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Layered Safety

Objective-C is different from Rustcitation needed. In particular, Rust has a concept of "safety" (see the nomicon for details), which Objective-C completely lacks.

You will find when using the framework crates that basically everything (that has not been manually audited) is unsafe. So you might rightfully ask: What's the point then? Can't I just use msg_send!, and save the extra dependency? Yes, you could, but in fact the framework crates are much safer than doing method calling manually, even though you may end up writing unsafe just as many times. I dub this "layered safety"1 to capture the fact that not all usage of unsafe is created equally!

Simply put, when using an unsafe method in e.g. objc2-foundation, you have to ensure the compiler of much fewer things than when doing method calling manually. To see why this is the case, let me guide you through the various abstraction layers that the framework crates and objc2 provide, and we'll see how each step makes things safer!

The framework crates are not perfect though, and there may be cases where you have to drop down into lower-level details; luckily though, the fact that we have this layered architecture with each step exposed along the way allows you to do exactly that!

1: I haven't heard this concept named before, if you know of prior art on this please let me know.

Layer 1: objc_msgSend

Unlike C APIs where you define an extern "C" function that you want to call, method calling is done in Objective-C using the "trampoline functions" objc_msgSend, objc_msgSend_stret, objc_msgSend_fpret and so on. Which of these is correct depends on the target architecture and the calling convention. Furthermore, to use these you first have to cast them to the correct function signature using mem::transmute.

This is actually what's done in the standard library, since they need to do it so rarely, and the extra dependency on a crate wouldn't be worth the cost.


Doing the Rust equivalent of Objective-C's NSUInteger hash_code = [obj hash];.

# // Fails with `unstable-c-unwind`, so disabled for now.
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::ffi::c_char;
use objc2::ffi::{objc_object, objc_msgSend, sel_registerName, NSUInteger, SEL};

let obj: *const objc_object;
# let obj = &*objc2::runtime::NSObject::new() as *const objc2::runtime::NSObject as *const _;
let sel = unsafe { sel_registerName(b"hash\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char) };
let msg_send_fn = unsafe {
        unsafe extern "C" fn(),
        unsafe extern "C" fn(*const objc_object, SEL) -> NSUInteger,
let hash_code = unsafe { msg_send_fn(obj, sel) };

Layer 2: MessageReceiver

We can improve on this using MessageReceiver::send_message, which abstracts away the calling convention details, as well as adding an Encode bound on all the involved types. This ensures that we don't accidentally try to pass e.g. a Vec<T>, which does not have a stable memory layout.

Additionally, when debug_assertions are enabled, the types involved in the message send are compared to the types exposed in the Objective-C runtime. This cannot catch mistakes like passing null where a non-null object was expected, but it helps a lot with accidentally passing a &c_int where int was expected.


We'll reuse the hash example from above again.

use objc2::ffi::NSUInteger;
use objc2::runtime::{MessageReceiver, NSObject, Sel};

let obj: &NSObject;
# let obj = &*objc2::runtime::NSObject::new();
let sel = Sel::register("hash");
let hash_code: NSUInteger = unsafe {
    MessageReceiver::send_message(obj, sel, ())

Layer 3a: msg_send!

Introducing macros: msg_send! can abstract away the tediousness of writing the selector expression, as well as ensuring that the number of arguments to the method is correct. It also handles details surrounding Objective-C's BOOL type.


The hash example again.

use objc2::ffi::NSUInteger;
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::msg_send;

let obj: &NSObject;
# let obj = &*objc2::runtime::NSObject::new();
let hash_code: NSUInteger = unsafe { msg_send![obj, hash] };

That example is now pretty close to as minimal as it gets, so let's introduce something more complex; creating and using an instance of NSData.

use objc2::ffi::NSUInteger;
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::{class, msg_send};

let obj: *const NSObject = unsafe { msg_send![class!(NSData), new] };
let length: NSUInteger = unsafe { msg_send![obj, length] };
// We have to specify the return type here, see layer 4 below
let _: () = unsafe { msg_send![obj, release] };

Layer 3b: msg_send_id!

As you can see in the new example involving NSData, it can be quite tedious to remember the release call when you're done with the object. Furthermore, whether you need to retain and release the object involves subtle rules that depend on the name of the method!

Objective-C solved this years ago with the introduction of "ARC". Similarly, we can solve this with msg_send_id! and the smart pointer rc::Retained, which work together to ensure that the memory management of the object is done correctly.


The NSData example again.

use objc2::ffi::NSUInteger;
use objc2::rc::Retained;
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::{class, msg_send, msg_send_id};

let obj: Retained<NSObject> = unsafe { msg_send_id![class!(NSData), new] };
let length: NSUInteger = unsafe { msg_send![&obj, length] };
// `obj` goes out of scope, `release` is automatically sent to the object

Layer 4: extern_x macros

There's still a problem with the above: we can't actually make a reusable hash nor length function, since NSObject can refer to any object, and all objects do not actually respond to that method.

To help with this, we have the extern_class! macro, which define a new type resembling NSObject, but which represents the NSData class instead.

This allows us to make a completely safe API for downstream users!

Along with this, we can now use the extern_methods! macro to help with defining our methods, which is also a big improvement over the msg_send! / msg_send_id! macros, since it allows us to directly "see" the types, instead of having them work by type-inference.


The NSData example again.

use objc2::ffi::NSUInteger;
use objc2::rc::Retained;
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::{extern_class, extern_methods, mutability, ClassType};

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct NSData;

    unsafe impl ClassType for NSData {
        type Super = NSObject;
        type Mutability = mutability::InteriorMutable;

    unsafe impl NSData {
        pub fn new() -> Retained<Self>;

        pub fn length(&self) -> NSUInteger;

let obj = NSData::new();
let length = obj.length();

Layer 5: Framework crates

Apple has a lot of Objective-C code, and manually defining an interface to all of it would take a lifetime. Especially keeping track of which methods are nullable, and which are not, is difficult.

Instead, we can autogenerate the above definition from the headers directly using type information exposed by clang, giving us a very high confidence that it is correct!


The NSData example again.

use objc2_foundation::NSData;

let obj = NSData::new();
let length = obj.length();