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Installing the archaeography project

This document explains how to download and install the archaeography code into a Django development project. It does not provide instruction for deploying the archaeography project into a production environment.


The archaeography project is an experimental model of the NZ Archaeological Association's Site Recording Scheme. It is an engineering prototype, the purpose of which is to provide understanding of the problems involved with handling large volumes of information describing archaeological sites.

This experiment is expressed in the Python programming language, using the Django web framework.

The project depends on geographic reference data, and there are scripts which will help download these from sources on the public internet; specifically, Topo50 (and other) datasets from Land Information New Zealand and the region and territorial authority boundaries from Statistics NZ.

There are no archaeological data in this codebase. To do anything interesting with the project, you will have to download copies of the site records from ArchSite, and in order to do this you will need a username and password from the NZ Archaeological Association.

It helps a lot if you are already familiar with setting up Django projects, and installing PostgreSQL. It is beyond the scope of this document to step through that stuff, but there is plenty of helpful information out there.

This document assumes installation on a Linux machine, although I see no reason why it won't work on other OSs.

Setting up

The steps to be taken are:

  1. Install and configure the PostgreSQL server

  2. Clone the code from GitHub

  3. Install the project database tables

  4. Add users and groups

  5. Download reference geographic data from LINZ and Stats NZ.

  6. Populate the geographic data library with reference sets.

  7. Download reference raster datasets into the geolibrary.

  8. Download copies of archaeological records from ArchSite.

  9. (Optional) copy proprietary data from a legacy system.

Step 1: Install and configure the PostgreSQL server

This script assumes a Debian GNU/Linux host.

In shell:

# Update the repository lists.
sudo apt-get update

# Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis

# Become the user `postgres`.
sudo su postgres

# Create users. The P flag prompts for passwords.
createuser -P machine

# Create the database, with owner `machine`.
createdb -O machine archaeography

# create the PostGIS extension.
psql -d archaeography -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

You will need to create a user account for yourself, and give it the privileges of the machine account. Create the user in shell, then go to the DBMS to grant privileges.

createuser -P malcolm
psql -d archaeography -c "GRANT machine TO malcolm;"

Step 2. Clone the code from GitHub

This software is dependant on another Python project, webnote. You must clone the code for this into your local filesystem, and make it available to the archaeography code. In shell:

# Create a working space for archaeography and for the webnote app.
mkdir ~/dev
mkdir ~/dev/arch ~/dev/webnote  

# Clone archaeography from GitHub.
git clone \

# Clone webnote from GitHub.
git clone \

# Virtual environment for archaeography.
cd ~/dev/arch
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

# Upgrade pop and setuptools.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools

# Install Python packages
pip install \
    Pillow bs4 django ephem exifread markdown2 \
    mechanize psycopg2-binary requests smartypants

# Place a symlink to the webnote code.
ln -s ~/dev/webnote/ ~/dev/arch/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webnote

You will need to enter your password for the machine role, into a variable in ~/dev/archaeography/code/home/ Copy this value, or write it down: (the bit inside the quotes, where it says 'some pass phrase'. Obviously, you will want to change this in your installation).

MACHINE = ('machine', 'some pass phrase')

Before you try to run any django management commands with, you will probably run into the missing secrets file. You will see this error:

File "~/dev/arch/code/home/", line 37, in <module>
  from secrets import *

This is looking for a file called in the home/ directory. Look to the file in the same directory, and comment this line:

from secrets import *

Alternatively, follow the instructions in that settings file, and create a secrets file. This is listed in .githubignore, so git will ignore it.

Step 3. Install the project database tables

Run the Django migrations to set up the database. In shell:

cd ~/dev/arch/code
source ../env/bin/activate

# Run migrations to create the basic database structures.
./ migrate

# Make and run migrations for applications
./ makemigrations geolib members nzaa
./ migrate geolib
./ migrate members
./ migrate nzaa

# Create static directories
mkdir static/nzaa

Step 4. Add users and groups

Groups and users for the archaeography project

In shell:

cd ~/dev/archaeography/code
source ../env/bin/activate
./ createsuperuser

Follow the prompts. Then start the development server, and point a browser at localhost:8000/admin. Using the Django admin interface, create the following group:


Add your own user to these groups.

Using the django admin interface, create as many user records as required, adding membership to the appropriate groups.

The archaeography project tracks information on membership, so that we can control access to our copies of the archaeological records. Use the Django admin panel to add a member record for your user.

Step 5: Downloading reference data

The software in the archaeography project depends on certain geographic files available from New Zealand government sources. All these data are distributed under the Creative Commons licenses, and can be downloaded free of charge.

You will be downloading ESRI shapefiles, packed into zip archives. You should create a temporary directory, and unpack all the zipfiles into it.

Significant aerial image sets

Lidar indices to main centres

Each one of these layers should be downloaded as shapefiles, with the projection set to EPSG:2193, NZTM2000 (except for the place names layer, which should be in EPSG:2143, WGS84).

Unpack all the shapefiles into a temporary directory. I did this at ~/work/data/, and I had 217 separate files, for these 30 shapefiles, using up 12GB:


This is important because the scripts will choke if any of the shapefiles are missing.

Step 6: Populate the geographic data library

Scripts to assist the install and setup process are kept in setup/, and accessed from setup/

Check execute privileges are set on the file at ~/dev/arch/code/setup/, and review it.

It will copy the NZMS1 map series geometries from a file in setup, and proceed to inject the geographic data from LINZ and Statistics NZ into the database. This takes a bit of time.

CD to the directory where your shapefiles are stored, and run the setup script:

cd ~/work/data

This takes a while. It creates a schema work, and copies all the geographic reference data into it, from the shapefiles in the data directory. It then executes a number of SQL statements to copy these data into the appropriate project tables.

If desired, run this SQL code on the database, to remove the working tables.

DROP TABLE work.aerial_auckland;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_canterbury;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_dunedin;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_gisborne;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_otago;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_waikato;
DROP TABLE work.aerial_wellington;
DROP TABLE work.cadastre;
DROP TABLE work.contours;
DROP TABLE work.islands;
DROP TABLE work.lakes;
DROP TABLE work.lidar_auckland;
DROP TABLE work.lidar_bop;
DROP TABLE work.lidar_canterbury;
DROP TABLE work.lidar_waikatocoast;
DROP TABLE work.lidar_wellington;
DROP TABLE work.nzms1;
DROP TABLE work.nzms260;
DROP TABLE work.placenames;
DROP TABLE work.rail;
DROP TABLE work.region;
DROP TABLE work.river_line;
DROP TABLE work.river_poly;
DROP TABLE work.roads;
DROP TABLE work.ta;
DROP TABLE work.topo50;

Python setup scripts

Now run the Python setup scripts, from the Django shell.

cd ~/dev/arch/code
source ../env/bin/activate
./ shell

# Create two derived map grid layers, for NZMS260 and Topo50.

import geolib.utils as utils
r = utils.GenerateNZMS260grid(commit=True)
q = utils.GenerateTopo50grid(commit=True)

Step 7: Download reference raster datasets

The project also uses topographic map sets as reference documents. These are scanned sheets rendered in GeoTiff image format which contain data for projecting the map images into a GIS.

We use three topographic map series:

The steps we need to perform are:

  1. download the GeoTiff files,
  2. catalogue the files by associating them with a sheet record.
  3. produce a script which generates PNG copies of them, for inline display in a browser,

There are hundreds of files in these collections. Downloading them all takes a long time. There is code provided in the geolib.utils module to do the job for you. Utilise this code from the Django Python shell:

cd ~/dev/arch/code
./ shell

Then, in the Python shell:

import geolib.utils as utils
p = utils.TopoMaps()

When I did this, it generated 2198 file records.

The map images are held in a filesystem in the static files hierarchy. These are kept in static/geolib/map_[suffix], where [suffix] is a lowercase representation of the map series code, thus:


The download program will put them in there, and catalogue will look for them there.

Step 8: Downloading archaeological records from ArchSite

First, enter your Archiste username and password into home/settings/LOGIN_ARCHSITE. This is a Python dictionary structure containing (username, password) tuples. Replace the tuple keyed default with your details.

Now the scrape utility can be used. It can be given a list of NZAA identifiers, or the NZMS260 sheet identifier, and will create a set of records locally populated with data from ArchSite.

Use the Django shell command:

cd ~/dev/arch/code
./ shell

import nzaa.scrape as scrape
import nzaa.settings as settings
targets = list(settings.NZMS260)
s = scrape.Scrape(targets, verbose=True)

The series of commands listed above will set out to download the entire collection from ArchSite. In my experience, this takes betwenn 10 and 12 hours.

It won't get the whole lot the first time. The program looks to existing records for each NZMS260 sheet, finds the highest ordinal number, and adds 50 to it. If you start with zero records, most sheets will end up with 50. Run the scrape code a second time, and you'll get to 100. And so on.

Step 9: Copying non-generic data

This step is about migrating data generated by the project from a running source host to a new installation. This includes the local copy of the archaeological records, as well as the aerial photo georeferencing information.

The process assumes a previouly-running installation, in which these proprietary datasets are held. The first step is to make a copy of these into the local host.

The relevant tables on the source must be copied into a work schema, so they can be transferred to a similar schema on the host, where they are staged for injection.

In shell on the source:

# Run the SQL script to create the copy
cd /opt/archaeography/code/setup/
pdql -d archaeography < copy-into-work.sql

# Dump the resulting schema into a file
pg_dump -n work -O archaeography | gzip > ~/tmp/data.sql.gz

Copy the resulting file data.sql.gzip to the destination host, unpack it and inject it into the work schema of the destination database.

In shell, on the destination:

# Uncompress the file and run it against the local db.
gunzip data.sql.gz
psql -d archaeography < data.sql

# Run the script to copy the data into the live tables.

References and links

New Zealand Archaeological Association

NZAA Site Recording Scheme ArchSite