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This package provides Radial Basis Function (RBF) models with polynomial tails. RBF models are a special case of kernel machines that can interpolate high-dimensional and nonlinear data.

Usage Examples

First load the RadialBasisFunctionModels package.

using RadialBasisFunctionModels

Interpolating RBF Model

One dimensional data

The main type RBFModel uses vectors internally, but we can easily interpolate 1-dimensional data. Assume, e.g., we want to interpolate f:ℝ → ℝ, f(x) = x^2:

f = x -> x^2

Define 5 training sites X and evaluate to get Y

X = collect( LinRange(-4,4,5) )
Y = f.(X)

Initialize the RadialFunction to use for the RBF model:

φ = Multiquadric()

Construct an interpolating model with linear polynomial tail:

rbf = RBFModel( X, Y, φ, 1)

We can evaluate rbf at the data points; By default, vectors are returned.

Z = rbf.(X)


Z isa Vector


Z[1] isa AbstractVector{<:Real}

The results should be close to the data labels Y, i.e., Z[1] ≈ Y[1] etc.

X contains Floats, but we can pass them to rbf. Usually you have feature vectors and they are always supported:

@test rbf( [ X[1], ] ) == Z[1]

For 1 dimensional labels we can actually disable the vector output:

rbf_scalar = RBFInterpolationModel( X, Y, φ, 1; vector_output = false)
Z_scalar = rbf_scalar.( X )

Z_scalar isa Vector{Float64}
all( Z_scalar[i] == Z[i][1] for i = 1 : length(Z) )

The data precision of the training data is preserved when determining the model coefficients. Accordingly, the return type precision is also at least that of the training data.

X_f0 = Float32.(X)
Y_f0 = f.(X_f0)
rbf_f0 = RBFInterpolationModel( X_f0, Y_f0, φ, 1)
rbf_f0.(X_f0) isa Vector{Vector{Float32}}

If you are using statically sized arrays, they work too! You can provide a vector of statically sized arrays or, if you have only few centers ( number of variables × number of centers <= 100), provide a statically sized vector of statically sized vectors to maybe profit from faster matrix multiplications when evaluating:

using StaticArrays
features = [ @SVector(rand(3)) for i = 1 : 5 ]
labels = [ @SVector(rand(3)) for i = 1 : 5 ]
centers = SVector{5}(features)
rbf_sized = RBFModel( features, labels; centers )

Now, the model uses sized matrices internally. For most input vectors a SizedVector would be returned. But there is a "type guarding" function for static arrays so that output has the same array type (by conversion, if necessary):

x_vec = rand(3)
x_s = SVector{3}(x_vec)
x_m = MVector{3}(x_vec)
x_sized = SizedVector{3}(x_vec)

rbf_sized( x_vec ) isa Vector
rbf_sized( x_s ) isa SVector
rbf_sized( x_m ) isa MVector
rbf_sized( x_sized ) isa SizedVector

Using Kernel Names

Instead of initializing RadialFunctions beforehand, their names can be used. Currently supported are:

:gaussian, :multiquadric, :inv_multiquadric, :cubic, :thin_plate_spline

You can do

RBFModel(features, labels, :gaussian)

or, to specify kernel arguments:

RBFModel(features, labels, :multiquadric, [1.0, 1//2])


There is an MLJ wrapper for the RBFInterpolationModel, exported as RBFInterpolator. It can be used like other regressors and takes the kernel name as a symbol (and kernel arguments as a vector).

using MLJBase
X,y = @load_boston

r = RBFInterpolator(; kernel_name = :multiquadric )
R = machine(r, X, y)!(R)
MLJBase.predict(R, X)

You can do similar things (for vector valued data) with the RBFMachineWithKernel:

X = [ rand(2) for i = 1 : 10 ]
Y = [ rand(2) for i = 1 : 10 ]

R = RBFMachine(;features = X, labels = Y, kernel_name = :gaussian )
R isa RBFMachineWithKernel!(R)
R( X[1] )  Y[1]

Such a machine can be initialized empty and data can be added:

R = RBFMachine()
add_data!(R, X, Y)

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