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File metadata and controls

76 lines (45 loc) · 3.17 KB


Used to extract and process data from Binance


BASE_FOLDER: This is the folder we wish to save the FINAL data in. And is therefore the filder we set for ALL operations from here on out.

STEP1: Download the data you want

This is done using the binance functions.

NOTE: you may wish to refer to

To create custom candles you will need to use

Otherwise - when we only use "" We can use, BUt we would only end up moving these files - we wouldn't do any of the merging - this will be done in a later update...maybe... :P

Running with arguments

Argument Explanation
-h show help messages
-s Single symbol or multiple symbols separated by space
-y Single year or multiple years separated by space
-m Single month or multiple months separated by space
-d single date or multiple dates separated by space
-startDate Starting date to download in [YYYY-MM-DD] format
-endDate Ending date to download in [YYYY-MM-DD] format
-folder Directory to store the downloaded data
-c 1 to download checksum file, default 0
-i single kline interval or multiple intervals separated by space
-t Trading type: spot, um (USD-M Futures), cm (COIN-M Futures)

Example Usage:

    python3 -s LTCBTC -startDate 2020-01-01 -endDate 2020-02-02 -folder '/home/Desktop/Coin_Data'

STEP 2: Move the Zip files into the correct folder - and save as feathers

Used to unzip and then save data in a python readable format. Saved as Feather files to save space.

Running with arguments

Argument Explanation
-base_folder Where you wish to store all of your data - Note this should be the same as used above
-coin Binance trading symbol for desired currency pair

Example Usage:

    python3 --base_folder '/home/Desktop/Coin_Data' --coin 'LTCBTC'

STEP 3: Create the candles that we want

Used to create the candles.

Running with arguments

Argument Explanation
-base_folder Where you wish to store all of your data - Note this should be the same as used above
-candle_size Size of candle groupings - Must be specified in minutes
-remove_temp_file Removes any file that were created in the interim processes - Previously created feather files
-remove_intermediate_files Removes any file that were created in the interim processes - Back-up Candle files

Example Usage:

    python3 --base_folder '/home/Desktop/Coin_Data' --coin 'LTCBTC' --candle_size 25 --remove_temp_file True --remove_intermediate_files True