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Calchylus 3 - Lambda calculus with Hy


calchylus3 is a computer installable Hy module that is used to evaluate, and furthermore, through this documentation, shine light to the basics of Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus).

Lambda calculus is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation that is based on a function abstraction and the application using variable binding and substitution.

The target audience is those who:

  1. are interested in the theory and the history of the programming languages
  2. may have some experience or are interested to gain more experience in Python and/or Lisp
  3. who wants to narrow the gap between mathematical notation and programming languages, especially by the means of logic

CS Concepts

Andrew Bayer, a professor of computational mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, writes in his blog post about formal proofs and deduction:

Traditional logic, and to some extent also type theory, hides computation behind equality.

Lambda calculus, on the other hand, reveals how the computation in logic is done by manipulation of the Lambda terms. Manipulation rules are simple and were originally made with a paper and a pen, but now we rather use computers for the task. Lambda calculus also addresses the problem, what can be proved and solved and what cannot be computed in a finite amount of time. Formally these are called the decidability and the halting problems in Computer Science (CS).

Beside evaluating Lambda expressions, calchylus3 module can serve as a starting point for a mini programming language. Via custom macros representing well known Lambda forms, calchylus3 provides all necessary elements for boolean, integers, and list data types as well as conditionals, loops, variable setters, imperative do structure, logical connectives, and arithmetic operators. You can build upon that, for example real numbers , even negative complex numbers, if it makes any sense to do it with Lambda calculus. Your imagination is really the only limit.

Finally, when investigating the open source calchylus3 implementation that is hosted on GitHub , one can expect to get a good understanding of the higher order functions and the combinatory logic, not the least of the fixed-point combinator or shortly, ϒ-combinator.

Older version


calchylus3 is a revised edition of Calchylus pypi package. While the earlier version focuses on the beta-reduction steps and "pure" implementation of the Lambda calculus, calchylus3 concentrates on solving the performance issues. Performance is a critical factor when implementing and designing more complex lambda forms that utilize Y-combinator. This is achieved by using some of the native data structures of Hy / Python, which affects to the final syntax of the calchylus3 implementation.

Quick start

For people willing to get hands quickly on coding, this is the fast way of jumping in:


$ pip install calchylus3

Open Hy

$ hy

Import lambda library

> (require [calchylus3.lambdas [\*]])

Initialize lambda macros

Use with-macros macro to initialize the system. Pass a lambda function abstraction binder name as the first parameter, for example λ or L:

> (with-macros L)

Run and output the result of the calchylus3 application:

> (print ((L x x) 1))

that outputs 1.

Application form

Syntactically application is formed by (F v) where F is a function abstraction and v is a parameter passed on the function. Mathematically this is phrased so that the function F is applied to the parameter v. Parentheses are required around the function and the parameter in calchylus3.

Function F is an abstraction formed by the selected binder in the with-macros call. After the binder comes either a single variable name or multiary variables separated by spaces. The last block in the function is the body of the function which is also separated by space from the variable. Also the function must be wrapped with parentheses. So the function abstraction looks like:

> (L x x)

In this so-called identity function the first x is the variable name and the last x is the body of the function simply containing the variable.

The last and the final step is to form an application with a function and a parameter. If function F is (L x x) and the parameter v is 1, then the application is denoted as:

> ((L x x) 1)

Now calchylus3 will evaluate this expression by replacing all occurences of x in the function body with the parameter 1. Output is simply 1.

In this simple example same is achieved by many programming languages with an anonymous function. For example in Python we could do:

> (lambda x: x)(1)

which is just a matter of syntax being a little bit different from Lambda calculus. When going into the complex applications, there is actually more inside the surface but it will be discussed later.

Monad or multiary

Traditionally single variable functions were called monads, two variable functions dyads and so on. Later the concept of monad evolved much more esoteric in the programming languages.

calchylus3 supports any number of variable names in the function, but internally the multiary function is regarded as a nested set of monadic functions. For example nested lambda function may contain three different abstractions each containing one variable.

Example a:

> (L x (L y (L z [x y z])))

can be expressed simply in the example b:

> (L x y z [x y z])

Latter, however, is regarded as a nested set of functions as denoted in the example a. In same way passing parameters to the function can be done in a nested structure

Example c:

> ((((L x (L y (L z [x [y z]]))) 1) 2) 3)

when output is: [1 [2 3]]

But semantically it is easier to read code, when applying function to parameters in linear fashion.

Example d:

> ((L x y z [x [y z]]) 1 2 3)

Parameter currying process is applied internally so that both expressions (c and d) yield the same result: [1 [2 3]]


The function body is defined as a Hy list [1 [2 3]] rather than parenthesis (1 (2 3)). This is one specialty of the calchylus3 module compared to the most implementations of the Lambda calculus. As earlier stated, this is because of the performance advantage achieved by using native Hy / Python list data structures. You can use print* to output result in parentheses however.

Any symbol recognizable by Hy-language is accepted as a parameter v. If variable is not used anywhere in the function body, then it must be quoted so that Hy-interpreter doesn't take it as an undefined variable and cause a run-time error.


> (L x 'y)

Wrong (expect error):

> (L x y)

Lambda dance

Church number three:

> (print* ((L x y [x [x [x y]]]) 'a 'b))

By using print* helper function we get the output: (a (a (a b))).

Seventh fibonacci number:

> (print* (FIBONACCI SEVEN 'x 'y))

Output: (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))))))))).

Decode chuch number to an integer with MUN macro:


Output: 13.


For full documentation, see:


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