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How to add a Rucio RSE using StoRM and WebDav with tokens based A&A


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Rucio RSE based on StoRM-webdav with OIDC token Authentication and CephFS as Storage plaform

How to add a Rucio RSE using a puppet StoRM and WebDav deployment with OIDC A&A tokens.


  • VM or container with CentOS7.
  • 4 GB RAM and 4 CPU cores.
  • 50 GB of SSD or another storage technology connected.
  • In this case we are going to add a CephFS connected to this VM, so a CephFS folder is required.

Install StoRM Backend, StoRM Frontend and StoRM WebDav with puppet

Setup CephFS storage folder

Enable shared storage with CephFS in /storage/ and mount it with the acl and user_xattr options. To enable them, you must first install support for acl and xattr. Install this two tools related with the StoRM backend and FileSystem management:

yum install acl
yum install attr

Type the next to confirm that you have enabled the acl support:

touch test
setfacl -m u:storm:rw test

Now we are test the same with xattr:

touch testfile
setfattr -n user.testea -v test testfile
getfattr -d testfile

Then add you CephFS to the VM with the attributes of acl, and user_xattr

mount -t ceph <IP_1>:6789,<IP_2>:6789,<IP_3>:6789:/volumes/_nogroup/12581a31-7af3-4451-8fe8-e54f5409d293 /storage/dteam/disk -o secretfile=/etc/ceph/,name=user-rucio,acl,user_xattr

If you are using a block storage from Ceph instead CephFS, use the following to configure the extended FileSystem configuration:

Add acl to fstab to support to the folder where you have your storage (after it, remount it)

/dev/hda3     /storage      ext4     defaults, acl     0 0 

and then add user_xattr to fstab to support to the folder where you have your storage (after it, remount it)

/dev/hda3     /storage     ext4     defaults,acl,user_xattr     0 0 

Initial configuration

Install wget

yum install wget

Install NTP server and start it

yum install ntp
systemctl enable ntpd
systemctl start ntpd

Set-up a hostname and check if your hostname is working. In our case we will use spsrc.local a localhost and then it will be put under NGINX.

hostname -f

Install OpenSSL to create self-signed certificates

yum install openssl

Create our own x509 certificate.

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem

Create certificates folder and copy certificates to the /etc/grid-security/

mkdir /etc/grid-security/
cp cert.pem /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
cp key.pem  /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

Include permissions:

chmod 644 /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
chmod 400 /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

Installing repos, puppet and StoRM services

Time to install all the repositories for StoRM core environment

rpm --import
yum localinstall
yum localinstall
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/EGI-trustanchors.repo
yum install ca-policy-egi-core
yum install yum-utils -y
yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum -y install epel-release
rpm -Uvh

Install puppet

yum install -y puppet

After install the application, exit from your session and login again to have puppet working

Create the next file called

# EPEL repo
puppet module install puppet-epel
# UMD4 repo
puppet module install cnafsd-umd4
# NTP service
puppet module install puppetlabs-ntp
# fetch-crl and all CA certificates
puppet module install puppet-fetchcrl
# voms
puppet module install lcgdm-voms
# bdii
puppet module install cnafsd-bdii
# storm services and utils
puppet module install cnafsd-storm
# lcmaps module (only for test purpose)
puppet module install cnafsd-lcmaps

Then execute

sh puppet.modules

Add a CephFS storage mount point (or a folder that points out) for /storage/dteam/disk/ with 10TB:


Add permissions for this folder and the storm user (same permissions mask of the root folder within /storage/dteam/).

Create a file named setup.pp and include the next

include epel
include umd4
include ntp
include fetchcrl

# install and configure dteam vo
include voms::dteam

# add storm and edguser users and groups
include storm::users

# storage root directories for all the storage areas
# Just for test purpose. In production you should not need this part.
$storage_area_root_directories = [
storm::rootdir { '/storage': }
storm::sarootdir { $storage_area_root_directories: }

# install all StoRM repositories and enable only stable repo
# install also UMD4 repo and EPEL
class { 'storm::repo':
  enabled      => ['stable'],

# This class installs LCMAPS and LCAS and configure them with some default files stored into the module.
# LCMAPS class is used ONLY FOR TEST PURPOSE. In production, configure LCMAPS/LCAS and pool accounts on your own with YAIM.
class { 'lcmaps':
  pools => [{
    'name'     => 'dteam',
    'size'     => 100,
    'vo'       => 'dteam',
    'group'    => 'dteam',
    'groups'   => ['dteam'],
    'gid'      => 9100,
    'base_uid' => 9100,
    'role'     => 'NULL',

# install bdii
class { 'bdii':
  firewall   => false,
  bdiipasswd => 'supersecretpassword', # avoid service reloading at each run of Puppet agent

-> Class['storm::repo']
-> Class['lcmaps']

Once created, run the puppet file

puppet apply setup.pp

Now is time to configure the deployment of the main components of StoRM with puppet. Create a file named manifest.pp.


include storm::db

-> Class['storm::backend']
-> Class['storm::frontend']
-> Class['storm::gridftp']
-> Class['storm::webdav']

class { 'storm::backend':
  db_username           => 'storm',
  db_password           => 'storm',
  gsiftp_pool_members   => [
      'hostname' => $host,
  hostname              => $host,
  service_du_enabled    => true,
  srm_pool_members      => [
      'hostname' => $host,
  storage_areas         => [
      'name'          => 'dteam-disk',
      'root_path'     => '/storage/dteam/disk',
      'access_points' => ['/disk'],
      'vos'           => ['dteam'],
      'online_size'   => 50,
  transfer_protocols    => ['file', 'gsiftp', 'webdav'],
  xmlrpc_security_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  webdav_pool_members   => [
      'hostname' => $host,

class { 'storm::frontend':
  be_xmlrpc_host  => $host,
  be_xmlrpc_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  db_user         => 'storm',
  db_passwd       => 'storm',

class { 'storm::gridftp':
  redirect_lcmaps_log => true,
  llgt_log_file       => '/var/log/storm/storm-gridftp-lcmaps.log',

class { 'storm::webdav':
  hostnames     => [$host],
  storage_areas => [
      'name'          => 'dteam-disk',
      'root_path'     => '/storage/dteam/disk',
      'access_points' => ['/disk'],
      'vos'           => ['dteam'],

Apply it with:

puppet apply manifest.pp

Check StoRM status:

systemctl status storm-webdav

Check that the WebDav service responds

curl http://localhost:8085/actuator/health

If you see {"status":"DOWN"}, check the logs to know what is going on:

cat /var/log/storm/webdav/storm-webdav-server.log

By default REDIS is not installed anyway, so you have to install manually.

Get service metrics

curl http://localhost:8085/status/metrics?pretty=true

It will return:

  "version" : "4.0.0",
  "gauges" : {
    "jvm.gc.G1-Old-Generation.count" : {
      "value" : 0
    "jvm.gc.G1-Old-Generation.time" : {
      "value" : 0

Configuring StoRM WebDav A&A

Before: stop the service

systemctl stop storm-webdav

The config of StoRM-WebFav is spread across three files

/etc/storm/webdav/sa.d/[your storm name].properties

Edit an existing template /etc/storm/webdav/sa.d/ and save it as Remove all the directives and use the next:




More info about it here:

Now is time to edit the following file /etc/storm/webdav/config/application.yml to set-up the credentials A&A.

  enable-oidc: true
    - name: escape
            provider: escape
            client-name: ska-storm-webdav
            client-id: <redacted>
            client-secret: <redacted>
              - openid
              - profile
              - wlcg.groups
      dir: ${STORM_WEBDAV_VOMS_TRUST_STORE_DIR:/etc/grid-security/certificates}

Restart the StoRM WebDav

systemctl start storm-webdav

Check the status

systemctl status storm-webdav

Check the service logs here:

tail /var/log/storm/webdav/storm-webdav-server.log

Again, validate the status of the service if logs look good.

curl http://spsr.local:8085/actuator/health curl http://spsr.local:8085/status/metrics?pretty=true

Create SSL certificates for HTTPS WebDav service

In order to make transfers from RUCIO it is necessary to provide valid SSL certificates signed by a trusted authority. For this we can use LetsEncript or our root certificate.

Once the certificates are obtained, they must be copied into the WebDAV directories for the web service:


Then restart the WebDAV service:

systemctl stop storm-webdav
systemctl start storm-webdav

Creating an identity

Go to this page: and create your acount if you dont have one. Once you have this credentials, go to the next link:

  • Click on: Developer >> Self-service client registration
  • Then: New Client

In this screen add the following within the "Main" Tab:

Go to the tab "Access" and:

  • Select just: openid, profile, email, offline_access,wlcg.groups

Note: add the same items you have within the last configuration file under scope:

After that, click on Save button and you will see the following variables:

Client ID: XXXXXX Client Secret: XXXXXX Client Configuration URL: XXXX Registration Access Token: XXXX

Store these credentials in a safe place

Updating A&A crendentials in StoRM-WebDav

Modify this file /etc/storm/webdav/config/application.yml and complete client-id: and client-secret: with the client data that you get in the previous step:

   provider: escape
            client-name: <your clien name, here what we use: spsrc-rucio-storage>
            client-id: <your client id>
            client-secret: <your client id>


   provider: escape
            client-name: spsrc-rucio-storage
            client-id: 1234-1234-....
            client-secret: zzzXXXXX

Adding IAM groups

Go to!/home and click on Group request >> Join a group.

Look for the next groups: escape and escape/ska

Add these groups and confirm, and then check if both groups are set in the group section.

Running Rucio Client

Start this container:

Change <iam_username> with your iam user previously created

docker run --rm -it -e RUCIO_CFG_RUCIO_HOST= -e RUCIO_CFG_AUTH_HOST= -e RUCIO_CFG_AUTH_TYPE=oidc -e RUCIO_CFG_ACCOUNT=<iam_username> --name=ska-rucio-client

Once inside,

Verify the /opt/rucio/etc/rucio.cfg snippet:

Note: change <iam_username> to your user

rucio_host =
auth_host =
ca_cert =
auth_type = oidc
username =
password =
account = <iam_username>
request_retries = 3
oidc_scope = openid profile wlcg.groups rucio fts fts:submit-transfer
oidc_audience = fts

Then type:

rucio ping


rucio whoami

Upon running a rucio command you will be get a browser link to click on, click on this link which will ask you to authenticate with ESCAPE IAM and provide you with an authorization code. Enter this code in your command line terminal to complete authentication. This token is for 1 hour!.

You can export the token to an environment variable

export TOKEN=`cat /tmp/user/.rucio_user/auth_token_for_account_<iam_username>`


export TOKEN=`cat /tmp/user/.rucio_user/auth_token_for_account_mparra`

Testing local RSE

Install EPEL repository within this container and davix client:

yum install epel-release && yum update -y
yum install davix

List files:

davix-ls -l -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://<hostname>:<port>/<path>


davix-ls -l -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Test TPT (third part transfers)

Two options:

  • Install FTS client: To access the FTS REST CLI, run a container from the image
  • Install the CLI tools with yum install fts-rest-cli and yum install fts-client

And then run:

fts-rest-whoami -s --access-token=`$TOKEN -s openid -s offline_access -s profile -s wlcg.groups

Check third party transfers:

fts-rest-transfer-submit --access-token=${TOKEN} -s <src> <dest>

Add --insecure flag if having trouble with certificates at /etc/grid-security/certificates

Details of the installation and parameters to connect

By default a storage area named dteam-disk is accessible at the URL https://spsrc-local:8443/dteam-disk or, if anonymous access is granted, at https://dteam-disk:8085/dteam-disk

Add a new RSE from RUCIO Administrator console

Add a deterministic RSE for our SPSRC

rucio-admin rse add SPSRC

Point the RSE to an FTS

rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse SPSRC --key fts --value

Set Tape field to false since where are not providing Tape storage.

rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse SPSRC --key istape --value False

Allow the root user (unlimited) access

rucio-admin account set-limits root SPSRC "infinity"

Configure one or more protocols

rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname --scheme https --prefix '....' --port 443 --imp 'rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default' --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 1}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' SPSRC

If adding more than one, set the TPC priority accordingly. Also, if adding root protocol, the corresponding prefix requires an additional slash (/) at the beginning.

rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname --scheme gsiftp --prefix '....' --port 2811 --imp 'rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default' --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 2}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' SPSRC

Add links to other RSEs

rucio-admin rse add-distance SPSRC XXX
rucio-admin rse add-distance XXX SPSRC



How to add a Rucio RSE using StoRM and WebDav with tokens based A&A







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