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Tomasz Gromowski edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 47 revisions

This page describes the steps and setup needed to be able to contribute code changes to any of the project repositories.

Development Environment

Essentially there are two different Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) used within the project, IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

Where to start?

You can use the good first issue tag on our GitHub repository to search for good starter tasks. As you are working on your starter task, refer to the subsections of this page for guidance on how to author a pull request (PR) and Code Contributing Conventions for code conventions in Magma. Once your PR is approved and merged, you're now an official contributor to the Magma project!

Also join our community Slack channel via the link from the Community page and say hello in the #general channel. We can point you toward a good starter task or guide you choosing appropriate tasks given your skill set and the Magma roadmap.

Next to the GitHub Wiki also consider the documentation in DocuSaurus as a valuable information source.

Coding Guidelines

As coding guidelines are quite extensive, you can find them in the separate page about Code Contributing Conventions.

Developing Workflow

Magma follows the standard "fork and pull-request" development workflow. For more information on this workflow, consider the following resources:

Once your PR has been approved and passed all CI checks, use the ready2merge label to indicate the maintainers can merge it.

Commit and pull-request guidelines


Signed-off commits

You must sign-off all commits on the originating branch for a PR. There is a CI check that will fail if any commit in your branch has an unsigned commit or an invalid signature. Git has a built-in flag for sign-off.

Pull-request and commit message title are following conventional commits format

Labeled backward-breaking pull requests

Backward-breaking PRs must use the breaking change label. All breaking changes and their mitigation steps will be aggregated in the subsequent release notes. A breaking change fits one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The change will require manual intervention on the next upgrade (e.g. a data migration script).
  2. The change will break the southbound interfaces between AGW and Orchestrator in a way that will require both components to upgrade in a coordinated way.

Further Guidelines

Convincing test plan

For non-trivial PRs, codeowners will require you to include a test plan detailing any manual verification steps you took.

Imperative mood for pull-request title and description

A simple way to check this is to mentally prepend the phrase "This commit will ..." to the title and each bullet point of your description.

Testing code locally

Code Review Process

If you create a pull request against the Magma master branch, a codeowner will automatically be assigned to the PR for review. In addition, most PRs will be tested by an extensive set of CI checks (see below).

Once all required CI checks passed and you have at least one approval from the respective codeowners, you can set the ready2merge label and a maintainer will get your changes landed.

Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Deployment (CD)

When a PR is submitted to the Magma repository, a suite of CI tests and analysis is executed. Checks marked as required must pass for a PR to be merged.

Most of the checks are implemented as GitHub Actions, which need to run successfully. Anything not in GitHub to date is planned to be migrated in the future.

Blocking checks

ToDo: If and when documentation on components is migrated, the links here need to be updated.

Note: No user mentions in GitHub wiki so far:

Merge blocking CI checks are listed below.

Check Name Purpose Owner Remediation Steps
DCO Check Check PR is signed off any maintainer PR guidelines
Semantic PR PR format checker any maintainer PR guidelines
mergefreeze Stop merges during a code freeze @themarwhal N/A
orc8r-build Validate Orc8r builds @magma/approvers-orc8r Orc8r build
cloud-test Run Orc8r unit tests @magma/approvers-orc8r Orc8r tests
cloud_lint Check Orc8r changes satisfy golint @magma/approvers-orc8r Orc8r tests
insync-checkin Ensure generated files are committed @magma/approvers-orc8r Orc8r tests
feg-build Validate FeG builds @magma/approvers-feg FeG build
feg-precommit Run FeG unit tests @magma/approvers-feg FeG tests
nms-build Validate NMS builds @magma/approvers-nms NMS build
eslint Ensure NMS changes satisfy eslint @magma/approvers-nms NMS tests
nms-flow-test Validate NMS changes satisfy flow @magma/approvers-nms NMS tests
nms-yarn-test Run NMS unit tests @magma/approvers-nms NMS tests
nms-e2e-test Run NMS end to end tests @magma/approvers-nms NMS tests
lte-test Run AGW Python unit tests @magma/approvers-agw AGW tests
mme_test Run MME and sctpd unit tests @magma/approvers-agw-mme AGW tests
session_manager_test Run SessionD unit tests @magma/approvers-agw-sessiond AGW tests
orc8r-gateway-test Run Golang unit tests for orc8r/gateway @magma/approvers-agw AGW tests
cwag-precommit Run CWAG unit tests @magma/approvers-cwf CWAG tests
Magma-OAI-Jenkins OAI's MME integration test run on OAI Jenkins @rdefosse N/A
cwf-operator-build Validate CWF deployer builds @magma/approvers-cwf TODO
cwf-operator-precommit Run CWF deployer unit tests @magma/approvers-cwf TODO
Python Format Check Ensure Python changes are formatted @themarwhal AGW formatting
lint-clang-format Ensure C++/C changes are formatted @magma/approvers-agw AGW formatting
markdown-lint Ensure documentation changes are formatted @magma/approvers-docs Docs precommit
C/C++ unit tests with Bazel Run all C/C++ tests covered with Bazel @magma/approvers-agw AGW tests

Non-blocking checks

The CI checks listed below do not block merging on failure.

Check Name Purpose Point of Contact Remediation Steps
Shellcheck by Reviewdog Annotate PRs with shell script static analysis @electronjoe N/A
GCC Warnings & Errors / gen_build_container Passive check generates container for GCC builds @electronjoe N/A
GCC Warnings & Errors / build_oai Annotate PRs with any GCC warnings or errors for MME @electronjoe N/A
GCC Warnings & Errors / build_session_manager Annotate PRs with any GCC warnings or errors for session_manager @electronjoe N/A
Jenkins CWAG Libvirt Run CWF integration tests @themarwhal @mattymo TODO
C / C++ code coverage Upload AGW C/C++ code coverage @electronjoe N/A
Jsonlint gateway.mconfig files Syntax check for mconfig jsons @alexzurbonsen validate json syntax
DP Configuration controller unit tests Run configuration-controller Unit tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A
DP Active mode controller unit tests Run active-mode controller unit tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A
DP Radio controller unit tests Run radio controller unit tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A
Domain proxy db migration test Validate alembic database migrations @magma/approvers-domain-proxy Check alembic migrations
DP DB Service unit tests DB service unit tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A
Domain proxy integration tests Run domain-proxy integration tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A
DP Helm chart smoke tests Run domain-proxy hel m chart smoke tests @magma/approvers-domain-proxy N/A

How to add a new CI check to Magma

To add a non-blocking check,

  1. the table of non-blocking checks must be updated to include the new check with at least the Purpose and PoC filled out.

To add a blocking check,

  1. the table of blocking checks must be updated to include the new check with all columns filled out.
  2. File a proposal to outline the motivation and any relevant timelines and assign to a relevant codeowner or TSC (An example proposal)
  3. Once the proposal is accepted, announce the plan in #dev and coordinate with one of the repo admins to make the switch.