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EpiGeostats R package allows to fit a geostatistical model based on block direct sequential simulation, to obtain disease risk and assess associated risk uncertainty maps with high spatial resolution, and also to generate a single-map summarizing effectively these two key elements of disease risk mapping.

It is designed for disease risk mapping, but may also be used for similar problems such as mortality risk, or applied to other fields like ecology or criminology. Details on the geostatistical algorithm used in EpiGeostats are described in Azevedo et al (

R wrapper

EpiGeostats R package is a wrapper for running dss.c.64.exe - a software tool for running geostatistical algorithms - and pixelate, an R package for creating geostatistical maps with varying pixel sizes to represent disease mapping and spatial uncertainty in a single-map.

The package provides convenient wrappers to set parameters required for geostatistical simulations and write some files in dss.c.64.exe readable format, after which block direct sequential simulation algorithm can be executed. Results generate a set of simulated disease risk maps, a median disease risk map, spatial uncertainty risk map, and a pixelated map version representing both disease risks and spatial uncertainty risks of disease in a single-map, that can be extracted and/or plotted in R

Getting started

EpiGeostats comes with a vignette which relies on Pandoc to compile the document. If you are using RStudio IDE (which has a bundled version of Pandoc) no action is required for vignette compilation. Otherwise, you will need to install Pandoc (

The installation of EpiGeostats needs compilation, hence it requires to have Rtools in the system. Moreover, the stand-alone software dss.c.64.exe is required to run EpiGeostats. Therefore, two prior steps are required to run EpiGeostats for the first time:

  1. download Rtools and run the installer (select the default options)
  2. download dss.c.64.exe

You may execute these actions from your R console running the code below. This code will also create a folder in the working directory named 'input', where dss.c.64.exe will be stored. All files written with EpiGeostats functions will also be stored in that same folder.

# -----------------------------------------
# Step 1, if not installed, installs Rtools
# -----------------------------------------

# check if Rtools software is installed. if not, download and install from CRAN.
if (!require("installr")){install.packages("installr")}

# select the default options when installing
installr::install.Rtools(check_r_update = F)

# -----------------------------------------
# Step 2, download dss.c.64.exe from GitHub
# -----------------------------------------

# create folder input
inp <- "./input"
if(!file.exists(inp)) dir.create(inp, recursive = TRUE)

# download from github
gitURL <- ""
utils::download.file(url = gitURL, destfile = file.path(inp, ""))

# unzip file into 'input' folder
unzip(file.path(inp, ""), exdir = inp)

Then, install the required packages using the following code:

# install devtools from CRAN
if (!require("devtools")){
  # install packages from GitHub
  devtools::install_github("maluicr/EpiGeostats", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
  devtools::install_github("aimeertaylor/pixelate", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)

You should now be ready to go.


As an example, EpiGeostats is used to map COVID-19 incidence in Portugal on 15 January 2021. After packages installation and dss.c.64.exe download, load EpiGeostats package and follow the example, as presented in vignette:

# load EpiGeostats 

# see vignette document
help(package = "EpiGeostats")


To Alzira Ramos and António Rodríguez-Lizana for helping testing the package and for valuable comments; To the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health (DGS) for providing the data related to COVID-19 cases included in the package. Manuel Ribeiro is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with research contract(IF2018/CP1384/IST-ID/175/2018).