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Micro Speech Example (中文版 - STM32 DISCO_F746NG)

This example shows how to run a 20 kB model that can recognize 2 keywords, "yes" and "no", from speech data.

The application listens to its surroundings with a microphone and indicates when it has detected a word by lighting an LED or displaying data on a screen, depending on the capabilities of the device.

Animation on Arduino

The code has a small footprint (for example, around 22 kilobytes on a Cortex M3) and only uses about 10 kilobytes of RAM for working memory, so it's able to run on systems like an STM32F103 with only 20 kilobytes of total SRAM and 64 kilobytes of Flash.

Table of contents

Deploy to STM32F746

The following instructions will help you build and deploy the example to the STM32F7 discovery kit using ARM Mbed.

我們之前在 Windows 10 上安裝了 VMWare 跟 Ubuntu, 以及相關的套件如下:

接下來, 我們再確定一次是否已經下載 tensorflow

$ git clone -b example --depth 1

# 說明:
# -b example 下載我修改 tensorflow 後的 example 分支 (branch)
# --depth 1 只下載最新的版本, 不下載歷史修改資料, 以節省下載時間

Mbed 針對開發案需要特別的檔案結構安排, 所以需要執行 make 指令來建立子目錄及所需的目錄結構及原始檔案

$ cd tensforflow

# 以下是 tensorflow 原始指令, 但是新版已經拿掉 TAGS 參數支援, 以下指令會產生錯誤訊息
$ make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=mbed TAGS="CMSIS disco_f746ng" generate_micro_speech_mbed_project

# 修改如下, 將 TAGS 參數拿掉, 改成另一個參數 (ALL_TAGS)來帶入 disco_f746ng 的 lib, 關於 ARM 參數的帶入, 請參考檔案 examples/micro_speech/disco_f746ng/  
$ make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=mbed ALL_TAGS=disco_f746ng generate_micro_speech_mbed_project

make 指令會建立新的目錄:


# 舊版的資料上其中一個目錄 mbed_cortex-m4 已經被 mbed_cortex-m4_default 取代

這目錄下包含所有示範程式的正確檔案結構, 讓 Mbed 可以 'build'

Change into the directory and run the following commands, making sure you are using Python 2.7.15.

First, tell Mbed that the current directory is the root of an Mbed project:

$ cd tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/gen/mbed_cortex-m4_default/prj/micro_speech/mbed
$ mbed config root .

Next, tell Mbed to download the dependencies and prepare to build:

$ mbed deploy

以下這段已經不適用新版程式, 可以跳過 By default, Mbed will build the project using C++98. However, TensorFlow Lite requires C++11. Run the following Python snippet to modify the Mbed configuration files so that it uses C++11:

python -c 'import fileinput, glob;
for filename in glob.glob("mbed-os/tools/profiles/*.json"):
  for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace=True):
    print line.replace("\"-std=gnu++98\"","\"-std=c++11\", \"-fpermissive\"")'

最後, 執行以下指令來 compile:

$ mbed compile -m DISCO_F746NG -t GCC_ARM

執行 mbed compile 會在以下目錄下產生二進位檔案 mbed.bin:

# 在 tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/gen/mbed_cortex-m4_default/prj/micro_speech/mbed 之下


To deploy, plug in your STM board and copy the file to it. On macOS, you can do this with the following command: 或是直接在檔案管理員, 將 mbed.bin 檔案搬到 DIS_F746NG

cp ./BUILD/DISCO_F746NG/GCC_ARM/mbed.bin /Volumes/DIS_F746NG/

copy 檔案會啟動板子的韌體燒錄, 可以看到板子上的 LED 會紅/綠閃爍.

我們不用以下的 screen 這指令, 我們使用 coolterm 這程式, 按 connect 來連結 disco_f746ng 這板子

The inference results are logged by the board while the program is running. To view it, establish a serial connection to the board using a baud rate of 9600. On OSX and Linux, the following command should work, replacing /dev/tty.devicename with the name of your device as it appears in /dev:

screen /dev/tty.devicename 9600

You will see a line output for every word that is detected:

Heard yes (201) @4056ms
Heard no (205) @6448ms
Heard unknown (201) @13696ms
Heard yes (205) @15000ms

The number after each detected word is its score. By default, the program only considers matches as valid if their score is over 200, so all of the scores you see will be at least 200.

To stop viewing the debug output with screen, hit Ctrl+A, immediately followed by the K key, then hit the Y key.

Run on macOS

The example contains an audio provider compatible with macOS. If you have access to a Mac, you can run the example on your development machine.

First, use the following command to build it:

make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile micro_speech

Once the build completes, you can run the example with the following command:


You might see a pop-up asking for microphone access. If so, grant it, and the program will start.

Try saying "yes" and "no". You should see output that looks like the following:

Heard yes (201) @4056ms
Heard no (205) @6448ms
Heard unknown (201) @13696ms
Heard yes (205) @15000ms
Heard yes (205) @16856ms
Heard unknown (204) @18704ms
Heard no (206) @21000ms

The number after each detected word is its score. By default, the recognize commands component only considers matches as valid if their score is over 200, so all of the scores you see will be at least 200.

The number after the score is the number of milliseconds since the program was started.

If you don't see any output, make sure your Mac's internal microphone is selected in the Mac's Sound menu, and that its input volume is turned up high enough.

Run the tests on a development machine

To compile and test this example on a desktop Linux or macOS machine, download the TensorFlow source code, cd into the source directory from a terminal, and then run the following command:

make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile test_micro_speech_test

This will take a few minutes, and downloads frameworks the code uses like CMSIS and flatbuffers. Once that process has finished, you should see a series of files get compiled, followed by some logging output from a test, which should conclude with ~~~ALL TESTS PASSED~~~.

If you see this, it means that a small program has been built and run that loads the trained TensorFlow model, runs some example inputs through it, and got the expected outputs.

To understand how TensorFlow Lite does this, you can look at the source in It's a fairly small amount of code that creates an interpreter, gets a handle to a model that's been compiled into the program, and then invokes the interpreter with the model and sample inputs.

Train your own model

So far you have used an existing trained model to run inference on microcontrollers. If you wish to train your own model, follow the instructions given in the train/ directory.