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File metadata and controls

61 lines (42 loc) · 2.24 KB
                          _  __  __   _ _ _                    _           
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Useful Utility Stubs for spiff++

This folder contains some libraries to be used with spiff++. The libararies are regular yaml files containing dynaml lambda functions and templates, that might be useful for various use cases.

They are just added as stub to a spiff processing, or they can be read into an existing template/stub file with the _ read_ function.

All the libraries offered here follow the same basic layout that makes them additive. Every package is stored in a separate file. They can just be added as spiff merge stub and aggregate under the top-level node utilities providing an own sub-level node representing the package finally offering the functionality.

  usage: (( utilities.<package>.<function>(...) ))

The libraries now use the injection feature, therefore the utilities node is avalaible, even it is not specified in a processed yaml document. The utilities node is temporary by default. This assures, that the provided functions are not part of the final document.

Library Overview

Certificate Generation

This library offers useful lambda functions to generate certificates for self signed certificate authorities, key/certificate pairs, ssh key pairs and simple secrets using the state library.

Manifest Generation

This library offers manifest generation functions processing template files with input values.

Simple Graph Library

This library offers simple graph analysis for directed graphs, like cycle detection and dependeny closures, or inverting a directed graph.

State Handling

This library offers a simple state handling support together with a small shell script example.