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File metadata and controls

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Command-line interface

The main Pimlico command-line interface (usually accessed via in your project root) provides subcommands to perform different operations. Call it like so, using one of the subcommands documented below to access particular functionality:

./ <config-file> [general options...] <subcommand> [subcommand args/options]

The commands you are likely to use most often are: status, run, reset and maybe browse.

For a reference for each command's options, see the command-line documentation: ./ --help, for a general reference and ./ <config_file> <command> --help for a specific subcommand's reference.

Below is a more detailed guide for each subcommand, including all of the documentation available via the command line.

browse View the data output by a module
clean Remove all module output directories that do not correspond to a module in the pipeline
deps List information about software dependencies: whether they're available, versions, etc
dump Dump the entire available output data from a given pipeline module to a tarball
email Test email settings and try sending an email using them
inputs Show the (expected) locations of the inputs of a given module
install Install missing module library dependencies
load Load a module's output data from a tarball previously created by the dump command
movestores Move data between stores
newmodule Create a new module type
output Show the location where the given module's output data will be (or has been) stored
python Load the pipeline config and enter a Python interpreter with access to it in the environment
reset Delete any output from the given module and restore it to unexecuted state
run Execute an individual pipeline module, or a sequence
shell Open a shell to give access to the data output by a module
status Output a module execution schedule for the pipeline and execution status for every module
stores List named Pimlico stores
unlock Forcibly remove an execution lock from a module
variants List the available variants of a pipeline config
visualize Comming soon...visualize the pipeline in a pretty way

status variants run browse shell python reset clean stores movestores unlock dump load deps install inputs output newmodule visualize email