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File metadata and controls

411 lines (300 loc) · 14.8 KB


The algorithm rebins data with new bin boundaries. The 'params' property defines new boundaries in intervals xi − xi + 1. Positive Δxi make constant width bins, whilst negative ones create logarithmic binning using the formula x(j + 1) = x(j)(1 + |Δxi|) 

This algorithms is useful both in data reduction, but also in remapping ragged workspaces to a regular set of bin boundaries.

Unless the FullBinsOnly option is enabled, the bin immediately before the specified boundaries x2, x3, ... xi is likely to have a different width from its neighbours because there can be no gaps between bins. Rebin ensures that any of these space filling bins cannot be less than 25% or more than 125% of the width that was specified.

Example Rebin param strings

  • "-0.0001": from min(TOF) to max(TOF) among all events in Logarithmic bins of 0.0001
  • "*0,100,20000": from 0 rebin in constant size bins of 100 up to 20,000
  • "2,-0.035,10": from 10 rebin in Logarithmic bins of 0.035 up to 10
  • "0,100,10000,200,20000": from 0 rebin in steps of 100 to 10,000 then steps of 200 to 20,000

For EventWorkspaces

If the input is an EventWorkspace and the "Preserve Events" property is True, the rebinning is performed in place, and only the X axes of the workspace are set. The actual Y histogram data will only be requested as needed, for example, when plotting or displaying the data.

If "Preserve Events" is false., then the output workspace will be created as a Workspace2D <Workspace2D>, with fixed histogram bins, and all Y data will be computed immediately. All event-specific data is lost at that point.

For Data-Point Workspaces

If the input workspace contains data points, rather than histograms, then Rebin will automatically use the ConvertToHistogram <algm-ConvertToHistogram> and ConvertToHistogram <algm-ConvertToPointData> algorithms before and after the rebinning has taken place.

FullBinsOnly option

If FullBinsOnly option is enabled, each range will only contain bins of the size equal to the step specified. In other words, the will be no space filling bins which are bigger or smaller than the other ones.

This, however, means that specified bin boundaries might get amended in the process of binning. For example, if rebin Param string is specified as "0, 2, 4.5, 3, 11" and FullBinsOnly is enabled, the following will happen:

  • From 0 rebin in bins of size 2 up to 4. 4.5 is ignored, because otherwise we would need to create a filling bin of size 0.5.
  • From 4 rebin in bins of size 3 up to 10.

Hence the actual Param string used is "0, 2, 4, 3, 10".

Remove Background during rebinning options

These options allow you to remove flat background, defined by the a single bin histogram workspace with X-axis in the units of TOF from a workspace in any units with known conversion into TOF. The background removal occurs during rebinning

These options are especially useful during reduction of event workspaces in multirep mode, where different event regions are associated with different incident energies and rebinned into appropriate energy range together with background removal on-the-fly.

The algorithm used during background removal is equivalent to the proof-of concept one, presented below, except intermediate workspaces are not created and the background removal calculations performed during rebinning. Errors of the background workspace are currently ignored and their value is calculated as the square root of correspondent background signal:

from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid import config
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

maps_dir = '/home/user/InstrumentFiles/let/'
data_dir ='/home/user/results'   
ref_data_dir = '/home/user/SystemTests/AnalysisTests/ReferenceResults' 
config[''] = data_dir # folder to save resulting spe/nxspe files. Defaults are in

# the name of a workspace containing background
filename = 'LET0007438'
groupedFilename = filename+'rings';
Ei= 25
e_min = -20
e_max = 20
dE = 0.1
bgRange = [15000,18000]

if not("Tgrid" in mtd):

  if not(groupedFilename in mtd):
      Load(Filename=filename+'.nxs', OutputWorkspace=filename, LoadMonitors=True)
      GroupDetectors(InputWorkspace=filename, OutputWorkspace=groupedFilename , MapFile='', Behaviour='Average')

  wsParent = mtd[groupedFilename];

  nHist = wsParent.getNumberHistograms();
  print "Parent workspace contains {0:10} histograms".format(nHist)
  # Get the energy binning correspondent to the binning produced by rebin function (not to re-implement the same function)
  ws1s = ExtractSingleSpectrum(wsParent,0);
  ws1s = ConvertUnits(ws1s,'DeltaE','Direct',Ei);
  ws1s = Rebin(ws1s,Params=[e_min,dE,e_max]);
  e_bins = ws1s.dataX(0);
  nBins =e_bins.size;

  x=[e_bins[i] for i in xrange(0,nBins)]
  y=[0 for xx in xrange(0,len(x)-1)]*nHist
  x = x*nHist

  eGrid = CreateWorkspace(DataX=x,DataY=y,UnitX='DeltaE',NSpec=nHist,VerticalAxisUnit='SpectraNumber',ParentWorkspace=wsParent)


  Tgrid = mtd['Tgrid'];
  eGrid = mtd['eGrid'];
  nHist = Tgrid.getNumberHistograms();
  nBins = Tgrid.dataX(0).size;

if not('Bg' in mtd):
  Bg=Rebin(InputWorkspace=groupedFilename,  Params=[bgRange[0],bgRange[1]-bgRange[0],bgRange[1]],PreserveEvents=False)
  #Bg=CalculateFlatBackground(InputWorkspace=groupedFilename, StartX=bgRange[0], EndX=bgRange[1], Mode='Mean', OutputMode='Return Background', SkipMonitors=True)
  Bg = mtd['Bg']

# Assign constant background to the Time grid workspace, minding different time bin width
for nspec in xrange(0,nHist):
  bg            = Bg.dataY(nspec)
  if bg[0]>0:
     bgT           = Bg.dataX(nspec)  
     TimeScale     = Tgrid.dataX(nspec);
     # jacobian for the unit conversion
     Jac           = (TimeScale[1:nBins]-TimeScale[0:nBins-1])*(bg[0]/(bgT[1]-bgT[0]));  
     error         = np.sqrt(Jac);
     eGrid.setY(nspec, Jac)
     eGrid.setE(nspec, error)
  else:  # signal and error for background is 0 anyway.
  #print " bg at spectra {0} equal to : {1}".format(nspec,bg[0])

background = eGrid;
resultEt   = ConvertUnits(groupedFilename,'DeltaE',Emode='Direct',EFixed=Ei)
result     = Rebin(InputWorkspace=resultEt, Params=[e_min,dE,e_max],PreserveEvents=False)
fr         = result-background;
sourceSum  = SumSpectra(result,0,nHist);
bckgrdSum  = SumSpectra(background ,0,nHist);
removedBkgSum = SumSpectra(fr ,0,nHist);

The results of executing this script on workspace contained measured background and the results of the background removal are presented on the following picture:


Blue line on this image represents the results, obtained using Rebin with background removal. The results produced using the script below and shifted by one to show that there is another result plotted on the image, as both results are identical:

from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid import config
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

maps_dir = '/home/user/InstrumentFiles/let/'
data_dir ='/home/user/results'   
ref_data_dir = '/home/user/SystemTests/AnalysisTests/ReferenceResults' 
config[''] = data_dir # folder to save resulting spe/nxspe files. Defaults are in

# the name of a workspace containing background
filename = 'LET0007438'
groupedFilename = filename+'rings';
Ei= 25
e_min = -20
e_max = 20
dE = 0.1
bgRange = [15000,18000]

if not(groupedFilename in mtd):
  Load(Filename=filename+'.nxs', OutputWorkspace=filename, LoadMonitors=True)
  GroupDetectors(InputWorkspace=filename, OutputWorkspace=groupedFilename , MapFile='', Behaviour='Average')

if not('Bg' in mtd):
  Bg=Rebin(InputWorkspace=groupedFilename,  Params=[bgRange[0],bgRange[1]-bgRange[0],bgRange[1]],PreserveEvents=False)
  Bg = mtd['Bg']

if  'resultEtransf' in mtd:
  resultEtransf   = mtd['resultEtransf']
  resultEtransf   = ConvertUnits(groupedFilename,'DeltaE',Emode='Direct',EFixed=Ei)

noBgWorkspace= Rebin(InputWorkspace=resultEtransf, Params=[e_min,dE,e_max],PreserveEvents=False,FlatBkgWorkspace='Bg',EMode='Direct')
nHist = Bg.getNumberHistograms()
removedBkgSum = SumSpectra(noBgWorkspace ,0,nHist-1);    


Example - simple rebin of a histogram workspace:


# create histogram workspace dataX = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # or use dataX=range(0,10) dataY = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] # or use dataY=[1]*9 ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY)

# rebin from min to max with size bin = 2 ws = Rebin(ws, 2)

print "The rebinned X values are: " + str(ws.readX(0)) print "The rebinned Y values are: " + str(ws.readY(0))



The rebinned X values are: [ 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 9.] The rebinned Y values are: [ 2. 2. 2. 2. 1.]

Example - logarithmic rebinning:


# create histogram workspace dataX = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] # or use dataX=range(1,11) dataY = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # or use dataY=range(1,10) ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY)

# rebin from min to max with logarithmic bins of 0.5 ws = Rebin(ws, -0.5)

print "The 2nd and 3rd rebinned X values are: " + str(ws.readX(0)[1:3])



The 2nd and 3rd rebinned X values are: [ 1.5 2.25]

Example - custom two regions rebinning:


# create histogram workspace dataX = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # or use dataX=range(0,10) dataY = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] # or use dataY=range(0,9) ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY)

# rebin from 0 to 3 in steps of 2 and from 3 to 9 in steps of 3 ws = Rebin(ws, "1,2,3,3,9")

print "The rebinned X values are: " + str(ws.readX(0))



The rebinned X values are: [ 1. 3. 6. 9.]

Example - use option FullBinsOnly:


# create histogram workspace dataX = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # or use dataX=range(0,10) dataY = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] # or use dataY=[1]*9 ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY)

# rebin from min to max with size bin = 2 ws = Rebin(ws, 2, FullBinsOnly=True)

print "The rebinned X values are: " + str(ws.readX(0)) print "The rebinned Y values are: " + str(ws.readY(0))



The rebinned X values are: [ 0. 2. 4. 6. 8.] The rebinned Y values are: [ 2. 2. 2. 2.]

Example - use option PreserveEvents:


# create some event workspace ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType="Event")

print "What type is the workspace before 1st rebin: " + str(type(ws)) # rebin from min to max with size bin = 2 preserving event workspace (default behaviour) ws = Rebin(ws, 2) print "What type is the workspace after 1st rebin: " + str(type(ws)) ws = Rebin(ws, 2, PreserveEvents=False) print "What type is the workspace after 2nd rebin: " + str(type(ws)) # note you can also check the type of a workspace using: print isinstance(ws, IEventWorkspace)



What type is the workspace before 1st rebin: <class 'mantid.api._api.IEventWorkspace'> What type is the workspace after 1st rebin: <class 'mantid.api._api.IEventWorkspace'> What type is the workspace after 2nd rebin: <class 'mantid.api._api.MatrixWorkspace'>

Example - Background removal during rebinning


# Create sample workspace with events Test=CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType='Event', Function='Flat background') # Add sample log necessary for unit conversion AddSampleLog(Test,'Ei',LogText='25.',LogType='Number');

# Calculate background Bg = Rebin(Test,Params='15000,5000,20000',PreserveEvents=False);

# Convert event's units Test_BgDE=ConvertUnits(Test,Target='DeltaE',EMode='Direct');

# Calculate histograms for event workspace in energy binning Sample = Rebin(Test_BgDE,Params='-20,2,20',PreserveEvents=False); # Calculate histograms for event workspace in energy binning and background removed Result = Rebin(Test_BgDE,Params='-20,2,20',PreserveEvents=False,FlatBkgWorkspace='Bg',EMode='Direct');

# Get access to the results XS = Sample.dataX(0); XR = Result .dataX(0);

YS = Sample.dataY(0); YR = Result .dataY(0);

ES = Sample.dataE(0); ER = Result .dataE(0);

# print first spectra, Note invalid error calculations print "| x sampl | x result | S sample | S no bg | Err samp | Err no_bg{0:10}{2:10.4f}{4:10.3f}".format(XS[i],XR[i],YS[i],YR[i],ES[i],ER[i]);


x sampl | x result | S sample | S no bg | Err samp | Err no_bg|
    -20.0| -20.0| 1.0000| -0.959| 1.000| 1.216|
    -18.0| -18.0| 2.0000| -0.101| 1.414| 1.432|
    -16.0| -16.0| 3.0000| 0.740| 1.732| 1.622|
    -14.0| -14.0| 1.0000| -1.441| 1.000| 1.312|
    -12.0| -12.0| 5.0000| 2.353| 2.236| 1.955|
    -10.0| -10.0| 2.0000| -0.885| 1.414| 1.563|
     -8.0| -8.0| 5.0000| 1.841| 2.236| 2.020|
     -6.0| -6.0| 2.0000| -1.481| 1.414| 1.655|
     -4.0| -4.0| 4.0000| 0.139| 2.000| 1.983|
     -2.0| -2.0| 3.0000| -1.315| 1.732| 1.912|
      0.0| 0.0| 6.0000| 1.133| 2.449| 2.331|
      2.0| 2.0| 7.0000| 1.454| 2.646| 2.505|
      4.0| 4.0| 5.0000| -1.400| 2.236| 2.388|
      6.0| 6.0| 7.0000| -0.499| 2.646| 2.692|
      8.0| 8.0| 9.0000| 0.047| 3.000| 2.996|
     10.0| 10.0| 11.0000| 0.054| 3.317| 3.313|
     12.0| 12.0| 16.0000| 2.190| 4.000| 3.861|
     14.0| 14.0| 16.0000| -2.188| 4.000| 4.135|
     16.0| 16.0| 26.0000| 0.490| 5.099| 5.075|
     18.0| 18.0| 39.0000| -0.581| 6.245| 6.268|