributes: 6, alpha == beta, change still exists, remove still exists
         TestReplaceAttrBasic: too many attributes: 4, time field still exists, message field still exists, source == <nil>
         TestReplaceAttrFnLevelCase: level value not null
         TestReplaceAttrFnRemoveTime: time value not empty string
     1 [SourceKey] Source data not logged when AddSource flag set
         TestKey: no 'source' key
           {"level":"info","caller":"/snap/go/10489/src/reflect/value.go:596","time":"2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00","message":"This is a message"}
     3 [Duplicates] Duplicate field(s) found
         TestAttributeDuplicate: map[alpha:2 charlie:3]
         TestAttributeWithDuplicate: map[alpha:2 charlie:3]
           {"level":"info","first":"one","":{"second":2,"third":"3","fourth":"forth"},"pi":3.141592653589793,"time":"2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00","message":"This is a message"}
    10 [LevelCase] Log level in lowercase
         TestCancelledContext: 'info'
         TestCancelledContext: 'info'
         TestKey: 'info'
         TestKeyCase: 'debug'
         TestKeyCase: 'info'
         TestKeyCase: 'warn'
         TestKeyCase: 'error'
         TestKeys: 'info'
         TestZeroPC: 'info'
         TestZeroTime: 'info'
     1 [TimeMillis] slog.Time() logs milliseconds instead of nanoseconds
         TestLogAttributes: 2024-01-21T08:57:18-08:00

Warning Result Format

Each warning entry in the results has the following format:

  <count> <warning-text>
            <test-function-name>[: <optional-text>]
            ...<more instances>...

The first line has the <count> of times the warning was raised followed by the <warning-text> of the warning. After that there are <count> blocks of data, one for each instance of the warning.

For each instance there are one or two lines. The first line shows the <test-function-name> in which the warning was raised. There may also be a colon followed by <optional-text> further describing the specific instance of the warning.

The optional second line shows the <optional-log-record> which is the JSON log record generated by the slog handler for the test. It is often, but not always, the case that <optional-text> makes an <optional-log-record> redundant.

Warning Details

Each of the warnings is intended to represent a feature that is required, might be expected, or provides administrative information. Details on individual warnings.


Warnings have been defined for cases that I have seen thus far for the rather limited number of handlers for which I have configured tests. I can think of other possible warnings, but I am loath to configure them unless they are needed.4 If your handler comes up with a new error condition for which there are tests but no warning you can either fix your handler or file a ticket.

The -useWarnings flag tends to result in the results being buried in the normal go test output. This can be fixed by implementing a global TestMain() function.

Warnings will only be visible when running go test if the -v flag is used.


Normally the warning results will show up in a block in the middle of go test output. This is due to the way the default test harness works.

It is possible to override the default test harness by defining a global function TestMain(). The verify/tests package provides a convenient function to support this. Define the following TestMain() function:

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {

This function may be defined in the same _test.go file as the handler test. If multiple handler tests are in the same directory:

  • It will be necessary to move the TestMain() definition to a separate file, such as the verify/main_test.go.
  • An addition listing of which handlers throw each warning will be added after the normal output:
 Handlers by warning:
    [EmptyAttributes] Empty attribute(s) logged ("":null)
    [GroupEmpty] Empty (sub)group(s) logged
    [Resolver] LogValuer objects are not resolved
    [ZeroPC] SourceKey logged for zero PC
    [ZeroTime] Zero time is logged
    [DefaultLevel] Handler doesn't default to slog.LevelInfo
    [MessageKey] Wrong message key (should be 'msg')
    [NoReplAttr] HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr not available
    [NoReplAttrBasic] HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr not available for basic fields
    [SourceKey] Source data not logged when AddSource flag set
    [Duplicates] slog.Duration() logs seconds instead of nanoseconds
    [LevelCase] Log level in lowercase
    [TimeMillis] slog.Time() logs milliseconds instead of nanoseconds

This listing isn't shown unless there are multiple test suites run in the same call to go test.

In the absence of a TestMain definition the warnings will not be shown. Add the tests.WithWarnings(m) line to the end of the main test, after the call to Run the test suite.


  1. The --debug flag and Debugf function are defined in the test package in this repository.

  2. An additional argument is that using a non-JSON output is generally only done when writing/testing/debugging code manually and doesn't require the verification level as JSON output which is generally done to support downstream processing of logs.

  3. Respect to the handler's author, I'm not picking on you, I just need an example here. 😉

  4. I am lazy.