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Pedestrians simulation tool for autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation in shared spaces.


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Simulation of Pedestrians and an Autonomous Car in Shared Spaces


The implementation is based on Pedsim_ros, ROS packages that wrap a crowd simulator based on Christian Gloor's libpedsim library.
The pedestrian model is based on the social force model of Helbing et. al.

This package is useful to support Autonomous vehicle (AV) developments that require the simulation of pedestrians and an AV in various shared spaces scenarios.
It allows:
   1. in simulation, to pre-test AV navigation algorithms in various crowd scenarios,
   2. in real crowds, to help online prediction of pedestrian trajectories around the AV.



  • Heterogeneous crowds in shared spaces for simulation and prediction of 100 pedestrians in real time.
  • Individuals and groups walking using social force model, with various social relationships
  • Prius AV model (from or Zoe AV model (from, controlled from within the simulation or by an external ROS controller publishing velocity commands.
  • Pedestrians reactions to the AV
  • 3 shared space environments (business area, campus, citer center) and 8 scenarios for each env. ready to test AV navigation algorithms
  • Sensors simulation (point clouds in AV frame for people and walls)
  • XML based scene design
  • Visualization using Rviz
  • Optional plugin to connect with Gazebo

Installation and launch


Tested on:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic and Gazebo7 (master branch)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic and Gazebo9 (master branch)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and Gazebo11 (noetic branch)


  • ROS with the navigation and visualization stack
  • C++11 compiler (or C++14 for Noetic)
  • Qt4 (or Qt5 for Noetic)
  • Gazebo if pedsim_gazebo_plugin is used

Install commands

cd [workspace]/src
git clone  
cd Spaciss
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../..

catkin_make or catkin build (twice at the first time)

Sample usage

roslaunch experimental_package business_area.launch

The previous command should start the simulator with the business area environment and the shared space scenario (many pedestrians and an AV).
More launch files are in the experimental_package/launch repository.
Ready to test scenarios are in the experimental_package/scenarios repository.

With Gazebo

roslaunch pedsim_gazebo_plugin scene1.launch

The previous command should start the simulator and Gazebo with some pedestrians.

Parallel execution of multiple nodes

roslaunch experimental_package multi_node_parallel.launch

The previous command starts 2 simulations with the business area environment and the shared space scenario, with AV max speed of 2m/s and 4m/s respectively.

AV control modes

Mode 0 or 1: with an external controller

The AV in the simulator is controlled externally using any controller than sends Twist messages.

Example with the AV controlled by move_base planner:

roslaunch experimental_package business_area_external.launch

and to send goals to the planner:

rostopic pub /move_base_simple/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "odom"}, pose: {position: {x: -10.0, y: 10.0, z: 0.0}, orientation: {w: 1.0}}}'

Mode 2: with the social force model

The AV in the simulator is controlled by the social force model, like for pedestrians.
For now, the social force is configured to have the AV go straight to its destination, trying to avoid walls but not pedestrians.

Launch files

  • simulator node
  • visualizer node + rviz node
  • sensor node
  • robot controller node and move_base node
  • timer node to shutdown all nodes after a timelapse

Parameters for the simulator node


Parameter Use Default value Possible values
visualize Rviz visualisation true boolean
simulation_factor Simulation speed up 1.0 double
update_rate Simuation step (Hz) 25.0 (0.04 s) double
scene_file Scenario "$(find experimental_package)scenarios/business_area/shared_space.xml" absolute path to xml scenario file
default_queue_size size of queue for published msgs 10 int


Parameter Use Default value Possible values
kbd_teleop Keyboard control of AV false boolean
rqt_teleop ROS rqt control of the AV (UI) false boolean
with_robot Simulation with an AV true boolean
pose_initial_x x postion of the AV 5.0 double
pose_initial_y y postion of the AV 5.0 double
pose_initial_theta Orientation of the AV 0.0 double
robot_description URDF model of AV prius.urdf absolute path to urdf file
max_robot_speed Max speed of AV (m/s) 3.0 double
robot_mode AV control mode 1 0 or 1: teleoperation / 2: social_drive (with SFM)


Parameter Use Default value Possible values
enable_distraction Agent visual distraction false boolean
probability_random_stop Agent probability to do a temporary stop 0.0 double [0..1]


Parameter Use Default value Possible values
enable_groups Groups presence true boolean
group_size_lambda Lambda parameter in Poisson law distribution for groups sizes 1.1 double>0
groups_couples_proportion Proportion of couples in groups 0.0 double [0..1] Couples can only be groups of 2. If proportion(group_size=2) < groups_couples_proportion -> generated groups_couples_proportion < groups_couples_proportion
groups_friends_proportion Proportion of couples in groups 1.0 double [0..1]
groups_families_proportion Proportion of couples in groups 0.0 double [0..1]
groups_coworkers_proportion Proportion of couples in groups 0.0 double [0..1]


    <waypoint id="wu" x="0" y="-20" r="2" b="2"/>
    <waypoint id="wd" x="0" y=" 20" r="2" />
    <obstacle x1="10" y1="30" x2="10" y2="-30"/>
    <agent x="0" y="-30" n="12" dx="10" dy="10" type="0" purpose="1">
        <addwaypoint id="wd" />
        <addwaypoint id="wu" />


Parameter Use Possible values
id Identifiant string
x x position double
y y position double
r (opt, default 0) radius double
b (opt, default 0) behaviour 0: simple / 1: source / 2: sink


Parameter Use Possible values
x1 x1 position: obstacle start double
y1 y1 position: obstacle start double
x2 x2 position: obstacle end double
y2 y2 position: obstacle end double


Parameter Use Possible values
x x initial position double
y y initial position double
n Number of agents, to change crowd density int
dx (opt if n=1) Dispersion of agents along x axis double
dy (opt if n=1) Dispersion of agents along y axis double
type (opt, default 0) Agent type (affects the max speed and force desired for elderly, affects the max speed/size/max rotation angle/force social and force obstacle for robot) 0: adult / 1: child (unused) / 2: robot (=AV) / 3: elder / 4: immob (stationary)
purpose (opt, default 0) Trip purpose of agent (affects the max speed except for robot and elderly) 0: unknown / 1: work / 2: leisure
addwaypoint id id of a waypoint

source (spawn area)

Parameter Use Possible values
x x initial position double
y y initial position double
n Number of agents int
dx (opt if n=1) Dispersion of agents along x axis double
dy (opt if n=1) Dispersion of agents along y axis double
type (opt, default 0) Agent type 0: adult / 1: child (unused) / 2: robot (=AV) / 3: elder / 4: immob (stationary)
purpose (opt, default 0) Trip purpose of agent 0: unknown / 1: work / 2: leisure
addwaypoint id id of a waypoint


Parameter Use Possible values
id Identifiant string
x x initial position double
y y initial position double
width Width of attraction zone double
height Height of attraction zone double
strength Attraction strength double

Reference papers

Manon Prédhumeau. 2021. Simulating Realistic Pedestrian Behaviors in the Context of Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces: Doctoral Consortium. In Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021), May 3–7, 2021, IFAAMAS, 3 pages.

Manon Prédhumeau. 2021. Modélisation et simulation de comportements piétons réalistes en espace partagé avec un véhicule autonome. Université Grenoble Alpes. Français. tel-03518751


The core libpedsim is licensed under LGPL.
The ROS integration and extensions are licensed under BSD.


Manon Prédhumeau, Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale, Anne Spalanzani

The package is a work in progress mainly used in research prototyping.


This work has been developed as part of the HIANIC project.


Pedestrians simulation tool for autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation in shared spaces.







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