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Version: 4.2.1

A Helm chart for Kubernetes


Kubernetes: >= 1.14.0-0


Key Type Default Description
appConfig object {"authApi":{"baseUrl":"http://authorization-api"},"elasticSearch":{"serverUrl":"http://opensearch:9200"},"http":{"port":6102},"printFullConfig":false} application config. Allow to configure any application config fields. For all available configuration fields and their default values, please refer to application.conf This config field is available since v2.2.5 Although can be set via .Values.appConfig as well, the following config fields will override the config set via .Values.appConfig: .Values.debug, .Values.datasetsIndexVersion, .Values.regionsIndexVersion, .Values.publishersIndexVersion, .Values.formatsIndexVersion,
appConfig.printFullConfig bool false whether print out full config data at application starting up for debug purpose only
autoscaler.enabled bool false
autoscaler.maxReplicas int 3
autoscaler.minReplicas int 1
autoscaler.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
datasetsIndexVersion string nil Manually set dataset index version. If not specify, default version will be used. you want to manually set this setting when upgrade to a Magda version that involves dataset index version changes. As it takes time to rebuild the index, you could use this setting to make search API query existing old version index before the new version index is built.
debug bool false when set to true, search API will print verbose debug info (e.g. ES DSL query) to log
defaultImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
defaultImage.pullSecrets bool false
defaultImage.repository string ""
formatsIndexVersion string nil Manually set format index version. If not specify, default version will be used. you want to manually set this setting when upgrade to a Magda version that involves region index version changes. As it takes time to rebuild the index, you could use this setting to make search API query existing old version index before the new version index is built. string "magda-search-api"
publishersIndexVersion string nil Manually set publisher index version. If not specify, default version will be used. you want to manually set this setting when upgrade to a Magda version that involves region index version changes. As it takes time to rebuild the index, you could use this setting to make search API query existing old version index before the new version index is built.
regionsIndexVersion string nil Manually set region index version. If not specify, default version will be used. you want to manually set this setting when upgrade to a Magda version that involves region index version changes. As it takes time to rebuild the index, you could use this setting to make search API query existing old version index before the new version index is built.
resources.limits.cpu string "200m"
resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
resources.requests.memory string "300Mi"

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1