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Prioritization Sentiment - Technical Resource Deployment - June 6,

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74 lines (58 loc) · 6.97 KB
title summary discussion_link vote_type categories options start_date end_date
Prioritization Sentiment - Technical Resource Deployment - June 6, 2022
Rank your Technical Resource Priority Sentiment to indicate where you believe MakerDAO should be focusing resources.
Ranked Choice IRV
Misc Governance
Priority Sentiment
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flapper Distributor
Sagittarius Engine
Collateral Onboarding
Compound D3M
Term Lending Module (TLM)
Maker Teleport
Target Price Adjustment Module (Vox)
ESM Simulations
Returning "Lost" DAI
2022-06-06 13:00:00 -0700
2022-07-04 13:00:00 -0700

Poll: Prioritization Sentiment - Technical Resource Deployment - June 6, 2022

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Priority Sentiment Poll into the voting system on behalf of MKR holders. This Governance Poll will be active for 4 weeks beginning on Monday, June 6 at 16:00 UTC.

This is an instant-runoff vote.

  • You may rank any number of options that you would support for priority consideration.
  • Unranked options signal that you would not support the option(s) for priority consideration.
  • If you have no priority preference to any of the listed options, you should vote 'Abstain' as your first and only choice.


The community can vote in this poll to rank their support of the following options:

  • Flapper Distributor - A way to split revenue and direct it toward different causes, like buyback/burn and filling the surplus buffer simultaneously. This item has not been formally voted on or developed, meaning that a proposal would likely need to be submitted for technical work to take place beyond initial scoping.
  • Sagittarius Engine - Tokenomics design from Rune, including staking MKR and the ability for those with MKR staked to borrow against it. This item has not been formally voted on or developed, meaning that a proposal would likely need to be submitted for technical work to take place beyond initial scoping.
  • Collateral Onboarding - Focusing on technical work for onboarding more collateral types into the protocol.
  • Compound D3M - D3M implementation similar to the Aave D3M that would target a DAI borrowing rate at Compound.
  • MIP43: Term Lending Module (TLM) - Fixed-rate solution for Maker vaults, requiring code review and implementation of a previously passed technical MIP.
  • Maker Teleport - Enabling "Fast Withdrawals" between L2s and L1, and eventually between L2s. This is a prerequisite for Multi-collateral DAI deployment on L2s. Read the original scoping here.
  • DssKiln - Tool for permissionless token purchasing over time. Could be used for targeted MKR buybacks or acquiring treasury assets.
  • DssSnog - Authorizes the Oracle Core Unit to give readers access to oracle prices without having to give authorization via a governance executive, mentioned here.
  • DssGate - "Sandbox" tool that allows for a limited amount of DAI to be at risk when implementing new technical solutions. The current use-case is for Deco Core Unit to develop fixed-rate lending vaults without changing the core smart contracts of the protocol.
  • MIP20: Target Price Adjustment Module (Vox) - Module that would enable negative DAI rates, requiring code review and implementation of a previously passed technical MIP.
  • ESM Simulations - Devoting technical resources to simulating the Emergency Shutdown Module, where DAI would be redeemable for the collateral backing it.
  • Returning "Lost" DAI - Technical solution to returning/reissuing DAI verifiably lost, like in cases of transfer to the DAI contract address.

Please review the discussion thread to help inform your position before voting.

Note: The voting portal will display the "leader" of the Ranked Choice Vote as the poll continues, and the "winning option" upon completion. These assertations should be ignored. For updates on the state of the vote, check below this text for the weekly updates from GovAlpha and live explorer from Data Insights.


Weekly updates will be shared with the Maker Community to detail the feedback from Priority Sentiment Polls. No Governance action will be mandated upon their conclusion. GovAlpha hopes that these polls will:

  • Encourage more dialogue between MKR holders and Core Units about prioritization.
  • Convey valuable MKR sentiment to those contributing to the DAO.

Suggestions for items to be included on future Priority Sentiment Polls may be submitted here along with additional feedback for the process as a whole.


If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.