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Dance Rader

Today you'll be building an app for viewing and editing dancers. You will be using a local API and building out the frontend for our app, Dance Rader.


This practice code challenge includes a test suite. Keep in mind that the actual code challenge will not include a test suite. To get the most out of this, manually test your code as you would during a code challenge. After you've completed the Core Deliverables and are satisfied with your progress, run the tests for the Core Deliverables. Do the same for the Advanced Deliverables.

Test Commands:

  • npm run core
  • npm run adv

To exit the tests, type ^C. Doing so should free up port 3000 from all processes.

Note: If exiting the tests doesn't free up the port (Error: could not bind to port 3000), run the following command: lsof -i :3000, locate the PID, and then run kill -9 <PID>. Alternatively, you can try killall node.


  • Fork and clone this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Run json-server --watch db.json or npm run json to get the backend started
  • Open index.html in your browser


Your base URL for your API will be: http://localhost:3000

The endpoints are:

  • GET one dancer with their feedback included: /dancers/[:id]?_embed=feedback
    • Will respond with one of the dancers with all of their their feedback embedded
  • GET all dancers with their feedback included: /dancers?_embed=feedback
    • Will respond with all of the dancers with each of their feedback embedded in each dancer object
  • PATCH /dancers/[:id]
    • Will respond with the updated dancer object if successful
  • DELETE /dancers/[:id]
    • Responds with nothing, so nothing
  • POST /feedback
    • Responds with the feedback if it posted successfully

Core Deliverables

As a user, I can:

  • See the first dancer's details, including their name, image, description, likes, and feedback, when the page loads
  • Like the dancer and still see the new number of likes when reloading the page
  • Leave feedback for the dancer (no persistence needed, will disappear on refresh)

Please write your code in the files inside of the src directory. api.js is loaded before index.js. You can put all of your code in index.js if you like, but if you want to separate your code into multiple files, you may.

Advanced Deliverables

These deliverables are not required, but if you have the extra time, they are a great way to stretch your skills. Consider refactoring your current code before moving on.

Note: If you are going to attempt these advanced deliverables, please be sure to have a working commit with all the Core Deliverables first!

As a user, I can:

  • Still see the feedback after refreshing the page (Once you implement this, the core test for feedback may fail)
  • Delete feedback (persistent) (For tests to work, make the LI delete on click instead of adding a button)
  • Reduce the likes by clicking on a button (persistent) without going below 0 likes
  • See a menu of dancers. Clicking a dancer's name should update the page to show that dancer's details (it's not necessary for patch or post requests to work)


You can find the rubric for this assessment here.


Dance Rader: Practice JS challenge for students






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  • JavaScript 63.6%
  • CSS 18.9%
  • HTML 17.5%