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These are the neural network layers supported by XNN. To see how to specify these layers and their parameters in the network architecture file, check Architecture parameters document.

Additionally, for layers with weights such as Convolutional and Standard layers, here is more about some common parameters:

Input layer

Input layer is required as a first layer in the network. Its purpose is to load input data from disk, resize and normalize it if necessary, and serve it to the network. Data loading from disk is done in parallel with network propagation in order to save time.


  • dataType Type of input data. Right now only image data and data features in a textual file are supported.
  • numChannels Number of input data channels.
  • originalDataWidth Width of the original data from disk.
  • originalDataHeight Height of the original data from disk.
  • inputDataWidth Width of the final input data. If it is different from originalDataWidth, data will be randomly cropped.
  • inputDataHeight Height of the final input data. If it is different from originalDataHeight, data will be randomly cropped.
  • doRandomFlips Should input data be randomly flipped.
  • normalizeInputs Should input data be normalized to specified mean and standard deviation.
  • inputMeans List of means to which to normalize each channel of input data.
  • inputStDevs List of standard deviations to which to normalize each channel of input data.
  • numTestPatches Number of test data patches to take for generating test predictions. Final prediction will be average of predictions on each of the patches.
  • testOnFlips Should flips of test data patches also be included into generation of test predictions.

Convolutional layer

Convolutional layer is the core building block of a CNN. The layers parameters consist of a set of learnable filters (or kernels), which have a small receptive field, but extend through the full depth of the input volume. During the forward pass, each filter is convolved across the width and height of the input volume, computing the dot product between the entries of the filter and the input and producing a 2-dimensional activation map of that filter. As a result, the network learns filters that activate when they see some specific type of feature at some spatial position in the input.


Response Normalization layer

Response normalization layer implements a form of lateral inhibition inspired by the type found in real neurons, creating competition for big activities amongst neuron outputs computed using different kernels. For details, see Krizhevsky et al., ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks (NIPS 2012).

It is implemented by a following formula:

Where A[i] is activation with index i, P[i] is preactivation with index i, and N is number of channels.


  • depth Depth of normalization.
  • bias Normalization bias.
  • alphaCoeff Normalization alpha coefficient (see the formula above).
  • betaCoeff Normalization beta coefficient (see the formula above).

Max Pool layer

Max pool layer partitions the input image into a set of regions, and for each such region outputs the maximum value of input activity. It helps to reduce dimensionality, but also teaches model to be more invariant to translation.


  • filterWidth Pooling region width.
  • filterHeight Pooling region height.
  • paddingX Horizontal padding to apply to input.
  • paddingY Vertical padding to apply to input.
  • stride Stride controls for how much should pooling region shift through the input during fordard propagation.

Standard layer

Standard fully connected neural network layer.


Dropout layer

Dropout layer provides efficient way to simulate combining multiple trained models to reduce test error and prevent overfitting. It works by dropping each neuron activity with certain probability, preventing complex coadaptations between neurons.


  • dropProbability Probability to drop some neuron activation.

SoftMax layer

Soft Max layer calculates soft maximums of input activations, so they sum to 1 and can be used as probabilities of prediction.

This layer has no additional parameters.

Output layer

Output layer is required as a last layer in the network. It calculates training loss and training/testing accuracy.

These loss functions are supported:

  • Logistic regression - This loss function should be used for binary classification. When it is used it is expected to have before this layer one Standard layer with linear activation function and one neuron, in order to produce single activation on which to calculate logistic regression loss and accuracy.
  • Cross entropy - This loss function should be used for classification when there are more than 2 classes. When it is used it is expected to have before this layer one SoftMax layer, and before it one Standard layer with linear activation function and number of neurons equal to number of classes.


  • lossFunction Loss function to use.
  • numGuesses Number of guesses K network is allowed to make when calculating top-K accuracy.

Weights initialization options

These weights/biases initialization options and their parameters are supported by all layers with weights such as Convolutional and Standard layers:

  • Constant initialization - Initializes all weights/biases to constant value specified by parameters weightsInitialValue and biasesInitialValue.
  • Normal (Gaussian) initialization - Initializes all weights/biases to values taken from Normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean and standard deviation specified by parameters weightsMean, weightsStdDev, biasesMean and biasesStdDev.
  • Uniform initialization - Initializes all weights/biases to values taken from Uniform distribution in range specified by parameters weightsRangeStart, weightsRangeEnd, biasesRangeStart and biasesRangeEnd.
  • Xavier initialization - Initializes all weights to values taken from Normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation calculated as sqrt(6.0 / (NumberOfActivationsInThisLayer + NumberOfActivationsInPreviousLayer)).
  • He initialization - Initializes all weights to values taken from Normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation calculated as sqrt((ActivationType == ReLU ? 2.0 : 1.0) / NumberOfActivationsInPreviousLayer).

Weights update parameters

These parameters are supported by all layers with weights such as Convolutional and Standard layers and they control the weights/biases update after each backpropagation pass:

  • weightsMomentum Momentum to apply to weights updates.
  • weightsDecay Decay to apply to weights updates.
  • weightsStartingLR Weights updates starting learning rate.
  • weightsLRStep Fraction of epochs after which to multiply weights learning rate with weightsLRFactor.
  • weightsLRFactor Factor with which to multiply weights learning rate after specified fraction of epochs.
  • biasesMomentum Momentum to apply to biases updates.
  • biasesDecay Decay to apply to biases updates.
  • biasesStartingLR Biases updates starting learning rate.
  • biasesLRStep Fraction of epochs after which to multiply biases learning rate with weightsLRFactor.
  • biasesLRFactor Factor with which to multiply biases learning rate after specified fraction of epochs.

Activation functions

These activation functions and their parameters are supported by all layers with weights such as Convolutional and Standard layers:

  • Linear - Applies linear activation, i.e. just passes through the preactivation values.
  • Sigmoid - Applies sigmoid activation.
  • Tanh - Applies tanh (hyperbolic tangent) activation.
  • ReLU - Applies ReLU activation.
  • ELU - Applies ELU activation. activationAlpha parameter gets multiplied with preactivation in case preactivation is smaller than 0.
  • LeakyReLU - Applies LeakyReLU activation. activationAlpha parameter gets multiplied with exp(Preactivation) - 1, in case preactivation is smaller than 0.