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233 lines (180 loc) · 8.59 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (180 loc) · 8.59 KB


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Helps loading multiple modules from a given directory, avoiding multiple manual require statements in the module, allowing:

  • Interface-based loading: Load multiple modules from a given directory;
  • Filtering: Filtering which modules to load from a directory by file path;
  • API Result: Properly return the response as an API.


require("dirquire")(dir, [filters]): array

  • dir: a valid path to a directory according to fs.statSync(path).isDirectory().
  • filters.extension: optional parameter to filter file names.
  • filters.depth: loads files in a given depth.

Loads all the files of a given

  var loadedModules = require("dirquire")(dir, [filters]);

The result is an arry of the following api:

    fileName: "The name of the file without the path.",
    filePath: "The full path to the loaded file.",
    module: "The instance of the loaded module. If an error occurs, it is undefined",
    error: "The instance of the Error captured while loading the module."

Take a look at the fixtures directory.

Example: Load modules without errors

Using the node cli, you can run the following fixtures used by the test cases.

$ node
> require("dirquire")("fixtures/all-modules-correct")
[ { fileName: 'hello.js',
    filePath: '/home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/all-modules-correct/hello.js',
     { endpoint: '/hello',
       contentType: 'text/plain',
       init: [Function: decorate] } },
  { fileName: 'secure.js',
    filePath: '/home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/all-modules-correct/secure.js',
     { endpoint: '/secure',
       contentType: 'text/plain',
       init: [Function: decorate] } } ]

Example: Load modules with errors

  • Files with syntax errors are not loaded.
  • Files that requires a module that is not located in the node_modules.
$ node
> require("dirquire")("fixtures/modules-with-error")
[ { fileName: 'illegal-token.js',
    filePath: '/home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/modules-with-error/illegal-token.js',
    error: [Error: Cannot load the module /home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/modules-with-error/illegal-token.js: Unexpected token ILLEGAL] },
  { fileName: 'module-requiring-non-existent-module.js',
    filePath: '/home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/modules-with-error/module-requiring-non-existent-module.js',
    error: [Error: Cannot load the module /home/mdesales/dev/github/marcellodesales/node-dirquire/fixtures/modules-with-error/module-requiring-non-existent-module.js: Cannot find module 'passport-restify'] } ]


Simple Load

Loading multiple modules with a given interface, without requiring all the modules from the given directory manually. Considering the routes directory containing restify or express routes:

$ tree my-app/routes/
├── hello.js
└── secure.js

Each route file implements the following interfaces: endpoint, contentType, and the function init().

"use strict";

// Loads ANY logger under APP_DIR/middleware/logger
var logger = require("middleware-js").instance().load("middleware/logger");

 * The endpoint to be used.
module.exports.endpoint = "/hello";
 * The content type produced by this handler.
module.exports.contentType = "text/plain";
 * Decorates the server with a new route
module.exports.init = decorate;

 * Decorates the server instance with a simple hello
function decorate(server) {
  logger.debug("Ready to annotate with the " + module.exports.endpoint + " route");

  // Annotate the server with a GET endpoint
  server.get(module.exports.endpoint, function getHelloServerHandler(req, res, next) {

    //console.log(logger === req.log); THIS IS TRUE. RESTIFY HAS AN INSTANCE OF THE LOGGER UNDER REQ
    req.log.debug("Finished fulfilling request for " + module.exports.endpoint);

    res.header("Content-Type", module.exports.contentType);
    res.send("Hello... Be Intuitive!");


The following example loads all the routes with dirquire.

  • We can skip those routes that were not properly loaded;
  • Continue loading those that were properly loaded without application disruption;
  • Differently than other libraries such as require-dir, dirquire allows you to implement enterprise-gradle frameworks.
  // Load the private routes not exposed
  var _this = this;
  var privateRoutes = [];

  var routes = require("dirquire")(__dirname + "/routes");
  routes.forEach(function(route) {
    if (route.error) { // problems loading the route does not prevent the application to be loaded.
      logger.error(route.error, "Error while loading the route");
      return; // continues the loop

    logger.debug("Inializing route " + route.module.endpoint);

    // Call the route's "init" method... Note that the "module" is the reference of loaded module.

    // Collecting the private routes$
      endpoint: route.module.endpoint,
      contentType: route.module.contentType
  });, "Loaded private routes");

Load with Filters and Directory Depth

Loading multiple modules with a given interface, without requiring all the modules from the given directory manually. Considering the directory is as follows:

$ tree tasks
├── checkdeps
│   └── checkdeps_tasks.js
├── doc
│   └── doc_tasks.js
├── test
│   └── test_tasks.js
├── todo
│   ├── todo_tasks.js
│   └── xml-todos-serializer.js
└── versioning
    └── versioning_tasks.js

The following example loads all the _tasks.js files, but not the xml-todos-serializer.js. The depth filter helps navigating to directories that contains more than modules required to be loaded.

  var loadModules = require("dirquire");

  // Load the private routes not exposed
  var filters = {
    extension: "*_task.js",
    depth: 1

  // Setup each task
  var Tasks = dirquire(dir, filters);
  Tasks.forEach(function(Task) {
    // Report that the task was loaded..."Verifying the task at " + Task.filePath);

    if (Task.error) {
      // Report the error for instance...

    } else {
      // Execute the module
      new Task.module().setup();

The only observation is that all the returned objects must implement the same interface. In the case above, all the tasks are classes with the method setup(). That is a good application of the Visitor and Iterator Design-Patterns.


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