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File metadata and controls

139 lines (131 loc) · 7.17 KB


The open-source ethical firewall for Microsoft Teams built on mitmproxy and written in Python.

TeamsFirewall sits inbetween the Teams client and the Teams service learning the environment by creating a cache of the users/conversations it observes without requiring any access to the tenant. This deep context (user -> conversation -> event) gives you the ability to create extremely granular rules for your Teams environment. You can create a rule so broad that it blocks all external communication or very specific rule that prevents message edits between user A and user B.

Please refer to the TODO for upcoming features.



  • Install mitmproxy
  • Place in a directory
  • Create teamsfirewall.config and place in same directory
  • Execute mitmproxy (ex. mitmweb.exe --no-web-open-browser --scripts "")
  • Configure clients to trust the mitmproxy certificate
  • Configure clients to use TeamsFirewall as a proxy. Currently, the best way to do this is with a PAC file as only a subset Teams traffic needs to pass through TeamsFirewall. An example PAC file has been included


TeamsFirewall is configured with a single XML configuration file (teamsfirewall.config) . The configuration file is comprised of various firewall settings and also includes rules. TeamsFirewall has a built-in rule engine that is made up conditions and actions. Each rule can have one or more conditions and actions. All conditions have an implicit AND between them. An example configuration file is included in the repository.

General Settings

  • Internal tenant ID(s)
    • Possible values: Azure AD tenant ID(s)
    • Description: One or more tenant IDs that are part of your internal environment. This used for determining the "location" of events during rule evaluation
    • Example: <InternalTenantIds><TenantId>*TENANT ID*</TenantId></InternalTenantIds> OR <InternalTenantIds><TenantId>*TENANT ID 1*</TenantId><TenantId>*TENANT ID 2*</TenantId></InternalTenantIds>
  • Add X-Forwarded-For header
    • Possible values: TRUE OR FALSE
    • Example: <AddXFFHeader>TRUE</AddXFFHeader>
    • Description: Add a X-Forwarded-For header containing the client's IP address to outgoing firewall traffic. This is useful for supporting user-based decisions in downstream firewalls
  • API token purge interval
    • Possible values: Numerical value in minutes
    • Description: The interval at which the firewall will purge expired user API tokens from the cache database. This is evaluated during token save events
    • Example: <APITokenPurgeInterval>240</APITokenPurgeInterval>
  • Conversation map lifetime
    • Possible values: Numerical value in minutes
    • Description: The amount of minutes a cached conversation (particularly the participant list) is considered valid in the cache. After this time has elapsed the firewall will send a request for updated conversation information. Too high of a value may result in the firewall not picking up on conversation participant member changes. Too low of a value will result in more frequent conversation lookups and reduced firewall performance
    • Example: <ConversationMapLifetime>10</ConversationMapLifetime>
  • User lifetime
    • Possible values: Numerical value in minutes
    • Description: The amount of minutes a cached user is considered valid in the cache. After this time has elapsed the firewall will send a request for updated conversation information. User changes are normally only encountered when a primary email address is changed or a user is deleted/recreated. Too low of a value will result in more user lookups which can be taxing in situations where the participant list is large
    • Example: <UserLifetime>300</UserLifetime>
  • Max API user lookup threads
    • Possible values: Numerical value
    • Description: The number of threads used for user lookups (when needed) during a conversation look up
    • Example: <MaxAPIUserLookupThreads>30</MaxAPIUserLookupThreads>
  • Log levels
    • Possible values: INFO or DEBUG
    • Description: The log levels for the various components in TeamsFirewall. Logging is currently sent to both the console and the "teamsfirewall.log" log file which is located in the same directory. Log files have a maximum size of 400KB with an automatic 20 log rotation

Rule Conditions

  • Event
    • Type: EVENT
    • Value: Comma-delimited list of event codes
    • Possible values
      • MSGTYP
        • A message typing notification
      • MSGSND
        • Message send
      • MSGDEL
        • Message delete
      • MSGUDEL
        • Message un-delete
      • MSGEMO
        • Message reaction/emoji (and removal of)
      • MSGEDIT
        • Message edit
  • Conversation type
    • Value: Comma-delimited list of conversation type codes
    • Possible values
        • A 1:1 (direct) chat
        • A 1:n (group) chat
        • A standard team channel
        • A private team channel
        • A meeting
  • Location
    • Type: LOCATION
    • Value: Internal or external location
    • Possible values
      • INTERNAL
        • Action took place within an internal tenant
      • EXTERNAL
        • Action took place in an external tenant (ex. guest account in another tenant)
  • Federated
    • Type: FEDERATED
    • Value: True or false
    • Possible values
      • TRUE
        • A participant (recipient) in the action is an external user (the user will usually have "External" next to their name)
      • FALSE
        • All participants are non-external
  • Actors
  • Participants

Rule Actions

  • Block
    • Description: The action will be blocked via a HTTP 400 response
    • Type: BLOCK
    • Param1: N/A
    • Param2: N/A
  • Log
    • Description: The action will be logged. This will be logged to the firewall's log file
    • Type: LOG
    • Param1: The text to be logged
    • Param2: N/A
  • Add header
    • Description: Add an HTTP header to the action. This is useful for taking action on the action downstream (ex. at a network firewall)
    • Type: ADDHEADER
    • Param1: Header name
    • Param2: Header value