import Scene from '../../components/scene.js';
This animation is interactive. When the fourier graph has been created, you can drag the red dot to change the winding frequency.
import 'package:manim_web/manim.dart';
const resolution = 3;
class FourierScene extends Scene {
late Axes timeAxes;
late Axes frequencyAxes;
late NumberPlane circlePlane;
late DashedVMobject dashedCircle;
late SurroundingRectangle frequencyBox;
late Dot centerOfMass;
late Dot fourierDot;
late FunctionGraph fourierGraph;
late FunctionGraph wave;
late ParametricFunction polarized;
late VMobject partialFourierGraph;
double windingFrequency = 0;
FutureOr<void> preload() {
MathTex.preload(r'\hat{g}(f) = \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty} g(t)'
r' e^{-2 \pi ift} dt');
Future construct() async {
await addWaveWithAxes();
windingFrequency = 5;
await addPolarizedWaveWithAxes();
await playMany([FadeIn(frequencyAxes), FadeIn(frequencyBox)]);
fourierGraph = getFourierGraph(wave);
await addDots();
await showFourierGraphCreation();
await addFormula();
await continueRendering();
Future addFormula() async {
var tex = MathTex(r'\hat{g}(f) = \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty} g(t)'
r' e^{-2 \pi ift} dt')
..toCorner(corner: UR)
await play(ShowCreation(tex));
Future addAllAxes() async {
await play(FadeIn(circlePlane));
await play(FadeIn(frequencyAxes));
Future addDots() async {
partialFourierGraph = VMobject()
..setFill(color: TRANSPARENT)
centerOfMass = Dot(ORIGIN)..setColor(color: RED_C);
fourierDot = Dot(fourierGraph.getEnd())..setColor(color: RED_C);
.addUpdater((dot, dt) => dot..moveToPoint(polarized.getCenterOfMass()));
await play(FadeIn(centerOfMass));
await play(FadeIn(fourierDot));
Mobject fourierDotCreationUpdater(Mobject dot, double dt) =>
Future showFourierGraphCreation() async {
addToFront([fourierDot, partialFourierGraph]);
partialFourierGraph.addUpdater((graph, dt) =>
graph..pointwiseBecomePartial(fourierGraph, windingFrequency / 5, 1));
await play(getFrequencyChangeAnimation(wave, polarized, 5, 2, runTime: 12));
await play(getFrequencyChangeAnimation(wave, polarized, 2, 0, runTime: 10));
Future addWaveWithAxes() async {
// wave = getCosineWave(shiftVal: 0, scaleVal: 1.8); // positive and negative
wave = getCosineWave(); // positive only
await play(FadeIn(timeAxes));
await play(ShowCreation(wave));
Future addPolarizedWaveWithAxes() async {
var polarizedTarget = getPolarizedMobject(wave, windingFrequency);
polarized = wave.copy();
await play(FadeIn(circlePlane));
await play(Transform(polarized, target: polarizedTarget));
void makeInteractive() {
var draggableDot = DraggableMobject(mob: fourierDot);
Mobject draggableDotOnFunctionUpdater(Mobject dot, double dt) {
var coords = frequencyAxes.pointToCoords(fourierDot.getPos());
var x = clip(coords.x, 0, 5).toDouble();
var y = fourierGraph.getValueFromFunction(x);
var pt = frequencyAxes.c2p(Vector3(x, y, 0));
windingFrequency = x;
polarized.become(getPolarizedMobject(wave, x));
return dot;
FunctionGraph getFourierGraph(FunctionGraph wave) {
return frequencyAxes.getGraph((x) => getFourierTransform(x, wave).real,
stepSize: 0.05 / resolution);
Complex getFourierTransform(double x, ParametricFunction wave,
{bool useAlmostFourierTransform = true}) {
var anchors = wave.getAnchors();
var _polarizePoint = (Vector3 pt, double freq) {
var coords = timeAxes.pointToCoords(pt);
var t = coords.x;
var y = coords.y;
var z = Complex.exp(angle: -TAU * freq * t) * Complex.fromDouble(y);
return z;
var polarizedPoints = [for (var pt in anchors) _polarizePoint(pt, x)];
// TODO When the fft function will be working properly, use the code bellow
// var coords = [for (var pt in anchors) timeAxes.p2c(pt)];
// var values = [for (var c in coords) c.y];
// var polarizedPoints = fft(values);
var scalar = Complex.fromDouble(
useAlmostFourierTransform ? 1 / polarizedPoints.length : 1);
return polarizedPoints.reduce((a, b) => a + b) * scalar;
Axes addTimeAxes() {
timeAxes = Axes(
xMin: 0,
xMax: 4.4,
yMin: -1,
yMax: 2.5,
xAxisConfig: AxisConfig(
tickFrequency: 0.25,
numbersWithElongatedTicks: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
unitSize: 2,
yAxisConfig: AxisConfig(
unitSize: 0.5,
numbersWithElongatedTicks: [],
axisConfig: AxisConfig(
includeTip: true,
..setColor(color: LIGHT_GREY)
..toCorner(corner: UL);
// TODO Add labels
return timeAxes;
NumberPlane addCirclePlane() {
circlePlane = NumberPlane(xMin: -2.1, yMin: -2.1, yMax: 2.1, xMax: 2.1)
..toCorner(corner: DL);
dashedCircle = Circle().getDashed(numDashes: 50)
..setStroke(width: DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH / 2)
return circlePlane;
Axes addFrequencyAxes() {
frequencyAxes = Axes(
axisConfig: AxisConfig(color: TEAL_C),
xMin: 0,
xMax: 5,
AxisConfig(unitSize: 1, numbersToShow: range(start: 1, end: 6)),
yMin: -1,
yMax: 1,
AxisConfig(unitSize: 1.4, tickFrequency: 0.5, labelDirection: LEFT),
)..setColor(color: TEAL_C);
frequencyAxes.nextToMobject(circlePlane, direction: RIGHT);
frequencyBox =
SurroundingRectangle(mobject: frequencyAxes, buff: MED_SMALL_BUFFER)
..setStroke(color: TEAL_C);
// TODO add labels
return frequencyAxes;
FunctionGraph getTimeGraph(double Function(double) func,
[double stepSize = 0.05 / resolution]) {
return timeAxes.getGraph(func, stepSize: stepSize)
..setStroke(color: YELLOW_C)
..setFill(color: TRANSPARENT);
FunctionGraph getCosineWave(
{List<double> frequencies = const [2],
double shiftVal = 1,
double scaleVal = 0.9,
double stepSize = 0.05 / resolution}) =>
(t) =>
shiftVal +
scaleVal *
sum([for (var freq in frequencies) cos(TAU * t * freq)]),
Mobject getPolarizedMobject(Mobject mob, double windingFrequency) {
var polarizedMobject = mob.copy();
polarizedMobject.applyFunction((pt) => polarizePoint(pt, windingFrequency));
return polarizedMobject;
Vector3 polarizePoint(Vector3 pt, double windingFrequency) {
var coords = timeAxes.pointToCoords(pt);
var t = coords.x;
var y = coords.y;
var z =
Complex.exp(angle: -TAU * windingFrequency * t) * Complex.fromDouble(y);
return circlePlane.coordsToPoint(z.toVector3());
UpdateFromFunc getPolarizedAnimation(
Mobject mobject, double windingFrequency) {
var polarized = getPolarizedMobject(mobject, windingFrequency);
return UpdateFromFunc(
mobject: polarized,
updateFunc: (mob) {
Transform(mob, target: getPolarizedMobject(mobject, windingFrequency))
return mob;
Future animateFrequencyChange(List<Tuple2<Mobject, Mobject>> mobjects,
double startWindingFrequency, double newWindingFrequency,
{double runTime = 3, List<Animation> addedAnimations = const []}) async {
await playMany([
for (var mob in mobjects)
mob.item1, mob.item2, startWindingFrequency, newWindingFrequency),
UpdateFromAlphaFunc getFrequencyChangeAnimation(
Mobject mobject,
Mobject polarized,
double startWindingFrequency,
double newWindingFrequency,
{double runTime = 3}) {
return UpdateFromAlphaFunc(
mobject: polarized,
updateFunc: (pm, alpha) {
var freq =
interpolate(startWindingFrequency, newWindingFrequency, alpha);
windingFrequency = freq;
var newPm = getPolarizedMobject(mobject, freq);
return pm;
runTime: runTime);