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Releases: manatlan/htagweb


01 Sep 15:34
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FQN (full qualified name) should not contains ":", only dots to the target class.

when fqn is in url, browser considers ":" as a protocol, and all goes wrong ;-(. Now, the trouble is gone away.

Now, AppServer is fully compatible with WebServer/WebServerWS/WebHTTP/WebWS (classic web ones), except :

  • if you are on a SSL transport, you should instance AppServer(ssl=True) (to let the ws communicates on wss:// in place of ws:// (default))
  • when you hit F5, it doesn't reuse the instance (like classic web ones), it destroy/recreate all. So states should be saved in self.root.state (dict)
  • no unittests on htagweb.AppServer yet (NEED TO CREATE SOMES)

I use it in production, on ...and seems to works great with all my htag apps (not availables for all)

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1


31 Aug 16:01
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Add another new runner "AppServer", which is fully compatible with old classics ones : WebServer/WebServerWS/WebHTTP/WebWS.
Except: tags should use "self.root.state" to maintain a state (because F5 will destroy/recreate instances)

And yes, there is no "0.6.0" (because, lot of troubles when ci/cd/crafting whl for pypi) ;-)

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.7.0


29 Jul 14:05
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  • the htagserver runner, works as others htag classical runners (can handle a main tag for its '/' path, have a .run() method, can use add_route )
  • an example of an oauth2 flow (google), using authlib, and inner runners (WebServer, WebServerWS & HTagServer)
  • the one liner "python3 -m htagweb" accept a parameter 'fqn' (ex: 'main:App'), to define a htag class for its "/" page.

Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0


29 Jul 12:42
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WebServer & WebServerWS don't create trailing vars in session (ht_create/ht_interact)


23 Jul 08:36
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  • WebServer & WebServerWS are now compatible with htagweb'fqn .... in place of "module.App" you can use "module:App". More compliant.
  • htagweb try to clear the imports of the class, if not defined, to avoir cluttering statics spaces


22 Jul 12:55
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Just some cosmetics changes on HtagServer.IndexApp ...
it's more beautiful


22 Jul 08:58
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htagweb provided WebServer & WebServerWS, which are "robust" web servers for exposing htag's app on the web.

Now, it provides a different beast "HtagServer" (you can run it, by default, in command line python3 -m htagweb). Which will expose the current working directory in a http/ws server. It doesn't work as WebServer & WebServerWS, or classicals htag runners. It's a completly new concept. But it provides all the highends features of web/htag. I'm exploring that ;-)


18 Jul 06:59
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minor fix : The Manager tcp server is now a real asyncio task (which seems to change nothing ;-( )

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3


17 Jul 13:00
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A minor fix, to avoid to try reloading module, when the module contains the htagweb instance (to avoid to reload server which will not work). So the (minimal example) should work again. But IRL you should use gunicorn/uvicorn (which can't have this kind of trouble)

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2


16 Jul 16:22
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the renewal mechanism works now as expected (the module is reloaded on demand)

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1