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LeetCodeGym is a coding workout project where I challenge myself to solve LeetCode problems within a fixed time frame of 45 minutes. The main goal is to improve problem-solving speed and efficiency while exploring various algorithmic techniques, data structures and new language features.


I created this project to enhance my problem-solving abilities and to maintain a consistent coding practice routine. By limiting each problem-solving session to just 45 minutes, I encourage myself to make quick decisions, and implement efficient solutions. The time constraint simulates the pressure of real-world coding interviews, making the learning experience more effective.

How It Works

  1. I pick a LeetCode problem from the vast collection.
  2. I set a timer for 45 minutes.
  3. I brainstorm possible approaches and sketch out an algorithm for the solution.
  4. I implement the solution in Java.
  5. If I finish before the time runs out, I use the remaining time to test the solution.
  6. After the 45 minutes are up, I commit the solution to this repository.

Repository Structure

  • Each problem solution is stored in its respective folder, named after the problem's title.
  • Within each folder, you will find the solution code and a brief explanation of the approach used.
  • I strive to maintain clean and well-documented code to facilitate understanding and learning.


I hope you find this project inspiring and enjoyable and contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have a more efficient or alternative solution to any of the problems, feel free to open a pull request. Let's learn from each other and grow together!


Please note that while I strive for accurate and optimal solutions, my implementations may not always be the most optimized or perfect. The primary focus of this project is to improve problem-solving skills. Hence, feedback and suggestions are always appreciated.


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