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330 lines (303 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (303 loc) · 14.3 KB


  • div for pov
  • div for rays
    • tx: collapsible
      • rx: group somehow
  • div for kpis
  • load material and apply to obj file


  • menu creation
  • legend: update the module. add settings to choose look
  • info
  • settings
  • deferred rendering
  • clean file list
  • change "Upload" button to "Exit" if all ok
  • change _finishedYet to using Promises instead


  • save screenshots
  • stats.js
  • deferred rendering
  • scenario handling with groups
    • 1 group per scenario
      • 1 group per category:
        • universe
        • pov
        • traces
        • kpis
    • [?] show/hide vs add/remove? => show/hide seems better
  • [ ] generic html headers of various categories

  • objects disposal
  • smart labels
  • kpis
  • heatmap
  • colormaps

Scene organization and Naming convention:

for each scenario create a group in the scenario group, create subgroups: > Helpers, a group for the helpers > Universe, a group for the universe > PoVs, a group for the povs > Kpis, a group for the kpis


  • python script to gather pov files and trace file per tx, respectively
  • add id to sub-menu-content-pov that captures the povType_povID
  • automatic zoom when adding povs etc


  • add option to show/hide a vertical line from ground to center of PoV
  • add autosize option to the grid settings
  • fix the modal window size (appearant when not in big screen)
  • replace finished_yet with promises
  • remove the output from the json loading
  • bug toggle plane does not remove the plane
  • toggle eyes in subcategories of Universe
  • toggle eyes in subcategories of scenario
  • bug: antenna position (probably due to rotations)
  • feature: create buttons that depend on the state of other buttons
  • feature: kpi
  • cleanup the names in the css. Make them more logical
  • XY, YZ, ZX views


each kpi has the following inputs: > x, y, z translation (z is height as before) > display mode: > ID > Best > Worst > Mean > Sum > Tx selector > Tx ID: as radio button > AA ID: as radio button > Rx selector > AA ID: as radio button > color scheme => update legend > tile size


  • auto-size grid => became fit to scene
  • change fitgrid to button instead of a switch
  • PoV mast
  • Feature/Bug pov mast display depends on the click order :-/
  • pov mast colors => same as povs to start with (helps distinguish them)
  • clear webgl contexts:
  • autozoom on scene when adding povs/rays etc
  • BUG: .sub-menu.switch behaves differently in Settings vs Interactions. Why?
  • Add height control to KPI (while maintaining it constant)
  • Fix the range when plotting a given KPI so that the colors are the same from one graph to the next


  • overflow of KPIs content
  • customize appearance of pov to make them more visible
  • customize appearance of obj to make them sexy
  • customize appearance of traces to make them sexy (bloom effect)


  • color range of sum is out of bounds
  • add id/value toggle next to the tx selector


  • make MAST option independent, maybe on a different row
  • change the Coverage/Acoverage to BEST: id/value & WORST: id/value
  • add extra KPI: some form of SINR => BEST - SUM(others)
  • when clicking on eye: remove all if at least one is shown. Otherwise hide all which also implies that the state of the eye has to be changed as soon as 1 subelement is shown
  • add the container div + canvas when creating cgvizjs
  • add the count of meshes, vertices, MB etc..
  • remove colorbar when all are unclicked
  • group colorbars by title => expand on-click
  • colorbar for the traces
  • category for KPI: composite/ID
  • do not populate the kpis, instead provide a menu to add/remove
  • alternative label implementation:


  • decouple view from model (for ex, the css contains references to pov and other model elements. Instead, a set of widgets should be defined and used for the relevant parts. That's the same idea I have had for a while: defining a hierarchy of component. This will simplify the css as well as the building of the spa)
  • labels rendering seems slow (higher than normal CUP usage even in the absence of interaction)
  • make legend and legend settings height relative to the window height


  • add the name of the currently visible heatmap somewhere visible on the canvas


  • create test home page to show and test the ui components
  • refactor svg icon code to make it independent
  • implement tooltips for icons


  • make icon change color on click
  • make icon change shape on click
    • down/up
    • switch-on/switch-off
    • 3d/2d
  • implement method to extend any function (to be used to avoid repeating code in the eventListeners)
  • create a demo page to showcase and test the ui components
  • create ui component: discrete legend (based on colormap)
  • create ui component: switch (square)?
  • create ui component: checkbox (= label + square_switch)
    • make switches only one svg + rotation + label update
  • create ui component: dropdown
  • create ui component: slider
  • create ui component: double slider
  • create ui component: colormap editor
    • create ui component: color-palette
  • rebuild cgviz-menu using ui.js instead
    • [ ]


  • update the colorpalette with each n_steps/category/reverse change
  • apply colorpalette changes to colorbar
  • dropdown: hide the list of items when mouse is leaving the list (in order to avoid several panels open at the same time)
  • make the extend function work
  • item picker
    • categories of KPIS => 1 color per category (power, time)
  • group similar items (RX) => requires a way to group them
  • color definition, all brewer + uber? see also
    • brewer color definitions
  • bug: reversed settings does not work correctly. The colormap is updated in a wrong way
  • bug: the border is not updated
  • bug: the border causes the container to trigger overflow => fixed by moving the tootip above...
  • when changing the category, the DSC is not updated immediately. do it a second time, and it updates!
  • reversed does not update the DCB
  • precision has no effect...
  • double slider with min/max is missing
  • align numbers in DCB. See See also the Table-like category, uses flexbox


  • change precision to fixed decimal precision in the legend
  • text in legend gets wrapped to the next line. Make sure it stays in its line
  • colorbarsettings: 'reversed' changes the palette but the DCB is not updated
  • default precision value is not applied
  • precision 0 is not applied (looks like 4 is applied instead)
  • default 'category' and 'scheme' are not applied in the colorpalette
  • remove id in dropdown under color category
  • do not change the selected when the n_colors and reversed is activated
  • make sure the CBS panel reads the values from the DCB
  • reversed icon is reset each time the panel is reopened
  • some bug with selected that disappears again when changing the settings around


  • double slider using 2 actual sliders
  • redesign slider to make it look like it belongs with the rest of the components


  • create movable
  • create resizable
  • create tooltip
  • restructure ui.js by category of widget
  • restructure ui.css by category of widget
  • organize demo
  • create button
  • create cancel button
  • adjust svg size
  • create generic header
  • create slider from divs (using the window events I didnot want to use)
  • create double slider from divs (using the window events I didnot want to use)
  • cleanup the label/title/subtitle styling and usage
  • cleanup the weird classes like 'category'...
  • create item picker
  • style input range for chrome & IE..
  • check if there is a better way to handle the default parameters opts (there is a lot of repeating going on)


  • create a hierarchy of headers and content (maybe 3 levels are enough, style so that the progression is obvious)
  • remove "edges" settings from the colorbar
  • review the naming conventions, colorbar, colormap etc
  • processKpis copy existing files automatically
  • handle compact json files in cgviz-menu.js
  • make sure the old json files are saved and zipped under "old" directory


  • item-picker: populate items list based on key search
  • item-picker: create config categories for cgviz kpis
  • item-picker: close on click
  • item-picker: select on click (in case multi is allowed)
  • item-picker: create 3 new colors for the items: orange, indigo, violet
  • item-picker: add button to switch from searching categories/values OR allow both in the field
  • item-picker: search-items hidden on start
  • item-picker: search-items should appear upon click in the field
  • item-picker: search-items should disappear when losing items focus
  • item-griper: connect the picker to the grouper
  • item-grouper: populate dynamically
  • item-griper: hide the search bar initially, show it when the user clicks in the area of the grouper:content
  • makeResizable: reuse component from the web


  • makeResizable: does not work with Panel. it doesn't seem to get the right parent size
  • loading a scenario with 5000+ povs makes the qcmTrace display impossibly slow. Maybe process the eye-toggle in a different way. i.e. when toggled one by one, keep the same strategy but when all are wanted at the same time, then used a merge geometry or a buffer geometry like we did in the heatmap.
  • image comparer for the KPIs heatmap: THis can also be used to understand how to create own slider...
  • div expander/collapser: group divs (like the ones representing the pov) under a div with a range click on range. OR use a search field to add items with a x to remove them (as in the "Grouper")
  • file reader component for the UI
  • contextmenu component
  • using modules instead of including in html => does not work for chroma.min.js


  • Headers definition for cgviz
  • padding and embedded components: consider adding a parameter in opts like opts.embedded that toggles the padding
  • Component: simple context menu
  • consider using mutation observer to sync the innerText for ex (see solution used in DropDown implementation)
  • review all components and homogenize the code, check the labels, check the way other items are accessed try to use el.closet instead of a chain of parentElement
  • use the obj paradigm to control the components values like in datgui. Maybe a Proxy can be used for that. this means having a json object inside the UI
  • turn UI into a set of classes? all would inherit from a basic component that controls the way the input is passed plus extra functions for the common operations.
  • make the categories in the demo clickable=> collapse examples. Since now there are quite numerous.
  • try resizable with an invisible border around the window
  • Component: modal
  • Component: fixed
  • remove the Wigdet and replace with 'embded' option in opts
  • component DiscreteColorbar: fix reverse
  • component DiscreteColorbar: add option to reverse the list of values
  • component DiscreteColorbar: add option for cotinuous colormap =>colorbar becomes continuous too
  • component: progressbar
  • component: proxy for value/component syncing. to hold the states of all components ech time a change is made to the state json, then the corresponding modules should be updated
  • component: svg-based heatmap


  • use the encapsulation paradigm for all complex components like DiscreteColorBar, ItemGriper (as done with FileHandler, ContextMenu, Modal)
  • component: progressbar
  • component: progressbar group
  • create simple svg heatmap in order to demonstrate the DCB settings


  • move demo.html style to demo.css
  • refactor demo.html js to provide simpler API to add items to the demo
  • modal with click outside to remove it from dom
  • bug fix: resizable not targeting right part of the element
  • component: movable
  • rewrite resizable to make it the same as movable?
  • component: tab module
  • legend filtering: click on svg w/ color to toggle that color


  • LOW: add a resize icon in the header of a panel in order to toggle resizable,movable
  • LOW: make borders flash and show the resizbale controls in case the resizabel has been choosen
  • BUG: heatmap does not resize correctly and is greyed out. maybe due to z-index?
  • component: finish FileHandler (DirectoryReader + FileReader + ProgressBarGroup)
  • FEATURE: create svg based heatmap
  • include ff-clan-web-pro font in demo
  • BUG: resizable should probe the container min-width/height
  • FEATURE: title/subtitle component.
  • tooltip following mouse
  • item picker + tooltip (with fake values)
  • rename poorly chosen class names for label value, label description
  • clean input in case operation is cancelled (either by clicking x or outisde the area)
  • when all files are loaded successfully => alert
  • change the color to red for files with problems
  • for each successful file, change the italic to normal font


  • DSC settings: add option to reverse the colorbar labels