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Neptune Engine (WIP)


Vulkan-test is a toy game engine.It's used to understand how things work and has become my go-to place for experiment.

How to build


1. Setting up the environment

Vulkan-Test currently uses Vulkan as a rendering backend. As a result we have to make sure that we set up the right environment for it.

  • Vulkan sdk
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022

2. Update submodule

git submodule update --remote   

ECS is a required submodule

3. Use cjing-build-system to build

Is very easy to build.

  1. We click and run "build.cmd" in order for a Visual Studio solution to be generated in "app/build"
  2. Then open "VulkanTest.sln"


  • Vulkan backend
  • Render graph
  • Fiber based jobsystem
  • Basic core lib
  • Archetype based ecs library
  • Easy to build (use custom build system)
  • Tiled forward rendering
  • Editor and resource importers



Feature Completion Notes
Vulkan backend 100% Basic vulkan backend (multithreading)
Core 100% Complete
Render graph 100% Complete
ECS 100% Support multithreading
Native lua binder 100% Basic version
Resource 100% Resource pipeline(import and compile)
Forward+ shading 100% done
Scene 60% Use ecs with jobSystem
Base render path 75% doing
Editor 50% Basic editor
Graphical features 20% doing


  • dxcompiler
  • glfw
  • glm
  • spriv_reflect
  • stb
  • volk
  • imGui
  • rapidjson


No releases published
