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A new programming IDE and language on Scratch (by me)
Here is some Documentation of my Programming IDE + language on Scratch.


Here are some Features it has:

  • an Editor with automatic X/Y Scrolling
  • Text/Image out
  • colorcoded text (in the editor)
  • Autocompletion
  • Automatic error finding and marking
  • a Cursor for easy typing and use with an Insert function
  • a Backspace function
  • Mappable keys (for different keyboards)!
  • Pen Support
  • Text Support
  • Math Support
  • Variables Support
  • Music Support
  • Images
  • a Filesystem
  • I/O
  • Randomisation
  • Functions, loops and Ifnum

( Sadly no uppercase support :( )


Here is the Project:

Here is the Main Forum Page:

Here is the Project to import Images:

Here is a proof of concept "OS" running on M-CODE:


Here is the full Command list:

Lets go over the basics


Let's take a closer look at the GUI of the Project!

Here's how it looks when you first start the Project:
You will probably notice a few a things:

  • The numbers on the left.
    They are here for telling you the number of line you are on.
  • Differently coloured text.
    Its for the different Datatypes and for potential errors you made.
  • The Black Box.
    That's your cursor!
  • The 3 Buttons!
    Those are the main control Buttons!
    Let's take a closer look!

The Menu Button

That's the first Button. (from the left)
It will allow you to go to the Menu and Back.
Wondering how the Menu looks?
Here is an Image:
Cool, right? Left, there is the Keybind Mapper. There you can map special keys to do certain actions like Backspace or Autocompletion.
Right, is the main part:
We have Options like:

  • clear code - Clearing your current code.
  • examples - Shows a list of examples, you can load.
  • Autocomplete Highlighter - Toggles the highlighting of words that it want to autocorrect.
  • Save Code - Saving Code
  • Load Code - Loading Code. That's all ya gotta know :p

The Import Image Button

Here you can import your Images with an Image Code you got from ( )
Note: It will REPLACE your current line of code!

The run Button

With this Button, you can run your Program.
When it stops, you can just press the green Flag, to go back to the Editor.


Here is the simple Command-Syntax:

Command [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] [arg6]

[arg] is an Argument.
There can be up to 6 Arguments per Command.
We will now look at the things the Arguments can be. (Datatypes)


Let's look at all of the Datatypes you can use as Arguments!
These are the 6 main Datatypes:

Values They can be a word or a number or a Variable. (variables can be used in places of values like this: $varname ) - are coloured dark blue
Strings up to infinite values inside of a "" (like "test 1 2 3 lol") - are coloured green
Operators can be "+, -, *, /, >, <, =, ≠, mode (depending on the Command) - are coloured purple
(mode would be for the time like second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
Operations can be round, amount, round_down, round_up, root, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, ln, log, e_ttpo, 10_ttpo, (ttpo: to the power of) - are coloured light green comments up to 12 values or so. (mainly for commenting) - are coloured grey


Here are the 3 Screenmodes changed with the screenmode command.
1 - Editor (maybe for programs involving changing the code mid-execution)
2 - Text-out (for Displaying Text)
3 - Draw-out (for Drawing, loading Images, or writing Text in some random places)


screenmode 2


Here are the basics you need with Variables:

To set a Variable to a value (and initialise it), use set and sets. (sets is basically set Variable to a String)

set Test 100
sets Test2 "Test lul"
set Test $Test2

To do math, use math or 2math.

math $var1 * $var2 var3
-sets the output of (var1 * var2) to var3.

2math sin $var1 var2
-sets the ouput of (sin of var1) to var2.

Then we also have more commands about Variables:

ran 1 10 var1
-sets var1 to random value (rounded) between 1 and 10.

join hello $test var1
-joins hello and the variable test into the Variable var1

letter 1 $text var1
-sets var1 to the first letter of the Variable text

sletter 1 "hello this is a test" var1
-sets var1 to the first letter of "hello this is a test" (would be h)

lenght hoiiii123 var1
-sets var1 to the lenght of hoiiii123

contains? $text aa var1
-sets var1 to true/false, depending on if the variable text has aa inside of it.

scontains? "test aaaaaa lol" aa var1
-sets var1 to true/false, depending on if "test aaaaaa lol" has aa inside of it.


We also have logic in form of bitwise Operations.
We use the command op_[and, or, not] like this:

op_and $var1 $var2 var3
-sets var3 to true/false depending on if var1 and var2 are equal to one.

Input and Output

We have a few ways of Input and Output.


For input, we have ask and vask.

ask "hello! how are you?" var1
-asks "hello! how are you?" and sets the awnser to var1

vask hello var1
-asks hello and sets the awnser to var1

of course there are other inputs like:

time minute var1
-sets the current minute to var1

m_x var1
-sets var 1 to the Mouse X Position.

m_y var1
-sets var 1 to the Mouse Y Position.

m_x var1
-sets var1 to true/false, depending on if the Left Mouse Button is clicked.

key a var1
-sets var1 to true/false, depending on if the key a is pressed.


For Output we have some Commands:

  • nl

This will add a new Line to the output.

  • cls

This will delete every line.

  • +line
+line 1 "test"

This will add test to line 1.

  • +vline
+line 1 12

This will add 12 to line 1.

  • delline
delline 2

This deletes the line 2.


Loops look like this:

:loop 10

This code will loop ... 10 times before continuing.


The Ifnum Command skips the next few lines if a condition ISN'T met.

set var1 0
set var2 5
vask Number: var1
ifnum $var1 = $var2 2
+line 1 "yay the number is 5!"

+line 1 "awww. the number is not "
+vline 1 $var1
+line 1 "."


Functions are pretty simple.
Add them with this code:

:func "function lol"

func "function lol"

Note: Functions get skipped when "initialising them" and only get executed when called.
Note: When calling a function, you can add up to 3 extra values to be inside the function like "func "test" 154 20 $var1" and their name is this:

func_(function name)_[1,2,3]
like this: +vline 1 $func_test_1

(Note: it won't work on functions with spaces in the name...)

Goto and Jump

First, lets look at goto.

:goto "test goto"
(sets up a jump point no "end" required and therefore won't get skipped when running)

goto "test goto"
(jumps to the point)

Now, let's look at jump.
jump is pretty easy, since it just jumps to a specific line number.
Note: The line should be empty so there won't be any errors...

jump 10


basically you can create, delete and load files with some commands.

new_file "test" .txt
-makes a new file called "test" with the extension .txt

sets_file "test.txt" "lol"
-sets the content of text.txt to "lol"

setv_file "test.txt" $lol
-sets the content of text.txt to the variable lol

nlto_file "test.txt"
-adds a new line to a file

addtos_file / addtov_file
-like (sets/setv)_file but just adding the data

data_line_file "test.txt" 1 var1
-sets var1 to the first line of the data in test.txt

#datav_line_file "test.txt" lol var1
-sets var1 to the element number of "lol" in test.txt (lol has to be the whole element!)

#datas_line_file "test.txt" "test lol" var1
-sets var1 to the element number of "test lol" in test.txt (lol has to be the whole element!)

delline_file "test.txt" 2
-deletes the second line of file test.txt

del_file "test.txt"
-deletes the file

run_file "test.txt"
-runs the file (could lead to HUGE lag if done multiple times in each other like run file1 and in file1 run file2 and so on...)


Pen (drawing) commands only work in Screenmode 3.

d_thickness 10
-sets thickness (pixel circle radius)

d_hue 50
-sets hue

d_sat 50
-sets saturation

d_bright 60
-sets brightness

d_trans 0
-sets transparency

d_col# 10
-sets pen colour (can be hex if ya add 0x to the start of the value like 0xFFFFFF)

-clears the pen screen

d_penstate (up/down/variable with one of these words)
-sets pen state

d_xy 10 10
-goes with the pen to a location

and for writing Stuff:

write "test" -220 140 100
-writes test to x=(-220) y=(140) size=(100%)

vwrite $a 0 0 400
-writes the Variable a to 0 0 with size of 400%


We have 3 commands:

mus_playnote 60 1
-plays C (middle) for 1 second

mus_instrument (1-21)
-sets active instrument to some value (instruments are exactly like in the set instrument block)

mus_drum (1-18) 1
-plays some drum instrument for 1 second


Here are some Commands that don't fit in the other Categories:


# Your Comment goes here

It's for commenting.



Stops the program completely.


Here is the Hello, World! program.
(There are a few examples in the project itself...)

Hello, World!

+line 1 "hello, world!"
wait 5


A new programming language on Scratch (by me)







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