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Running the Test Suite

Run this command to run the unit tests:


If you want to speciy any options or specific tests to run, the test argument is required first:

./ test --some-argument

You can choose to run the test suite with different options (e.g. with coverage, with different verbosity, etc.). To see the full list of options, run the same command with the --help flag.

Running Individual Unit Tests

The unit tests reside in the tardis/tardis_portal/tests directory. To run the unit tests individually, you can use this command:

./ test <test_module_name_here>

Note that the test module name argument should be the relative file path with "." as folder separator. For example, if you want to run the test "", then your command to execute this test would be:

./ test tardis.tardis_portal.tests.test_authentication

Other options

You can choose to include different options when running the unit tests (e.g. run in verbose mode, print out a traceback, etc.). Run the test or django test command with --help flag to see the the full list of options:

./ test --help

Running BDD tests

To run BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) tests with the default settings and headless Chrome, download ChromeDriver from and make it available in your PATH (e.g. in /usr/local/bin/) and run:

./ behave

Running QUnit tests

The QUnit tests reside in the js_tests/ directory.

package.json contains devDependencies required for running these tests.

Running npm install will install everything you need, whereas npm install --production will skip the devDependencies.

You can run the QUnit tests with:

npm test

Or by running a web server:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and opening in your browser.