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User Manual


This document is meant to be an overview of all of the capabilities of Mailgun and how you can best leverage those capabilities. It is organized around the three major features that Mailgun provides:

At the heart of Mailgun is the API. Most of the Mailgun service can be accessed through the RESTful HTTP API without the need to install any libraries. However, we have written :ref:`libraries` for many popular languages. Be sure to check out the additional capabilities provided by using our libraries.

You can also access many Mailgun features through your Mailgun Control Panel using your browser and logging in at

In addition to the API, Mailgun supports the standard SMTP protocol. We have included some :ref:`instructions <smtp>` on how to use Mailgun, via SMTP, at the end of the User Manual.

If you are anxious to get started right away, feel free to check out the :ref:`quickstart` or :ref:`api-reference`. There are also :ref:`faqs` and :ref:`best-practices` that you can reference.

Finally, always feel free to contact us:

Getting Started

We've tried to make the sign-up and on-boarding process as intuitive as possible. However, there are a few things to mention.

Pricing & Features Overview


Pricing is a usage-based, monthly subscription. Usage is based on outbound messages and number dedicated IP addresses used. There is no charge for inbound messages. As your volume increases your price per message decreases according to the pricing calculator on our pricing page.

If you are a high volume sender or if you are interested in a custom contract, you can contact for more details.


All of Mailgun's features are available to both free and paid accounts.

There are some limitations if you have not given us your payment information:

  • There is a limit of 10,000 emails per month.
  • Data for Logs and the Events API are stored for 2 days.

If you have given us your payment information, there is no limit on number of messages sent and/or received and data retention for Logs and the Events API is at least 30 days.

Verifying Your Domain

For the best experience using Mailgun, we recommend you add a domain you own (instead of a mailgun subdomain) and verify it by setting up the SPF and DKIM records we provide at your DNS provider. These DNS records simultaneously allow Mailgun to deliver email on your behalf and prove that you are an authorized sender for the domain.

Benefits of verifying your domain:

  • Complete white labeling of your emails so you won't see "sent via" message in your emails.
  • Establishing a positive email reputation for your own domain.
  • The Mailgun reputation system is less suspicious of traffic that is being sent on verified domains and so using one reduces the likelihood of being disabled. Additionally, verified domains are not subject to a sending limit of 300 emails per day.

How to verify your domain:

Verifying your domain is easy. Start by adding a domain or subdomain you own in the Domains tab of your control panel. Once you have added your domain, simply add the two TXT DNS records found in your control panel at your DNS provider. You'll find these DNS records when you click on a domain under the Domains tab on the Mailgun control panel. There are two types of DNS records, Sending and Receiving records. The two TXT records needed to verify your domain are listed under the Sending section.

Though not required to verify your domain, if you want Mailgun to track clicks and opens you can also add the CNAME record. MX records should also be added unless you already have MX records for your domain pointed at another email service provider.

Once you've added the two TXT records and they've propagated, your domain will be verified. In some instances, we may need additional information to verify your domain. If this is the case, we will contact you to resolve the issue.

If you will be creating a lot of domains, Mailgun offers an API endpoint for adding/editing/removing domains from your account. See the :ref:`api-domains` endpoint for more information.

Sending DNS Records

  • SPF: Sending server IP validation. Used by majority of inbound mail servers. SPF Information.
  • DKIM: Like SPF, but uses cryptographic methods for validation. Supported by many inbound mail servers. DKIM Information
  • CNAME: Used for tracking opens and clicks, when enabled. :ref:`tracking-messages`
Type Value Purpose
TXT "v=spf1 ~all" SPF (Required)
TXT Find this record in your Control Panel, Domains Tab DKIM (Required)
CNAME "" Tracking (Optional)

Receiving DNS Records


Do not configure Receiving MX DNS records if you already have another provider handling inbound mail delivery. If you do not have MX records pointing to another mail server, then you should point them to Mailgun to optimize deliverability.

Mail server for handling inbound messages. MX Information

Type Priority Value Purpose
MX 10 Receiving (Optional)
MX 10 Receiving (Optional)

Common DNS Provider Documentation

Common providers are listed below. If yours is not listed, contact your DNS provider for assistance.

GoDaddy: MX - CNAME - TXT

NameCheap: All Records

Network Solutions: MX - CNAME - TXT

Rackspace Email & Apps: All Records

Rackspace Cloud DNS: Developer Guide

Amazon Route 53: Developer Guide

Sending Messages

There are two ways to send messages using Mailgun:

  • SMTP

Both methods work great and support the same feature set, so choose one based on your preferences and requirements.

Sending via API

When sending via HTTP API, Mailgun offers two options:

  • You can send emails in MIME format, but this would require you to use a MIME building library for your programming language.
  • You can submit the individual parts of your messages to Mailgun, such as text and html parts, attachments, and so on. This doesn't require any MIME knowledge on your part.


Mailgun supports maximum messages size of 25MB.

See :ref:`sending messages <api-sending-messages>` section in our API Reference for a full list of message sending options.

Examples: sending messages via HTTP

Sending mails using Mailgun API is extremely simple: as simple as performing an HTTP POST request to an API URL.

Sending a plain text message:

Sample response:

  "message": "Queued. Thank you.",
  "id": "<>"

Sending a message with HTML and text parts. This example also attaches two files to the message:

Sending a MIME message which you pre-build yourself using a MIME library of your choice:

An example of how to toggle tracking on a per-message basis. Note the o:tracking option. This will disable link rewriting for this message:

An example of how to set message delivery time using the o:deliverytime option:

An example of how to tag a message with the o:tag option:

Sending Inline Images

Mailgun assigns content-id to each image passed via inline API parameter, so it can be referenced in HTML part.

Example of sending inline image. Note how image is referenced in HTML part simply by the filename:

Sending via SMTP

Mailgun supports sending via SMTP. Our servers listen on ports 25, 465 (SSL/TLS) and 587 (STARTTLS).


Some ISPs are blocking or throttling SMTP port 25. We recommend using #587 instead.


If you need to configure your firewall, our SMTP/API IP is: This is subject to change without notice!

Use "plain text" SMTP authentication and the credentials from the domain details page in your Control Panel which can be found by clicking on a domain in the Domains Tab. For enhanced security, use TLS encryption.


See SMTP to learn how to configure the most popular SMTP software and email clients to work with Mailgun

Passing Sending Options

When sending a message via SMTP you can pass additional sending options via custom MIME headers listed in the table below.

Header Description
X-Mailgun-Tag Tag string used for aggregating stats. See :ref:`tagging` for more information. You can mark a message with several categories by setting multiple X-Mailgun-Tag headers.
X-Mailgun-Campaign-Id Id of the campaign the message belongs to. See :ref:`um-campaign-analytics` for details. You can assign a message to several campaigns by setting multiple different X-Mailgun-Campaign-Id headers.
X-Mailgun-Dkim Enables/disables DKIM signatures on per-message basis. Use yes or no.
X-Mailgun-Deliver-By Desired time of delivery. See Scheduling Delivery and :ref:`date-format`.
X-Mailgun-Drop-Message Enables sending in test mode. Pass yes if needed. See :ref:`manual-testmode`.
X-Mailgun-Track Toggles tracking on a per-message basis, see :ref:`tracking-messages` for details. Pass yes or no.
X-Mailgun-Track-Clicks Toggles clicks tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting. Pass yes, no or htmlonly.
X-Mailgun-Track-Opens Toggles opens tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting. Pass yes or no.
X-Mailgun-Variables Use this header to attach a custom JSON data to the message. See :ref:`manual-customdata` for more information.

Message Queue

When you submit messages for delivery Mailgun places them in a message queue.

  • You can submit a large amount of messages and Mailgun will automatically queue the delivery in compliance with the receiving domains' guidelines and maximum allowed sending rate optimized for each ESP (email service provider) such as Yahoo, GMail, etc.
  • The Queue is dynamic so as you send more messages, your sending rates will increase, assuming you are sending quality traffic. (See :ref:`best-practices` about warming up IP addresses.) Do not get discouraged if your messages take longer to be delivered at the beginning. As your reputation grows, your sending rate will grow too.

The queueing algorithms are one of the most important features of Mailgun. If you try to send bulk mailings all at once, most ISPs will block you, or worse, just drop your messages without telling you. In addition, it is important to gradually increase your sending rates according to many factors, including consistency of traffic, IP address sending history, and domain reputation.

Batch Sending

Mailgun supports the ability send to a group of recipients through a single API call or SMTP session. This is achieved by either:

  • Using Batch Sending by specifying multiple recipient email addresses as to parameters and using Recipient Variables.
  • Using :ref:`mailing-lists` with Template Variables.


It is important when using Batch Sending to also use Recipient Variables. This tells Mailgun to send each recipient an individual email with only their email in the to field. If they are not used, all recipients' email addresses will show up in the to field for each recipient.

Recipient Variables

Recipient Variables are custom variables that you define, which you can then reference in the message body. They give you the ability to send a custom message to each recipient while still using a single API Call (or SMTP session).

To access a recipient variable within your email, simply reference %recipient.yourkey%. For example, consider the following JSON:

  "" : {"unique_id": "ABC123456789"},
  "" : {"unique_id": "ZXY987654321"}

To reference the above variables within your email, use %recipient.unique_id%.

Recipient Variables allow you to:

  • Submit a message template;
  • Include multiple recipients; and
  • Include a set of key:value pairs with unique data for each recipient.


The maximum number of recipients allowed for Batch Sending is 1,000.


Recipient variables should be set as a valid JSON-encoded dictionary, where key is a plain recipient address and value is a dictionary with variables.

In the example above, Alice and Bob both will get personalized subject lines "Hey, Alice" and "Hey, Bob" and unique unsubscribe links.

When sent via SMTP, recipient variables can be also supplied through a special construct, called a variables container.

To contain variables you create the following MIME construct:

--application/json (base64 encoded)

In this construct, JSON will be Base64 encoded and will be stored inside the part body, which will handle recipient variables containing special characters.


Content-Type: multipart/mailgun-variables; boundary="8686cc907910484e9d21c54776cd791c"
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: bob@bob-mg
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 15:43:07 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Content-Type: message/rfc822
Mime-Version: 1.0

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 19:42:55 +0400
To: %recipient.description% <>
From: bob@bob-mg
Subject: (rackspace) Hello
 MSK 2012 %recipient.description%
Message-Id: <> %recipient.description%


Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists provide a convenient way to send to multiple recipients by using an alias email address. Mailgun sends a copy of the message sent to the alias address to each subscribed member of the Mailing List. You can create and maintain your subscriber lists using the API or Control Panel. In addition, you can use Template Variables to create a unique message for each member of the Mailing List.


To use Mailing Lists you create a Mailing List address, like and add member addresses to it. Each time you send a message to, a copy of it is delivered to each subscribed member.

Managing a list

You can create Mailing Lists using the Mailing List tab in the Control Panel or through the API. We support a couple of formats to make your life easier: you can upload a CSV file with members, use JSON or use form-like file upload.

Creating a mailing list through the API:

Adding a member through the API:


You can attach a JSON dictionary with the structured data to each member of the mailing list and reference that data in the message body using Template Variables (see vars parameter in the example above).


There are two modes available when adding a new member: strict and upsert. Strict will raise an error in case if the member already exists, upsert will update an existing member if it's here or insert a new one. Learn how to toggle between the the modes and skip malformed addresses in the :ref:`api-mailinglists` API section.

Sending to a list

You can set the access level of Mailing Lists to:

  • Only allow the administrator to post to the list (limited to an API call or authenticated SMTP session);
  • Allow Mailing List members to post to the list; or
  • Allow anybody to post to the list.


Mailing lists are integrated with :ref:`um-campaign-analytics`. Each message sent to a lists with a Campaign ID will be tracked and reported. In this case, the mailing list will have detailed analytics for all recipients that can be retrieved via API or seen in the Campaign tab of the Control Panel.

Template Variables

There are some pre-defined variables you can use to personalize your message to each recipient. When adding members to a Mailing List you can also define your own variables in addition to these pre-defined variables by using the vars parameter.

Variable Description
%recipient% Full recipient spec, like "Bob <>" (for using as value for "To" MIME header).
%recipient_email% Recipient's email address, like
%recipient_name% Recipient's full name, like "John Q. Public".
%recipient_fname% Recipient's first name.
%recipient_lname% Recipient's last name.
%unsubscribe_url% A generated URL which allows users to unsubscribe from messages.
%mailing_list_unsubscribe_url% A generated URL which allows users to unsubscribe from mailing lists.
%unsubscribe_email% An email address which can be used for automatic unsubscription by adding it to List-Unsubscribe MIME header.
%recipient.yourvar% Accessing a custom datavalue. (see :ref:`manual-customdata`)


For managing unsubscribes in Mailing Lists, you can use %mailing_list_unsubscribe_url%. We will generate the unique link to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Once a recipient clicks on the unsubscribe link, we mark the recipient as "unsubscribed" from this list and they won't get any further emails addressed to this list. Note, that you can still override the "unsubscribe" setting via the API or the Control Panel (in case of user error or accidental unsubscribe, for example). You can also manually unsubscribe the customer without using any links via the API or in the Control Panel. Read more in the :ref:`api-mailinglists` API section.

Mailing Lists and Routes

Mailing Lists work independently from Routes. If there is a Mailing List or Route with the same address, the incoming message will hit the Route and Mailing List simultaneously. This can be pretty convenient for processing replies to the Mailing List and integrating into things like forums or commenting systems.

Scheduling Delivery

Mailgun also allows you to request a specific time for your message delivery by using the o:deliverytime parameter if sending via the API, or X-Mailgun-Deliver-By MIME header if sending via SMTP.

While messages are not guaranteed to arrive at exactly the requested time due to the dynamic nature of the queue, Mailgun will do it's best.


Messages can be scheduled for a maximum of 3 days in the future.

Scheduling Delivery API Example

Supply RFC 2822 or Unix epoch time to schedule your message:

Sending in Test Mode

You can send messages in test mode by setting o:testmode parameter to true. When you do this, Mailgun will accept the message but will not send it. This is useful for testing purposes.


You are charged for messages sent in test mode.

Tracking Messages

Once you start sending and receiving messages, it's important to track what's happening with them. We try to make tracking your messages as easy as possible through Events, Stats and Campaigns.

In addition, Mailgun permanently stores when a message can not be delivered due to a hard bounce (permanent failure) or when a recipient unsubscribes or complains of spam. In these cases, Mailgun will not attempt to deliver to these recipients in the future, in order to protect your sending reputation.

Mailgun provides a variety of methods to access data on your emails:

  • View and search Events through the Logs tab in the Control Panel to see every event that has happened to every message. You can search by fields like recipient, subject line and even fields that don't show up in the Logs, like message-id. Data is stored for at least 30 days for paid accounts and at least 2 days for free accounts.
  • Access data on Events programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`. Data is stored for at least 30 days for paid accounts and at least 2 days for free accounts.
  • View, search and edit tables for Bounces, Unsubscribes and Spam Complaints in each of their respective tabs in the Control Panel or their respective APIs (:ref:`Bounces API <api-bounces>`, :ref:`Unsubscribes API <api-unsubscribes>`, :ref:`Complaints API <api-complaints>`). Data is stored indefinitely.
  • Access statistics aggregated by tags in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel or the :ref:`Stats API <api-stats>`. Data is stored for at least 6 months.
  • Create Campaigns and access detailed analytics on those Campaigns through the Control Panel or the :ref:`Campaigns API <api-campaigns>`. Data is stored for at least 6 months other than the delivered event which is stored for 2 weeks.
  • Receive notifications of events through a Webhook each time an Event happens and store the data on your side.

Enable Tracking

Event tracking is automatically enabled except for Unsubscribes, Opens and Clicks.

You can enable Unsubscribes tracking in the "Unsubscribes" tab of the Control Panel. You can also manage unsubscribes per message by using unsubscribe variables (see Tracking Unsubscribes)

You can enable Opens & Clicks tracking on two levels: per sending domain and per message.

  • You can enable Open & Click tracking on per domain basis in the "Tracking" tab of the control panel.
  • Tracking can also be toggled by setting o:tracking, o:tracking-clicks and o:tracking-opens parameters when sending your message. This will override the domain-level setting.


You will also have to point CNAME records to for Mailgun to rewrite links and track opens. In addition, there needs to be an html part of message for Mailgun to track opens (see Tracking Opens and Tracking Clicks for more detail).


Mailgun keeps track of every event that happens to every message (both inbound and outbound) and stores this data for at least 30 days for paid accounts and 2 days for free accounts.

Below is the table of events that Mailgun tracks.

Event Description
accepted Mailgun accepted the request to send/forward the email and the message has been placed in queue.
rejected Mailgun rejected the request to send/forward the email.
delivered Mailgun sent the email and it was accepted by the recipient email server.
failed Mailgun could not deliver the email to the recipient email server.
opened The email recipient opened the email and enabled image viewing. Open tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel, and the CNAME record must be pointing to
clicked The email recipient clicked on a link in the email. Click tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel, and the CNAME record must be pointing to
unsubscribed The email recipient clicked on the unsubscribe link. Unsubscribe tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel.
complained The email recipient clicked on the spam complaint button within their email client. Feedback loops enable the notification to be received by Mailgun.
stored Mailgun has stored an incoming message

You can access Events through a few interfaces:

  • Webhooks (we POST data to your URL).
  • The Events API (you GET data through the API).
  • The Logs Tab of the Control Panel (GUI).

Events API

You can programmatically query and download events through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`.

Sample response:

  "items": [
      "tags": [],
      "timestamp": 1376325780.160809,
      "envelope": {
        "sender": "",
        "transport": ""
      "event": "accepted",
      "campaigns": [],
      "user-variables": {},
      "flags": {
        "is-authenticated": true,
        "is-test-mode": false
      "message": {
        "headers": {
          "to": "",
          "message-id": "",
          "from": "Excited User <>",
          "subject": "Hello"
        "attachments": [],
        "recipients": [
        "size": 69
      "recipient": "",
      "method": "http"
  "paging": {


Mailgun can make an HTTP POST to your URLs when events occur with your messages. If you would like Mailgun to POST event notifications, you need to provide a callback URL in the respective tab of the Control Panel. Webhooks are at the domain level so you can provide a unique URL for each domain by using the domain drop down selector.

You can read more about the data that is posted in the appropriate section below (Tracking Opens, Tracking Clicks, Tracking Unsubscribes, Tracking Spam Complaints, Tracking Bounces, Tracking Failures, Tracking Deliveries). We recommend using for creating temporary URLs to test and debug your webhooks.

For Webhook POSTs, Mailgun listens for the following codes from your server and reacts accordingly:

  • If Mailgun receives a 200 (Success) code it will determine the webhook POST is successful and not retry.
  • If Mailgun receives a 406 (Not Acceptable) code, Mailgun will determine the POST is rejected and not retry.
  • For any other code, Mailgun will retry POSTing according to the schedule below for Webhooks other than the delivery notification.

If your application is unable to process the webhook request but you do not return a 406 error code, Mailgun will retry (other than for delivery notification) during 8 hours at the following intervals before stop trying: 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour and 4 hours.

The Webhooks API endpoint allows you to programmatically manipulate the webhook URLs defined for a specific domain. Head over to the :ref:`api-webhooks` API endpoint documentation.

Securing Webhooks

To ensure the authenticity of event requests, Mailgun signs them and posts the signature along with other webhook parameters:

Parameter Type Description
timestamp int Number of seconds passed since January 1, 1970.
token string Randomly generated string with length 50.
signature string String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm.

To verify the webhook is originating from Mailgun you need to:

  • Concatenate timestamp and token values.
  • Encode the resulting string with the HMAC algorithm (using your API Key as a key and SHA256 digest mode).
  • Compare the resulting hexdigest to the signature.
  • Optionally, you can check if the timestamp is not too far from the current time.


Due to potentially large size of posted data, Mailgun computes an authentication signature based on a limited set of HTTP headers.

Below is a Python code sample used to verify the signature:

import hashlib, hmac

def verify(api_key, token, timestamp, signature):
    return signature ==
                             msg='{}{}'.format(timestamp, token),

And here's a sample in Ruby:

require 'openssl'

def verify(api_key, token, timestamp, signature)
    return signature == OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(
                            '%s%s' % [timestamp, token])

Attaching Data to Messages

When sending, you can attach data to your messages by passing custom data to the API or SMTP endpoints. The data will be represented as a header within the email, X-Mailgun-Variables. The data is formatted in JSON and included in any webhook events related to the email containing the custom data. Several such headers may be included and their values will be combined.


X-Mailgun-Variables: {"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith"}
X-Mailgun-Variables: {"my_message_id": 123}

To add this header to your message:

API: Pass the following parameter, "v:my-custom-data" => "{"my_message_id": 123}".

SMTP: Add the following header to your email, "X-Mailgun-Variables: {"my_message_id": 123}".


The value of the "X-Mailgun-Variables" header should be valid JSON string, otherwise Mailgun won't be able to parse it.


Sometimes it's helpful to categorize your outgoing email traffic based on some criteria, perhaps separate signup emails from password recovery emails or from user comments. Mailgun lets you tag each outgoing message with a custom value. When you access stats on you messages, they will be aggregated by these tags.

Tagging Code Samples

Supply one or more o:tag parameters to tag the message.


A single message may be marked with up to 3 tags. Maximum tag name length is 128 characters.

Tracking Opens

Mailgun can keep track of every time a recipient opens your messages. You can see when Opens happen in the Logs tab or see aggregate counters of opens in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`.

You can enable Open tracking by clicking on the checkbox in the Tracking tab of your Control Panel or using the o:tracking or o:tracking-opens parameters when sending a message. You will also have to add the appropriate CNAME records to your DNS as specified in the 'Domain' tab of your Control Panel.

Opens are tracked by including a transparent .png file, which will only work if there is an HTML component to the email (i.e., text only emails will not track opens). You should note that many email service providers disable images by default, so this data will only show up if the recipient clicks on display images button in his/her email.


Return Path certification allows your images to be enabled by default at many ISPs. Please contact us if you would like to get your IP Address certified.

Opens Webhook

You can specify a webhook URL in the 'Tracking' tab of your Control Panel. When a user opens one of your emails, your URL will be called with the following parameters.

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("opened").
recipient Recipient who opened.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
ip IP address the event originated from.
country Two-letter country code (as specified by ISO3166) the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
region Two-letter or two-digit region code or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
city Name of the city the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
user-agent User agent string of the client triggered the event.
device-type Device type the email was opened on. Can be 'desktop', 'mobile', 'tablet', 'other' or 'unknown'.
client-type Type of software the email was opened in, e.g. 'browser', 'mobile browser', 'email client'.
client-name Name of the client sofware, e.g. 'Thunderbird', 'Chrome', 'Firefox'.
client-os OS family running the client sofware, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows', 'OSX'.
campaign-id The id of campaign triggering the event.
campaign-name The name of campaign triggering the event.
tag Message tag, if message was tagged. See :ref:`tagging`
mailing-list The address of mailing list the original message was sent to.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).

Tracking Clicks

Mailgun can keep track of every time a recipient clicks on links in your messages. You can see when clicks happen in the Logs tab or see aggregate counters of clicks in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`.

You can enable click tracking by clicking on the checkbox in the Tracking tab of your Control Panel or using the o:tracking or o:tracking-clicks parameters when sending a message. You will also have to add the appropriate CNAME records to your DNS as specified in the Domains tab of your Control Panel. If you enable Click tracking, links will be overwritten and pointed to our servers so we can track clicks. You can specify that you only want links rewritten in the HTML part of a message with the parameter o:tracking-clicks and passing htmlonly.

Clicks Webhook

You can specify a webhook URL in the 'Tracking' tab of your Control Panel. Every time a user clicks on a link inside of your messages, your URL will be called with the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("clicked").
recipient Recipient who clicked.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
ip IP address the event originated from.
country Two-letter country code (as specified by ISO3166) the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
region Two-letter or two-digit region code or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
city Name of the city the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
user-agent User agent string of the client triggered the event.
device-type Device type the link was clicked on. Can be 'desktop', 'mobile', 'tablet', 'other' or 'unknown'.
client-type Type of software the link was opened in, e.g. 'browser', 'mobile browser', 'email client'.
client-name Name of the client sofware, e.g. 'Thunderbird', 'Chrome', 'Firefox'.
client-os OS family running the client sofware, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows', 'OSX'.
campaign-id The id of campaign triggering the event.
campaign-name The name of campaign triggering the event.
tag Message tag, if it was tagged. See :ref:`tagging`.
url The URL that was clicked.
mailing-list The address of mailing list the original message was sent to.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).

Tracking Unsubscribes

Mailgun can keep track of every time a recipient requests to be unsubscribed from your mailings. If you enable unsubscribe tracking, Mailgun will insert unsubscribe links and remove those recipients from your mailings automatically for you.

You can see when usubscribes happen in the Logs tab or see aggregate counters of unsubscribes in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>` or the :ref:`Bounces API <api-bounces>`.

Mailgun supports three types of unsubscribes: domain, :ref:`tag <tagging>` or :ref:`mailing-lists` levels.

  • Domain level: Once recipient selects to unsubscribe from domain, he will not receive any more messages from this sending domain.
  • Tag level: Sometimes you need to separate traffic by types, for example provide newsletter mailings, security updates mailings and so on. Recipients may want to unsubscribe from your newsletters but still receive security updates. For this purpose you can use tags: mark your messages by setting approriate X-Mailgun-Tag header and use special %tag_unsubscribe_url% variable (see below).
  • Mailing Lists level: If a recipient unsubscribes from a Mailing List, they will still be a member of the Mailing List but will be flagged as unsubscribed and Mailgun will no longer send messages from that Mailing List to the unsubscribed recipient.


You can enable Mailgun's Unsubscribe functionality by clicking on the checkbox in the Unsubscribes tab in your Control Panel. We will automatically prevent future emails being sent to recipients that have unsubscribed. You can edit the unsubscribed address list from your Control Panel or through the API.

Mailgun provides you with several unsubscribe variables:

Variable Description
%unsubscribe_url% link to unsubscribe recipient from all messages sent by given domain
%tag_unsubscribe_url% link to unsubscribe from all tags provided in the message
%mailing_list_unsubscribe_url% link to unsubscribe from future messages sent to a mailing list

If you include these variables in your emails, any recipient that clicks on the url will be automatically unsubscribed and those email addresses will be blocked from receiving future emails from that domain or message tag as appropriate.

Mailgun can automatically provide an unsubscribe footer in each email you send. You can customize your unsubscribe footer by editing the settings in the control panel.

To enable/disable unsubscribes programmaticaly per message you can do the following:

  • Enable unsubscription feature for your domain.
  • Remove text in the html and text footer templates so they won't be appended automatically.
  • Insert a variable in the html and text bodies of your email when you need unsubscribe links.
  • This variable will be replaced by the corresponding unsubscribe link.

In the "Unsubscribes" tab of the Control Panel or through the API you can also:

  • View/get a list of unsubscribed addresses.
  • Remove an unsubscribed address from the list.

Take a look at :ref:`Unsubscribes section <api-unsubscribes>` of the API refrence to learn how to programmatically manage lists of unsubscribed users.

Unsubscribes Webhook

You can specify a webhook URL in the 'Unsubscribes' tab of your Control Panel. When a user unsubscribes, Mailgun will invoke the webhook with the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("unsubscribed").
recipient Recipient who unsubscribed.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
ip IP address the event originated from.
country Two-letter country code (as specified by ISO3166) the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
region Two-letter or two-digit region code or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
city Name of the city the event came from or 'unknown' if it couldn't be determined.
user-agent User agent string of the client triggered the event.
device-type Device type the person unsubscribed on. Can be 'desktop', 'mobile', 'tablet', 'other' or 'unknown'.
client-type Type of software the unsubscribe link was clicked in, e.g. 'browser', 'mobile browser', 'email client'.
client-name Name of the client sofware, e.g. 'Thunderbird', 'Chrome', 'Firefox'.
client-os OS family running the client sofware, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows', 'OSX'.
campaign-id The id of the campaign that recipient has unsubscribed from.
campaign-name The name of campaign triggering the event.
tag Message tag, if it was tagged. See :ref:`tagging`.
mailing-list The address of mailing list the original message was sent to.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).

Tracking Spam Complaints

Mailgun automatically keeps track of every time a recipient complains that a message is spam.

You can see when complaints happen in the Logs tab or see aggregate counters of complaints in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>` or the :ref:`Complaints API <api-complaints>`.

Email service providers ("ESPs") are very sensitive to users clicking on spam complaint buttons and it's important to monitor that activity to maintain a good sending reputation. While, not every ESP supports Feedback Loop ("FBL") notifications, we make sure that you get data on all of the ones that do. We will remove recipients from future messages if a complaint has been filed by that recipient. This is necessary to maintain your reputation and not have your emails automatically sent to spam folders.

Spam Complaint tracking is always enabled.

Mailgun provides :ref:`Spam complaints API <api-complaints>` to programmatically manage the lists of users who have complained.

Spam Complaints Webhook

You can specify a webhook URL in the 'Complaints' tab in the control panel. When a user reports one of your emails as spam, Mailgun will invoke the webhook with the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("complained").
recipient Recipient who clicked spam.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
message-headers String list of all MIME headers of the original message dumped to a JSON string (order of headers preserved).
campaign-id The id of campaign triggering the event.
campaign-name The name of campaign triggering the event.
tag Message tag, if it was tagged. See :ref:`tagging`.
mailing-list The address of mailing list the original message was sent to.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).
attachment-x attached file (‘x’ stands for number of the attachment). Attachments are included if the recipient ESP includes them in the bounce message. They are handled as file uploads, encoded as multipart/form-data.

Tracking Bounces

Mailgun automatically keeps track of every time a message permanently bounces (is not accepted by the recipient).

You can see when bounces happen in the Logs tab or see aggregate counters of bounces in the Tracking tab of the Control Panel. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>` or the :ref:`Bounces API <api-bounces>`.

Mailgun classifies bounces into two groups:

  • Hard bounces (permanent failure): Recipient is not found and the recipient email server specifies the recipient does not exist. Mailgun stops attempting delivery to invalid recipients after one Hard Bounce. These addresses are added to the table in the Bounces tab and Mailgun will not attempt delivery in the future.
  • Soft bounces (temporary failure): Email is not delivered because the mailbox is full or for other reasons. Mailgun will attempt to deliver messages multiple times depending on feedback from the ESP but will eventually quit attempting delivery in order to maintain your sending reputation (a drop event). These addresses are not added to the table in the Bounces tab.

Bounce tracking is always enabled.

Mailgun provides :ref:`Bounces API <api-bounces>` to programmatically manage the lists of hard bounces.

Bounce Event Webhook

You can specify a webhook URL in the 'Bounces' tab of your Control Panel. If you do, every time a message experiences a hard bounce, your URL will be invoked with the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("bounced").
recipient Recipient who could not be reached.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
message-headers String list of all MIME headers of the original message dumped to a JSON string (order of headers preserved).
code SMTP bounce error code in form (X.X.X).
error SMTP bounce error string.
notification Detailed reason for bouncing (optional).
campaign-id The id of campaign triggering the event.
campaign-name The name of campaign triggering the event.
tag Message tag, if it was tagged. See :ref:`tagging`.
mailing-list The address of mailing list the original message was sent to.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).
attachment-x attached file (‘x’ stands for number of the attachment). Attachments are included if the recipient ESP includes them in the bounce message. They are handled as file uploads, encoded as multipart/form-data.

Tracking Failures

Mailgun tracks all delivery failures. Failures consist of both Hard Bounces (permanent failures) and Soft Bounces (temporary failures).

You can see when failures happen in the Logs tab. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook when a message is dropped (i.e., stop retries) or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`.

Drop Event Webhook

In the Logs tab, you can specify a webhook URL to be notified every time a messages is dropped. There are a few reasons why Mailgun needs to stop attempting to deliver messages and drop them. The most common reason is that Mailgun received a Hard bounce or repeatedly received Soft bounces and continuing attempting to deliver may hurt your reputation with the receiving ESP. Also, if the address is on one of the 'do not send lists' because that recipient had previously bounced, unsubscribed or complained of spam, we will not attempt delivery and drop the message. If one of these events occur we will POST the following parameters to your URL:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("dropped").
recipient Intended recipient.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
message-headers String list of all MIME headers of the original message dumped to a JSON string (order of headers preserved).
reason Reason for failure. Can be one of ["bounce", "espblock", "old", etc]. See below.
code ESP response code, e.g. if the message was blocked as a spam (optional).
description Detailed explanation of why the messages was dropped
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).
attachment-x attached file (‘x’ stands for number of the attachment). Attachments are included if the recipient ESP includes them in the bounce message. They are handled as file uploads, encoded as multipart/form-data.
  • Bounce indicates a hard or soft bounce.
  • ESPBlock indicates a soft bounce and the maximum number of attempts was reached.
  • Old indicates that Mailgun tried to deliver the message unsuccessfully for more than 8 hours.
  • Suppress-Bounce indicates that Mailgun stopped delivery to a previously bounced address.
  • Suppress-Unsubscribe indicates that Mailgun stopped delivery to an unsubscribed address.
  • Suppress-Complaint indicates that Mailgun stopped delivery to a recipient who reported messages as spam through their ESP.
  • Generic indicates, we're not able to classify the error. Check the description of the failure for more information.

Tracking Deliveries

Mailgun tracks all successful deliveries of messages. A successful delivery occurs when the recipient email server responds that it has accepted the message.

You can see when deliveries happen in the Logs tab. In addition, you can be notified through a webhook when a message is delivered or get the data programmatically through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>`.

Delivered Event Webhook

In the Logs tab, you can specify a webhook URL to be notified every time a message is delivered. If the message is successfully delivered to the intended recipient, we will POST the following parameters to your URL:

Parameter Name Description
event Event name ("delivered").
recipient Intended recipient.
domain Domain that sent the original message.
message-headers String list of all MIME headers dumped to a JSON string (order of headers preserved).
Message-Id String id of the original message delivered to the recipient.
"custom variables" Your own custom JSON object included in the header of the original message (see :ref:`manual-customdata`).
timestamp Number of seconds passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token Randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature String with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).


Unlike other event webhooks (due to frequency of delivered events), Delivered Event will only POST once, right after delivery, and won’t attempt again in case of failure to POST successfully.


Stats provide you with the summary of the events that occur with your messages. We keep track of events for 6 months and stats are aggregated by tag, see Tagging above.

You can see your current statistics in the control panel, or download them using :ref:`the API <api-stats>`

Get stats for 'open' and 'sent' events sorted by date:

Sample response:

  "total_count": 95,
  "items": [
          "event": "sent",
          "total_count": 16,
          "created_at": "Tue, 14 Feb 2012 00:00:00 GMT",
          "id": "4f39f7c56addaa3e1966714d",
          "tags": {}
          "event": "sent",
          "total_count": 1,
          "created_at": "Mon, 13 Feb 2012 00:00:00 GMT",
          "id": "4f38f9ac6addaa3e1966335e",
          "tags": {}

Campaign Analytics

Mailgun allows you to easily create Campaigns either using the API or the Campaigns Tab in the Control Panel. Campaigns are a tool to segment your email traffic for analysis. When you include messages in a Campaign, Mailgun tracks those messages and creates detailed analytics on those messages. Mailgun stores campaign data for 6 months for events other than delivered, which are stored for 2 weeks.

Campaign Analytics allow you to do things like:

  • Track events down to the individual recipient.
  • Compare Campaigns for A/B testing.
  • Optimize segmentation of Mailing Lists and content by geo location and recipient domain (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).
  • Optimize delivery times by seeing engagement levels (opens & clicks) throughout the day.

Creating a Campaign

You can create Campaigns using the Campaign Tab in the Control Panel or the API.

Each Campaign has name and id. You use the id when referring to the campaign via the API. You can supply your own id when creating campaign, otherwise Mailgun will generate one for you.

Creating a campaign with supplied id:


Supplied id must be pure ASCII and unique across all campaigns for a particular domain. Campaign name and campaign ID should not exceed the maximum length of 64 characters.


There are limits on campaigns number for an account: 1 for Free Plans, 20 for Standard Plans and 1,000 for Express Plans. Once the limit is reached, you will need to delete campaigns in order to create new ones. All of the data associated with a campaign is deleted when you delete a campaign. High Volume Plans can have unlimited number of campaigns.

Sending a Campaign

Including a message in a campaign can be done by setting o:campaign option with your campaign's id value:

Alternatively, if you're building MIME yourself, include X-Mailgun-Campaign-Id header to send a campaign message.


A single message may belong to up to 3 campaigns at the same time - just use multiple o:campaign values or X-Mailgun-Campaign-Id headers.

Accessing Analytics

Once a message has been sent using a Campaign ID, Mailgun tracks the message and provides detailed analytics. Mailgun stores campaign data for at least six months. Mailgun provides you with several reports that you can find in the Control Panel, including:

  • Comparison of events across campaigns for A/B testing (including opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes and complaints).
  • Performance of link clicks in a campaign.
  • Comparison of events across Domains (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.).
  • Timeline of events occurring throughout the day to measure optimal delivery time (which can be used in conjunction with Scheduling Delivery).
  • Geographic performance of opens and clicks.

You can also create your own reports by accessing the data via the API.

You may want to see how're recipients performing for your campaign during daily hours:

Sample response:

      "daily_hour": 8,
      "total": {
          "complained": 0,
          "clicked": 6,
          "opened": 7,
          "unsubscribed": 5,
          "bounced": 0
      "unique": {
          "clicked": {
              "recipient": 3,
              "link": 3
          "opened": {
              "recipient": 3
      "daily_hour": 13,
      "total": {
          "complained": 0,
          "clicked": 0,
          "opened": 0,
          "unsubscribed": 0,
          "bounced": 0
      "unique": {
          "clicked": {
              "recipient": 0,
              "link": 0
          "opened": {
              "recipient": 0

Or retrieve the entire history for a particular recipient:

Sample response:

      "domain": "",
      "tags": [],
      "timestamp": "Wed, 08 Feb 2012 13:44:02 GMT",
      "recipient": "",
      "event": "delivered",
      "user_vars": {}
      "domain": "",
      "tags": [],
      "timestamp": "Wed, 08 Feb 2012 13:38:35 GMT",
      "recipient": "",
      "event": "delivered",
      "user_vars": {}

See our :ref:`Campaigns API <api-campaigns>` reference for the full list of available methods.

Receiving, Forwarding and Storing Messages

Mailgun allows you to receive emails through Routes. Routes will accept emails and then perform an action which can include:

  • Forwarding the email to a different email address.
  • POSTing the data in the email to a URL.
  • Storing the email temporarily for subsequent retrieval through a GET request.


You can define a list of routes to handle incoming emails. This idea of routes is borrowed from MVC web frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails: if a message matches a route expression, Mailgun can forward it to your application via HTTP or to another email address or store the message temporarily (3 days) for subsequent retrieval.

You can define routes visually in the Control Panel, or programmatically using :ref:`the Routes API. <api_routes>`

A Route is a pair of filter+action. Each incoming message is passed to a filter expression, and if it evaluates to true, the action is executed.

Each Route can be assigned a priority. Routes are evaluated in the order of priority, with lower numbers having a higher priority. The default is for all Routes to be evaluated (even if a higher priority Route is triggered). To avoid this you can use a stop() action (see below).

Here's a more formal list of route properties:

Field Description
Priority Integer indicating the priority of route execution. Lower numbers have higher priority.
Filter Filters available in routes - match_recipient() match_header() catchall() (see below for description).
Actions Type of action to take when a filter is triggered - forward() store() stop() (see below for description).
Description Arbitrary string to describe the route (shown in the Control Panel UI)

Route Filters

Route filters are expressions that determine when an action is triggered. You can create a filter based on the recipient of the incoming email, the headers in the incoming email or use a catch-all filter. Filters support regular expressions in the pattern to give you a lot of flexibility when creating them.


Matches the SMTP recipient of the incoming message against the regular expression pattern. For example this filter will match messages going to


You can use Python-style regular expression in your filter. For example, this will match all messages coming to any recipient at


Another example, handling plus addressing for a specific recipient:


Mailgun supports regexp captures in filters. This allows you to use captured values inside of your actions. The example below captures the local name (the part of email before @) and passes it as a mailbox parameter to an application URL:

route filter : match_recipient("(.*)")
route action : forward("\1")

You can use named captures as well:

route filter : match_recipient("(?P<user>.*?)@(?P<domain>.*)")
route action : forward("\g<domain>/users/\g<user>")

match_header(header, pattern)

Similar to match_recipient but instead of looking at a message recipient, it applies the pattern to an arbitrary MIME header of the message.

The example below matches any message with a word "support" in its subject:

match_header("subject", ".*support")

The example below matches any message against several keywords:

match_header('subject', '(.*)(urgent|help|asap)(.*)')

The example below will match any messages deemed spam (if spam filtering is enabled):

match_header('X-Mailgun-Sflag', 'Yes')

match_recipient(pattern) AND match_header(header, pattern)

The example below will match any recipient for a domain, then match if the message is in English:

match_recipient('^(.*)$') and
match_header("Content-Language", "^(.*)en-US(.*)$")


Matches if no preceeding routes matched. Usually you need to use it in a route with a lowest priority, to make sure it evaluates last.

Route Actions

If a route expression evaluates to true, Mailgun executes the corresponding action. Currently you can use the following three actions in your routes: forward(), store() and stop().


Forwards the message to a specified destination, which can be another email address or a URL. A few examples:


You can combine multiple destinations separating them by a comma:


store(notification endpoint)

Stores the message temporarily (for up to 3 days) on Mailgun's servers so that you can retrieve it later. This is helpful for large attachments that may cause time-outs or if you just want to retrieve them later to reduce the frequency of hits on your server.

You can specify a URL and we will notify you when the email arrives along with a URL where you can use to retrieve the message:


If you don't specify a URL with the notify parameter, the message will still be stored and you can get the message later through the :ref:`Messages API <api-sending-messages>`. You can see a full list of parameters we will post/return to you below.


Simply stops the priority waterfall so the subsequent routes will not be evaluated. Without a stop() action executed, all lower priority Routes will also be evaluated.

Receiving Messages via HTTP through a forward() action

When you specify a URL of your application as a route destination through a forward() action, Mailgun will perform an HTTP POST request into it using one of two following formats:

  • Fully parsed: Mailgun will parse the message, process attachments, attempt to separate quoted parts from the actual message. This is the preferred option.
  • Raw MIME: message is posted as-is. In this case you are responsible for parsing MIME. To receive raw MIME messages, the destination URL must end with mime.

Regardless of which delivery method you choose, Mailgun will transcode the original message into UTF-8 encoding, even for raw MIME. We do this because we love our users: most MIME parsers are not good at dealing with all of the various broken MIME messages that exist in the wild.

For Route POSTs, Mailgun listens for the following codes from your server and reacts accordingly:

  • If Mailgun receives a 200 (Success) code it will determine the webhook POST is successful and not retry.
  • If Mailgun receives a 406 (Not Acceptable) code, Mailgun will determine the POST is rejected and not retry.
  • For any other code, Mailgun will retry POSTing according to the schedule below for Webhooks other than the delivery notification.

If your application is unable to process the webhook request but you do not return a 406 error code, Mailgun will retry (other than for delivery notification) during 8 hours at the following intervals before stop trying: 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour and 4 hours.

Below are two tables of HTTP parameters that you can expect to be posted into your application through a forward() action.


In addition to these parameters Mailgun will post all MIME headers.

Parsed Messages Parameters

Parameter Type Description
recipient string recipient of the message as reported by MAIL TO during SMTP chat.
sender string sender of the message as reported by MAIL FROM during SMTP chat. Note: this value may differ from From MIME header.
from string sender of the message as reported by From message header, for example "Bob <>".
subject string subject string.
body-plain string text version of the email. This field is always present. If the incoming message only has HTML body, Mailgun will create a text representation for you.
stripped-text string text version of the message without quoted parts and signature block (if found).
stripped-signature string the signature block stripped from the plain text message (if found).
body-html string HTML version of the message, if message was multipart. Note that all parts of the message will be posted, not just text/html. For instance if a message arrives with "foo" part it will be posted as "body-foo".
stripped-html string HTML version of the message, without quoted parts.
attachment-count int how many attachments the message has.
attachment-x string attached file ('x' stands for number of the attachment). Attachments are handled as file uploads, encoded as multipart/form-data.
timestamp int number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token string randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature string string with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).
message-headers string list of all MIME headers dumped to a json string (order of headers preserved).
content-id-map string JSON-encoded dictionary which maps Content-ID (CID) of each attachment to the corresponding attachment-x parameter. This allows you to map posted attachments to tags like <img src='cid'> in the message body.

Note the message-headers parameter. It was added because not all web frameworks support multi-valued keys parameters. For example Ruby on Rails requires a special syntax to post params like that: you need to add [] to a key to collect it's values on the server side as an array. Below is a Ruby on Rails example of obtaining MIME headers via message-headers parameter:

def mailgun_posted_params
  message_headers = JSON.parse(params["message-headers"])
  message_headers.each do |header|
    key, value = header
    puts "header key: #{key}, header value: #{value}"

MIME Messages Parameters

Parameter Type Description
recipient string recipient of the message.
sender string sender of the message as reported by SMTP MAIL FROM.
from string sender of the message as reported by From message header, for example "Bob <>".
subject string subject string.
body-mime string full MIME envelope. You will need a MIME parsing library to process this data.
timestamp int number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token string randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature string string with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm(see securing webhooks).


To receive raw MIME messages and perform your own parsing you must configure a route with a URL ending with "mime", like http://myhost/post_mime.


Consider using to debug and play with your routes. This tool allows you to forward incoming messages to a temporary URL and inspecting the posted data. No programming required.

Storing and Retrieving Messages

When storing an email through a store() action in a Route, you can chose to be notified when the message is stored by including a URL with the notify parameter when setting up the store action or you can retrieve the message later by searching for the message through the :ref:`Events API <api-events>` and retrieving it through the :ref:`Messages API <api-sending-messages>`.

If you set a URL to be posted when the message is received (store(notify="")), or retrieve the message later through a GET request to the :ref:`Messages API <api-sending-messages>`, the following parameters are posted/returned in JSON.

Parameter Type Description
recipient string recipient of the message as reported by MAIL TO during SMTP chat.
sender string sender of the message as reported by MAIL FROM during SMTP chat. Note: this value may differ from From MIME header.
from string sender of the message as reported by From message header, for example "Bob Lee <>".
subject string subject string.
body-plain string text version of the email. This field is always present. If the incoming message only has HTML body, Mailgun will create a text representation for you.
stripped-text string text version of the message without quoted parts and signature block (if found).
stripped-signature string the signature block stripped from the plain text message (if found).
body-html string HTML version of the message, if message was multipart. Note that all parts of the message will be posted, not just text/html. For instance if a message arrives with "foo" part it will be posted as "body-foo".
stripped-html string HTML version of the message, without quoted parts.
attachments string constains a json list of metadata objects, one for each attachment, see below.
message-url string a URL that you can use to get and/or delete the message.
content-id-map string contains mappings from content ids to attachment urls.
timestamp int number of second passed since January 1, 1970 (see securing webhooks).
token string randomly generated string with length 50 (see securing webhooks).
signature string string with hexadecimal digits generate by HMAC algorithm (see securing webhooks).
message-headers string list of all MIME headers dumped to a json string (order of headers preserved).
content-id-map string JSON-encoded dictionary which maps Content-ID (CID) of each attachment to the corresponding attachment-x parameter. This allows you to map posted attachments to tags like <img src='cid'> in the message body.

The attachments JSON contains the following items.

Parameter Type Description
size integer indicates the size of the attachment in bytes.
url string contains the url where the attachment can be found. This does not support DELETE.
name string the name of the attachment
content-type string the content type of the attachment

Alternatively, you can choose the following parameters when the Accept header is set to message/rfc2822

Parameter Type Description
recipient string recipient of the message.
sender string sender of the message as reported by SMTP MAIL FROM.
from string sender of the message as reported by From message header, for example "Bob <>".
subject string subject string.
body-mime string full MIME envelope. You will need a MIME parsing library to process this data.

API Routing Samples

You can define routes programmatically using our :ref:`HTTP API <api_routes>` like in these examples.

Create a route of the highest priority with multiple actions:

Sample response:

  "message": "Route has been created",
  "route": {
      "description": "Sample route",
      "created_at": "Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:03:31 GMT",
      "actions": [
      "priority": 1,
      "expression": "match_recipient(\".*\")",
      "id": "4f3bad2335335426750048c6"

Listing routes:

Sample response:

  "total_count": 266,
  "items": [
          "description": "Sample route",
          "created_at": "Wed, 15 Feb 2012 12:58:12 GMT",
          "actions": [
          "priority": 1,
          "expression": "match_recipient(\".*\")",
          "id": "4f3babe4ba8a481c6400476a"

Access the route by id:

Sample response:

  "route": {
      "description": "Sample route",
      "created_at": "Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:03:31 GMT",
      "actions": [
      "priority": 1,
      "expression": "match_recipient(\".*\")",
      "id": "4f3bad2335335426750048c6"


Mailgun gives you the ability to programmatically create SMTP credentials which can be used to send mail. SMTP credentials can be used to relay email, through Mailgun, using the SMTP protocol.

SMTP Credentials API Examples

Listing all credentials:

Sample response:

  "total_count": 2,
  "items": [
      "size_bytes": 0,
      "created_at": "Tue, 27 Sep 2011 20:24:22 GMT",
      "mailbox": ""
      "login": ""
      "size_bytes": 0,
      "created_at": "Thu, 06 Oct 2011 10:22:36 GMT",
      "mailbox": ""
      "login": ""

Creating a new SMTP credential:

  "message": "Created 1 credentials pair(s)"

Updating the password for a given credential:

Sample response:

  "message": "Password changed"

Deleting a given credential:

Sample response:

  "message": "Credentials have been deleted",
  "spec": ""

Spam Filter

If you are receiving email, you need spam filtering. Mailgun spam filtering is powered by an army of SpamAssassin machines. Mailgun gives you three ways to configure spam filtering. You can select the appropriate option in the Control Panel when you click on a domain name in the 'Domains' tab.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Delete spam (spam is removed and you won’t see it)
  • Mark spam with MIME headers and you decide what to do with it

If you chose option 3, there are four headers we provide for you: X-Mailgun-Sflag, X-Mailgun-Sscore, X-Mailgun-Dkim-Check-Result and X-Mailgun-Spf.

Inserted with the value 'Yes' if the message was classified as a spam.

A 'spamicity' score that you can use to calibrate your own filter. Inserted for every message checked for a spam. The score ranges from low negative digits (very unlikely to be spam) to 20 and occasionally higher (very likely to be spam).

At the time of writing this, we are filtering spam at a score of around 5.0 but we are constantly calibrating this.

If DKIM is used to sign an inbound message, Mailgun will attempt DKIM validation, the results will be stored in this header. Possible values are: 'Pass' or 'Fail'
Mailgun will perform an SPF validation, and results will be stored in this header. Possible values are: 'Pass', 'Neutral', 'Fail' or 'SoftFail'.

SMTP Protocol

In addition to our HTTP API, Mailgun servers supports the standard SMTP protocol... You can send using SMTP with or without TLS.

Please consult a standard library documentation for language of your choice to learn how to use the SMTP protocol. Below are some helpful links for a few popular languages:

SMTP Relay

You can also configure your own mailserver to relay mail via Mailgun as shown below. All of them require these three variables which you can look up in the Control Panel:

  • Your SMTP username
  • Your SMTP password
  • SMTP host name mailserver (these instructions will use as an example)

You have an SMTP username and password for each domain you have at Mailgun. To send mail from a particular domain, just use the appropriate credentials.

Postfix Instructions

You have to configure a relay host with SASL authentication like shown below:

# /etc/postfix/

mydestination = localhost.localdomain, localhost
relayhost = []:587
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps =
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

# TLS support
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes

When using TLS encryption, make sure Postfix knows where to locate the CA database for your Linux distribution:

smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/smtpd.key
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/smtpd.crt
smtpd_tls_CApath = /etc/ssl/certs


You can use SMTP Credentials, but not your Control Panel password.

Exim Instructions

For more information see Exim's documentation for authenticated outgoing SMTP. You need to configure "smarthost" for your Exim setup.

# In your exim.conf:
# In routes configuration:
        driver = manualroute
        domains = ! +local_domains
        transport = mailgun_transport
        route_list = * byname

# In transports configuration:
        hosts_try_auth =

Also make sure to configure login credentials (in your /etc/exim/passwd.client):


Sendmail Instructions

Define the smarthost in your before mailer definitions:

## Mailgun
define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl
FEATURE(`authinfo', `hash /etc/mail/authinfo')dnl
# optional, see before enabling:
# FEATURE(`accept_unresolvable_domains')dnl
# FEATURE(`accept_unqualified_senders')dnl
# execute: make -C /etc/mail
## Mailgun

Specify login credentials in your authinfo: "U:<LOGIN>" "P:<PASSWORD>" "M:PLAIN"

Don't forget to run the following command and then restart sendmail:

make -C /etc/mail

Using Standard Email Clients

Standard email clients like Thunderbird or Outlook can also be used to send mail.

Settings for sending mail:

SMTP server:


Use a full address like "" as a login for SMTP. SSL or TLS are supported.