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The Agilent2Dicom package is a series of bash and python scripts to convert FDF (Vnmrj reconstruction) and FID (raw k-space) images from the Agilent 9.4T MR scanner at Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI) into enhanced MR DICOM images. Further development has added new features for filtering and noise removal.

Homepage: Project's MBI intranet homepage

Version: 2.0.3



Basic overview

The Agilent2Dicom package is for converting high-field MR images to enhanced DICOM formats. The idea stemmed from poor reconstruction and implementation of the DICOM format on the Vnmrj system used by the Agilent 9.4T MR scanner. Amanda Ng initiated the project with a simple fdf converter. Michael Eager has since expanded the features to include enhanced DICOM conversion, full implementation for all sequences, FID complex filtering, and PYQT4 GUIs.

FDF reconstructed images are converted to enhanced DICOM by the FDF2DCM suite (,, and is a wrapping bash script that cleans up the input arguments and calls a python script agilent2dicom to do the conversion of FDF files to basic 2D DICOM files. then calls dicom3tools' dcmulti to compress the basic MR format to an enhanced MR format. It requires an input directory containing FDF images, with optional arguments for the output directory that defaults to a subdrectory called .dcm in the input directory. By default the output dicom file is named 0001.dcm and any multiple dicom files are incremented from 1.

FID file formats contain the raw k-space data from the scanner. The FID2DCM suite (,, enable the reconstruction and conversions of images to DICOM. A feature of the reconstruction enables adjustable filtering in complex space and storage of phase information. allows filtering of real and imaginary reconstructed images using Gaussian, Laplace- Gaussian, median and wiener filters. allows for filtering in the Fourier domain, as well as zero-padding super-resolution methods.

Agilent Console GUI

A first attempt at a GUI interface, fdf2dicom, was developed to be used by instrument scientists on the Agilent RedHat console for FDF conversion only. This requires python 2.6 and Tkinter.


[vnmr1@vnmrj1 s_2014062002]$ fdf2dicom

An updated GUI (version 2), Agilent2DicomAppQt, uses PyQt4 and enables more features including FID filtering and double-resolution conversion. With the Agilent2Dicom path included in the PATH variable, the GUI can be loaded from the terminal from any folder:


[vnmr1@vnmrj1 s_2014062002]$

On MASSIVE, import the necessary modules, scipy and pyqt4 packages, using the following commands:


module load python/2.7.3-gcc pyqt4
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/pyqt4/4.11/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:/usr/local/python/2.7.3-gcc/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/local/python/2.7.1-gcc/lib/python2.7/site-packages 

The current GUI (version 2.1) is called AgilentImageProcessing.


FDF conversion to DICOM

Command-line usage of the FDF2DCM suite is as follows:


[eagerm@m2101 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -v -i  ../ExampleAgilentData/standard2d -o ../output_data/standard2d

The verbose argument (-v) gives more information and prompts the user if they would like to delete any existing intermediate or final DICOM files.

The crux of the script is performed within the agilent2dicom python script. For conversion to standard 2D dicoms without combination using DCMULTI, use as follows:


[eagerm@m2101 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -v -i ../ExampleAgilentData/standard2d -o ../output_data/standard2d

FID filtering and conversion to DICOM

A script for processing raw FID data was developed and enables filtering and bespoke reconstruction of MR data. fid2dicom is the main wrapper script that uses and as its core. The arguments to fid2dicom are similar to fdf2dcm in that it requires an input directory, and an optional output directory. fid2dicom has additional arguments for complex filtering including Gaussian, Gaussian Laplace, Median, and Wiener filters.

** Warning: filtering applicable to isotropic 3D volumes. Non-isotropic filtering must be done with prior knowledge of dimension and voxel resolution sizes. **

Basic FID2DCM usage from the command-line is as follows:


[eagerm@m2102 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -i inputdir.fid -o outputdir.dcm -v -m -p -k -g 1.0 

The enhanced DICOM files of the raw reconstruction will be stored in "outputdir.dcm". A Gaussian filter with sigma=1.0 is used on the real and imaginary components of the reconstructed image. The magnitude and phase of the Gaussian filtered image will be stored in -gaussian-mag.dcm and -gaussian-pha.dcm, respectively. The -k argument saves the k-space data to a MATLAB mat file (-ksp.mat).

More advanced usage using Fourier Epanechnikov filter, with super-resolution:


[eagerm@m2102 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -i inputdir.fid -o outputdir.dcm -v -m -Y 1.87 -D 

Current bugs and faults

For bugs and faults see debugging page.

How do I get set up?



  • python (2.6 or greater)
    • python-dicom
    • python-numpy
    • python-scipy (for complex filtering)
    • pyqt4 (for newest GUI Agilent2DicomQt and Agilent2DicomAppQt)
    • nibabel (for quick NiFTI creation)
    • tkinter (for old GUI fdf2dicom on Agilent console)
  • dicom3tools (dcmulti, dciodvfy, dcdump)
  • dcmtk (dcmodify and dcmdump)
  • mrtrix (0.2.12 or mrtrix3)

Advanced usage



[eagerm@m2101 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -h
 usage: ./ -i inputdir [-o outputdir] [-v] [-m] [-p]
 -i <inputdir> FDF source directory
 -o <outputdir> Optional destination DICOM directory. Default is input_dir/.dcm.
 -v             verbose output.
 -m,-p          Enable magnitude and phase sub-directory conversion. These flags are
passed to agilent2dicom and should only be used from within fdf2dcm or with knowledge
of input fdf data.
 -s <SEQ>            Sequence type (one of MULTIECHO,DIFFUSION,ASL).
 -x             Debug mode.
 -v		Verbose output
 -h             this help has short and long arguments:


[eagerm@m2101 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -h
usage: agilent2dicom -i "Input FDF directory" [-o "Output directory"] [-m] [-p] [-v] 
agilent2dicom is an FDF to Enhanced MR DICOM converter from MBI.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUTDIR, --inputdir INPUTDIR
                        Input directory name. Must be an Agilent .img
                        directory containing procpar and fdf files
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        Output directory name for DICOM files.
  -m, --magnitude       Magnitude component flag.
  -p, --phase           Phase component flag.
  -s SEQUENCE, --sequence SEQUENCE
                        Sequence type (one of Multiecho, Diffusion, ASL.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose.) 


Advanced FID2DCM usage from the command-line is as follows:


[eagerm@m2102 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -h

 usage: ./ -i inputdir [-o outputdir] [-v] [-m] [-p] [-r]
[-k] [-N] [[-g 1.0 -j 0 -e wrap] [-l 1.0] [-n 5] [ -w 5 -z 0.001][-y
1.0 -j 0 -e wrap]]

  To export recon components use magnitude (-m), phase (-p), real and
  imag (-r) or k-space (-k). Filtering is available for Gaussian filter
  (-g sigma), Laplace Gaussian filter (-l sigma), median filter (-n
  window_size), Wiener filter (-w window_size) or Epanechnikov filter
  (-y <bandwidth>). K-space Fourier filtering is available for Gaussian
  (-G <sigma>) and Epanechnikov (-Y <bandwidth>) filters.

 -i <inputdir>  FID source directory
 -o <outputdir> Optional destination DICOM directory. Default is input_dir/.dcm.
 -d             Disable dcmodify fixes to DICOMs.
 -m,-p,         Save magnitude and phase components.  These flags are passed to fid2dicom
                        and should only be used from within fid2dcm or with knowledge of input fid data.
 -r             Save real and imaginary components of filtered image.
 -k             Save Kspace data.
 -N             Save filtered outputs to NIFTI.
 -g <sigma>     Gaussian filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and
                        IM components. Sigma variable argument, default 1/srqt(2).
 -G <sigma>     Fourier Gaussian filter smoothing of k-space RE and
                        IM components. Sigma variable argument, default size/1/srqt(2).
 -j <order>     Gaussian filter order variable argument, default 0.
 -e {'wrap','reflect','nearest','mirror'}  Gaussian filter mode variable
                        argument, default=nearest.
 -l <sigma>     Gaussian Laplace filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and
                        IM components. Sigma variable argument, default 1/srqt(2).
 -L <sigma>     Fourier Laplace-of-Gaussian filter smoothing of k-space RE and
                        IM components. Sigma variable argument, default size/1/srqt(2).
 -n <wsize>     Median filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and IM components.
                        Size variable argument, default 5.
 -w <wsize>     Wiener filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and IM components.
                        Size variable argument, default 5.
 -z <noise>     Wiener filter noise variable.
                        Default 0 (or none) variance calculated in local region and
                        can be quite computationally expensive.
 -y <bwidth>    Epanechnikov filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and
                        IM components. Bandwidth variable argument, default sqrt(Dim+4))/srqt(2).
 -Y <bwidth>    Fourier Epanechnikov filter. Smoothing of k-space RE and
                        IM components. Sigma variable argument, default size/sqrt(Dim+4)/srqt(2).
 -D             Double resolution in k-space with zero-padding and recon.
                        !!!Warning!!! this increases size on disk by a factor of 8.
 -C             Disable k-space shift centering to maxima
 -x             Debug mode.
 -v             Verbose output.
 -h             this help has slightly different arguments to


[eagerm@m2108 Agilent2Dicom]$ ./ -h

usage: -i "Input FID directory" [-o "Output directory"] [-m]
[-p] [-r] [-k] [-N] [-v] [[-g -s 1.0 [-go 0 -gm wrap]] [-l -s 1.0] [-d
-n 5] [-w -n 5] [-y -b 1.0 -n 3]] [[-D] [-G -s 1.0] [-L -s 1.0][-Y -b
1.0 -n 3]]

fid2dicom is an Agilent FID to Enhanced MR DICOM converter from MBI. Complex
filtering is available for gaussian (-g), laplacian (-l), median (-d),
epanechnikov (-y), stdev (-sd) or wiener (-w) filters. Fourier domain
filtering is available for Gaussian (-G), Epanechnikov (-Y) and Laplacian
(-L). Super-resolution (-D) is generated from zero-padding filtered kspace.
!!!WARNING!!! This produces images 8 times larger than the original and are
stored as NIFTI. Save different components of reconstruction or complex
filtering including magnitude (-m), phase (-p), or real and imaginary (-r).
K-space data can also be saved as a MATLAB mat file (-k). Save images as NIFTI
using -N. FID2DICOM Version 1.8

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUTDIR, --inputdir INPUTDIR
                        Input directory name. Must be an Agilent FID image
                        directory containing procpar and fid files
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        Output directory name for DICOM files.
  -m, --magnitude       Save Magnitude component. Default output of filtered
                        image output
  -p, --phase           Save Phase component.
  -k, --kspace          Save Kspace data in outputdir-ksp.mat file
  -r, --realimag        Save real and imaginary data in outputdir-real and
  -N, --nifti           Save filtered outputs to NIFTI.
  -D, --double_resolution
                        Zero pad k-space data before reconstruction to double
                        resolution in image space.
  -g, --gaussian_filter
                        Gaussian filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and IM
  -G, --FT_gaussian_filter
                        Gaussian filter smoothing in Fourier domain. Fourier
                        transform of Gaussian filter applied to Kspace before
  -l, --gaussian_laplace
                        Gaussian Laplace filter smoothing of reconstructed RE
                        and IM components. -s/--sigma variable must be
  -s SIGMA, --sigma SIGMA
                        Gaussian and Laplace-Gaussian sigma variable. Default
  -go {0,1,2,3}, --gaussian_order {0,1,2,3}
                        Gaussian and Laplace-Gaussian order variable. Default
  -gm {reflect,constant,nearest,mirror,wrap}, --gaussian_mode {reflect,constant,nearest,mirror,wrap}
                        Gaussian and Laplace-Gaussian mode variable. Default
  -d, --median_filter   Median filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and IM
  -w, --wiener_filter   Wiener filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and IM
  -y, --epanechnikov_filter
                        Epanechnikov filter smoothing of reconstructed RE and
                        IM components.
                        Epanechnikov bandwidth variable default sqrt(7/2).
  -n WINDOW_SIZE, --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        Window size of Wiener and Median filters. Default 5.
  -wn WIENER_NOISE, --wiener_noise WIENER_NOISE
                        Wiener filter noise. Estimated variance of image. If
                        none or zero, local variance is calculated. Default
  -sd, --standard_deviation_filter
                        Standard deviation filter of reconstructed RE and IM
  -sp, --standard_deviation_phase
                        Standard deviation filter of reconstructed phase.
  -sm, --standard_deviation_magn
                        Standard deviation filter of reconstructed magnitude.
    -C, --no_centre_shift
                        Disable centering maximum in k-space data.
  -cASL, --cardiac_ASL_recon
                        Use UCL cardiac ASL recon.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose.

The Gaussian sigma, window size, and Epanechnikov bandwidth variables can be declared a single scalar value or a three-element tuple. The preferred method for ansitropic images is to calculate the full width half maximum in millimeters in each dimension, then divide by the voxel resolution. The kidney example below is isotropic. The T2 coronal example has a resolution of 0.02 mm x 0.02 mm x 0.4 mm. In this case we want to reduce the smoothing in the third dimension by a factor of 20.


./ -v -m -g -s 0.707 -i ../ExampleAgilentData//kidney512iso_01.fid 
./ -v -m -g -s 0.707,0.707,0.035 -i ../example_data/s_2014072901/T2-cor_01.fid -o ../output_data/s_2014072901/T2-cor_01.dcm

An isotropic example with different FOV lengths does not require a tuple for sigma. The multi-echo GRE example below outputs the magnitude and phase components of image-space filtered, k-space filtered, and k-space filtered double-resolution images from Gaussian and Epanechnikov filters.


cd ~/Monash016/eagerm/Agilent2Dicom/
./ -v -N -D -g -G -s 0.707 -y -Y -b 1.8707 -m -p -i ../SheepfetusBrain/s_2014072501/mge3d-100um_01.fid/ -o ../SheepfetusBrain/s_2014072501/mge3d-100um_01.dcm/

To convert scan to enhanced MR format use the advanced wrapper shell script (as used by the GUI)):


cd ~/Monash016/eagerm/Agilent2Dicom/
./ -v -N -D -g 0.707 -G 0.707 -y 1.8707 -Y 1.8707 -m -p -i ../SheepfetusBrain/s_2014072501/mge3d-100um_01.fid/ -o ../SheepfetusBrain/s_2014072501/mge3d-100um_01.dcm/

Simple Dicom to enhanced Dicom

To exclusively run the enhanced MR conversion with dcmulti and, a simple wrapper bash script called was created.

Multi-echo, diffusion and ASL dicoms are accepted if the input directory contains appropriate temporary files.

Use an input directory of standard dicoms (-i ) with an output path (-o

), and an optional number of echoes argument (-e):


./ -e 3 -i ../example_data/s_2015030302/mge3d-1_01.dcm/tmp -o ../example_data/s_2015030302/mge3d-1_01.dcm 

The enhanced MR output file is checked by dciodvfy with any errors in the log file ".log".

How to run tests

FDF and FID examples are available on MASSIVE working repository ExampleAgilentData, these include standard 2d, multi-echo 3D, multi-echo 2D complex, fast spin echo 3D, diffusion (EPI and FSE), ASL, and CINE images. Most FDF images are reconstructed from Vnmrj internally, but some can be externally reconstructed and these are slightly different and need to be tested.

The Makefile contains examples to be used on MASSIVE. These include standard2d, me3d, me2d, diffusion, asl, cine and other specific protocol examples. These will execute:

  • run_{} runs the FDF Agilent to dicom process and conversion of DICOMs to NIFTI;
  • check_{}, check the dimensions of the Dicom and NiFTI files;
  • test_{}, runs the dciodvfy on the first dicom to validate the conversion to enhanced MR;
  • view_{}, view the DICOM image using mrview; and
  • viewn_{}, view the NIFTI formatted image.

To make all the examples and test them use:


make all
make test_all

Python script testing

  • Procpar scripts contains ReadProcpar method. ReadProcpar is used to read Agilent FDF config files contains the ProcparToDicomMap, getColumns and CreatUID methods. ProcparToDicomMap is used to map Agilent FDF header file (procpar) to DICOM dataset format.

Test the Procpar methods for multi-echo 3D:


python ./ -v -i  ../ExampleAgilentData/multiecho3d_magonly/
python ./ -v -i  ../ExampleAgilentData/multiecho3d_magonly/
  • FDF scripts contains the ReadFDF method. contains the Rescale and FindScale methods. contains the ParseFDF, ParseDiffusionFDF and ParseASL methods.

Testing the ParseFDF methods for multi-echo 3D, gradient-echo 3D and diffusion examples:


python ./ -v -i ../ExampleAgilentData/multiecho3d_magonly/
python ./ -v -i ../ExampleAgilentData/diffusion/

Complex filtering and reconstruction of FID data contains the readfid and recon methods for FID data conversion. includes the complex filtering methods from scipy.ndimage.filters gaussian_filter, median_filter, gaussian_laplace and the scipy.signal method wiener_filter. Testing requires the python-nibabel package for faster exporting and viewing of medical images in NIFTI format.

Python-scipy is not supported in python/2.7.1-gcc on MASSIVE, but python-dicom not supported in python/2.7.3. By including the site-package path of both versions allows testing on the cplxfilter methods. will export simple nigti files for raw, gaussian, etc. given an input path:


module unload python 
module load python/2.7.3-gcc
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/python/2.7.1-gcc/lib/python2.7/site-packages 
python2.7 ./ -i ../ExampleAgilentData/kidney512iso_01.fid
fslview raw_image.nii.gz new_image.nii.gz median_image.nii.gz also allows rearranging the image based on a three element argument (eg. -a 2,-0,-1). The negative sign will reverse the slices along the axis. can perform filtering in the Fourier domain. FID k-space data can be filtered before recon - drastically improving processing time. Filter methods include Gaussian, Laplacian enhancement, Laplace of Gaussian, and in-homogeneous MR bias correction. Double image resolution can also be achieved by zero-padding the outside of the kspace data.

Use ipython for interactive sessions with kspace_filter:


ipython -i ./ -- -v -i ../ExampleAntData/kidney512iso_01.fid/ -o ../ExampleAgilentData/kidney512iso_01.dcm/ 

Contribution guidelines

Writing tests

New example FDF image type testing procedures should have:

  • a 'run_' routine that converts the FDF folder to DICOM and converts the DICOMs to NiFTI;
  • a check_' routine that displays the dimensions of the dicom and NiFTI files;
  • a test_ routine that runs dciodvfy on the Dicom files;
  • [optional] a view_ routine for mrview and fslview to show the DICOM or NIFTI images

See examples in Makefile.

Complex and K-space filters should have a test method for each new filter. See main sections of and

Code review

Other guidelines

Use pylint, pyflakes and autopep8 to cleanup the python scripts. Use shellcheck for shell scripts.

Who do I talk to?



Copyright 2014 Michael Eager (

This file is part of the Agilent2Dicom package.

The Agilent2Dicom package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The Agilent2Dicom package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Agilent2Dicom source code. If not, see