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Developing and debugging the Magda CKAN Export Minion

This will assume that you have magda and this minion at the same level (~).

$ tree
├── magda
│   └── stuff
├── magda-minion-ckan-exporter
│   └── stuff


To build the minion, run the following commands:

yarn install
yarn run build
eval $(minikube docker-env)
yarn run docker-build-local

This will build the minion and push an image to your local docker registry.

cd to magda and run:

helm repo update
helm dep build deploy/helm/internal-charts/storage-api
helm dep build deploy/helm/magda-core
helm dep build deploy/helm/magda

Then delete the minion tgz.

rm -r deploy/helm/magda/charts/magda-minion-ckan-publisher-0.0.57-0.tgz

How to link local repo to magda-core

Set a symbolic link in magda-core that points to the minion. Assuming that magda lives in ~/magda and the minion lives in ~/magda-minion-ckan-exporter, you want to run:

ln -s ~/magda-minion-ckan-exporter/deploy/magda-minion-ckan-exporter ~/magda/deploy/helm/magda/charts/magda-minion-ckan-exporter

Lastly, to make magda pull the minion images from your local registry instead of docker hub, go to minikube-dev.yml in magda and comment out the following:

    # Remove the image section to make minions pull your test docker images from local docker registry
    # Make sure you build & push the connector docker images to your local docker registry
      tag: 0.0.57-0
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      imagePullSecret: false


Before you deploy, you need to create a k8s secret with a file that contains your CKAN api keys. The map should look like this:

    "": {
        "apiKey": "blah"

To create the secret, run :

$ kubectl create secret generic ckan-exporter-secrets --from-file=/path/to/file.json
secret/ckan-exporter-secrets created

Deploying now should be as simple as running a helm upgrade from magda:

helm upgrade --install --timeout 9999s --wait -f deploy/helm/minikube-dev.yml magda deploy/helm/magda