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46 lines (32 loc) · 1.27 KB

Official builds

Pre-release checkins

  • Verify line terminations

These steps typically happen from developer's machine.

php -q ./build/check_lineterm.php -c
  • Update to MANTIS_VERSION in core/constant_inc.php
  • Update Revision_History.xml for Admin Guide
  • Update Revision_History.xml for Developer Guide
  • Checkin Update release to x.y.z

Tag the release

These steps typically happen from the machine used for official builds which has the tools like gpg, gpg key, zip, tar, md5sum, sha1sum, and publican.

To setup a machine for official build, see instructions at Release Process.

git tag -s release-$VERSION -m "Stable release $VERSION"
git push origin release-$VERSION

Build the release

./scripts/ --fresh --docbook --ref release-$VERSION /tmp/release-$VERSION /tmp/mantisbt-repo-$VERSION

Continuous Integration

This directory contains some command-line scripts useful for performance or integration issues. Please refer to the mantis manual for a more complete documentation about their purpose and usage.

  • and : Travis-CI scripts (used in .travis.yml)