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Unable to use GPU, regardless of TrainerConfig(gpus=) setting #16

Sunishchal opened this issue May 19, 2021 · 10 comments

Unable to use GPU, regardless of TrainerConfig(gpus=) setting #16

Sunishchal opened this issue May 19, 2021 · 10 comments


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I am unable to use GPUs whether I set 0 or 1 for the gpus parameter. I think the issue may lie inside an internal calling of the script. As the warning states, the --gpus flag seems to not be invoked.

C:\Users\sunis\miniconda3\envs\numerai\lib\site-packages\pytorch_lightning\utilities\ UserWarning: GPU available but not used. Set the --gpus flag when calling the script.
  warnings.warn(*args, **kwargs)
GPU available: True, used: False
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
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Sunishchal commented May 19, 2021

Additional details:
OS = Windows 10 Home 10.0.19041 Build 19041
GPU 0 = Intel(R) UHD Graphics
GPU 1 = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
Local environment = miniconda virtual environment
Name Version Build Channel
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blas 1.0 mkl
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importlib-metadata 3.10.0 py38haa95532_0
importlib_metadata 3.10.0 hd3eb1b0_0
intel-openmp 2021.2.0 haa95532_616
ipykernel 5.5.5 pypi_0 pypi
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jupyter_client 6.1.12 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jupyter_core 4.7.1 py38haa95532_0
jupyter_server 1.4.1 py38haa95532_0
jupyterlab 3.0.14 pyhd3eb1b0_1
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Model configs =

data_config = DataConfig(
target=['target'], #target should always be a list. Multi-targets are only supported for regression. Multi-Task Classification is not implemented
trainer_config = TrainerConfig(
auto_lr_find=True, # Runs the LRFinder to automatically derive a learning rate
gpus=1, #index of the GPU to use. 0, means CPU
optimizer_config = OptimizerConfig()

model_config = TabNetModelConfig(
learning_rate = 1e-3,
n_d = 4,
n_a = 4,
n_steps = 3,
virtual_batch_size = 1024,
mask_type = 'sparsemax'

tabular_model = TabularModel(

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Can you run the below code and check if your PyTorch installation is using GPU?

import torch

>>> True

>>> 0

>>> <torch.cuda.device at 0x7efce0b03be0>

>>> 1

>>> 'GeForce GTX 950M'

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okay.. So PyTorch is seeing the GPU. Can you try giving [0], instead of 0 for the gpu parameter?

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rafaljanwojcik commented Jun 2, 2021

Hello, I have similar problem (ran all previous steps, and pytorch for sure sees the GPU), also tried giving [0] instead of 0, still the GPU remains unused. What is strange, is that in first messages the logger states that the GPUs are unused, and then it finally says it is used:

but actually, when I check the workload on my GPU, it isn't used:

and when I compare speed of computations for TabNet model with gpus argument set to [0] vs None, it is exactly the same

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From the printed message(the second one. I get the first one which says we are not using GPUs in my machine as well) and the memory consumption(23%), I'd say your GPU is being used, although not fully. The num_workers is set to zero by default. If you are running linux, you can try increasing that to increase GPU utilization.

if [0] or None is using the GPUs, I think something fishy is going on. Which version of PyTorch Lightning are you running?

I think I need to re-look at the gpu setting. PyTorch Lightning has had some changes and have auto_select_gpus now. Since this GPU config is creating a lot of confusion, I'll try to simplify this in the next release.

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@manujosephv thanks for responding! You're right, it is actually using GPU, just not whole, sorry for the fuss

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@Sunishchal @rafaljanwojcik This should be fixed now in the develop branch.. Have changed the way we use the gpus parameter.

None means CPU, -1 means all GPUs, int means number of GPUs to use.

If you turn off auto_select_gpus in TrainerConfig, you can even specify indices of GPUs to be used as a list in gpus

Not able to publish to PyPi cause of my CI/CD pipeline which is currently with need to migrate to or Github Actions.

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Fixed in v 0.6. Now in PyPi. Can you check and revert?

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Closing the issue. Feel Free to reopen if it still persists.

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