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File metadata and controls

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Task Priorities


From v4.1.0, MyTardis assumes the use of RabbitMQ as its message broker, and instructs Celery to create a "celery" queue with task priorites enabled. The queue's maximum priority is set to 10 in tardis/default_settings/ which is used when setting up the Celery app in tardis/


# The 'x-max-priority' argument will only be respected by the RabbitMQ broker,
# which is the recommended broker for MyTardis:
    Queue('celery', Exchange('celery'),
          queue_arguments={'x-max-priority': MAX_TASK_PRIORITY}),

tardis_app = Celery('tardis')
tardis_app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

Celery's apply_async method's shadow argument is used to annotate storage box related task names with the location (storage box name) which they are running in, e.g. dfo_verify becomes dfo_verify location:default-storage:

def verify_dfos(**kwargs):
    for dfo in dfos_to_verify:
        kwargs['priority'] = dfo.priority
        kwargs['shadow'] = 'dfo_verify location:%s' %
        dfo_verify.apply_async(args=[], **kwargs)


We can confirm that the x-max-priority argument was supplied when creating the queue by running rabbitmqctl report on our RabbitMQ server:

$ sudo rabbitmqctl report | grep 'x-max-priority'
Listing queues for vhost mytardis ...
name    durable auto_delete     arguments ...
celery    true    false   [{"x-max-priority",10}] ...

We can list the tasks currently running (and observe their priorities) by running celery inspect active from one of our Celery nodes:

(mytardis) mytardis@celery0 ~/mytardis$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tardis.settings celery -A tardis.celery.tardis_app inspect active
-> celery@allqueues.celery0: OK
    * {u'args': u'[32933203]', u'time_start': 1548368931.7151582, u'name': u'dfo_verify location:default-storage',
       u'delivery_info': {u'priority': 5, u'redelivered': False, u'routing_key': u'celery', u'exchange': u''},
       u'hostname': u'celery@allqueues.celery0', u'acknowledged': False, u'kwargs': u'{}',
       u'type': u'tardis_portal.dfo.verify', u'id': u'50c80b84-5d64-44c7-a6d4-c551b6d14e22', u'worker_pid': 3730}
-> celery@allqueues.celery2: OK
    - empty -
-> celery@allqueues.celery7: OK
    * {u'args': u'[30476811]', u'time_start': 1548368924.2799926, u'name': u'dfo_verify location:default-storage',
       u'delivery_info': {u'priority': 5, u'redelivered': False, u'routing_key': u'celery', u'exchange': u''},
       u'hostname': u'celery@allqueues.celery7', u'acknowledged': False, u'kwargs': u'{}',
       u'type': u'tardis_portal.dfo.verify', u'id': u'de7d0fe1-f386-4937-af7f-a693e7630fb5', u'worker_pid': 9051}
-> celery@allqueues.celery14: OK
    * {u'args': u'[289]', u'time_start': 1548368427.9639463, u'name': u'sbox_cache_files location:big-data1',
       u'delivery_info': {u'priority': 4, u'redelivered': False, u'routing_key': u'celery', u'exchange': u''},
       u'hostname': u'celery@allqueues.celery14', u'acknowledged': False, u'kwargs': u'{}',
       u'type': u'tardis_portal.storage_box.cache_files', u'id': u'8767709f-ae98-4735-9d29-21bb5b13e230', u'worker_pid': 15906}

Notice that most tasks have the default priority of 5 (defined in tardis/default_settings/ as DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY and that the task operating on a file from the big-data1 storage boxes has a lower priority of 4.

Default priorities for storage boxes can be configured via StorageBox Attributes. We can check which storage boxes have priorites specified in the Django shell as follows:

(mytardis) mytardis@celery0:~/mytardis$ ./ shell_plus

>>> StorageBoxAttribute.objects.filter(key='priority')
<QuerySet [<StorageBoxAttribute: big-data1-> priority: 4>, <StorageBoxAttribute: big-data2-> priority: 4>]>

So in the example above, explicit priorities are only set for the "big-data1" and "big-data2" storage boxes.

Common Problems and Solutions

Celery workers time out when running celery inspect active

When running celery inspect active sometimes you will see this error:

Error: No nodes replied within time constraint.

Usually, running celery inspect active again will resolve the problem, i.e. it will just work without error on subsequent attempts.

If desired, you can specify a timeout e.g. timeout 10 but usually running celery inspect active again does the trick.

Non-priority queue already exists

If an attempt to submit a task to the queue (with apply_async triggers an error like this:

PreconditionFailed: Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'x-max-priority' for queue 'celery' in vhost '/':
 received the value '10' of type 'signedint' but current is none

This means that the MyTardis process attempting to submit the task is expecting the queue to have the x-max-priority argument, but it doesn't have that argument (see rabbitmqctl report above).

In this case, you can delete the celery queue, and allow Celery to recreate it with the x-max-priority argument:

(mytardis) mytardis@celery0 ~/mytardis$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tardis.settings celery -A tardis.celery.tardis_app amqp queue.delete celery