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Proximity Backend Engineering Challenge

Problem Statement:

  • You need to build a Rest API where an instructor and student manage their Webinars & Courses. A Creator can create course, subjects, tags and they can upload videos and webinars to the system. Lessons & webinars can be present in multiple courses and subjects. A Student can then search for webinars and/or videos using webinar title, video title, course name and subject name, and can filter using course, subjects and tags. Build the application keeping in mind that data duplicacy and time complexity should be minimized..

User Stories

  • As an instructor, I can upload a webinar.
  • As an instructor, I can create, edit, delete course.
  • As an instructor, I can create, edit, delete subjects.
  • As an instructor, I can create, edit, delete tags.
  • As an instructor, I can upload a video.
  • As an instructor, I can add new tag while uploading video or webinar.
  • As an instructor, I can see the most viewed videos, courses and webinars.
  • As a student, I can see list of webinars & videos.
  • As a student, I can search webinars & videos by title.
  • As a student, I can filter webinars & videos by course, subjects, tags.
  • As a student, when I am playing a video or a webinar, I can get personalized suggestions of courses/webinars.

Software Requirements

  • Node.js 8+
  • MongoDB 3.6+ (Recommended 4+)

How to install

Using Git (recommended)

  1. Clone the project from github. Change "be-challenge-manav" to your project name.
git clone ./be-challenge-manav

Using manual download ZIP

  1. Download repository
  2. Uncompress to your desired directory

Install npm dependencies after installing (Git or manual download)

cd myproject
npm install

Setting up environments

  1. You will find a file named .env.example on root directory of project.
  2. Create a new file by copying and pasting the file and then renaming it to just .env
    cp .env.example .env
  3. The file .env is already ignored, so you never commit your credentials.
  4. Change the values of the file to your environment. Helpful comments added to .env.example file to understand the constants.

Project structure

├── app.js
├── package.json
├── .env
├── bin
│   └── www
├── controllers
├── models
├── services
├── routes
├── middlewares
├── test
└── public
    ├── index.html
    └── stylesheets
        └── style.css

How to run

Running API server locally

npm run dev

You will know server is running by checking the output of the command npm run dev

Connected to mongodb:YOUR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING
App is running ...

Press CTRL + C to stop the process.

Note: YOUR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING will be your MongoDB connection string.

Creating new models

If you need to add more models to the project just create a new file in /models/ and use them in the controllers.

Creating new routes

If you need to add more routes to the project just create a new file in /routes/ and add it in /routes/api.js it will be loaded dynamically.

Creating new controllers

If you need to add more controllers to the project just create a new file in /controllers/ and use them in the routes.


Running Test Cases

npm test

You can set custom command for test at package.json file inside scripts property. You can also change timeout for each assertion with --timeout parameter of mocha command.

Creating new tests

If you need to add more test cases to the project just create a new file in /test/ and run the command.


Running Eslint

npm run lint

You can set custom rules for eslint in .eslintrc.json file, Added at project root.


Proximity Backend Engineering Challenge







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