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File metadata and controls

131 lines (89 loc) · 5.02 KB

ARCGIS to SQL project

The existing scope of this project is to solve problems for:

  • Acquiring and redefining static and updating data.
  • Utilizing python compatible analytics platform
  • Authentication and access to SQL and ARCGIS
  • Importing and exporting data from the ARCGIS platform.
  • Visualization

The relations are visualized in graph:


The solution is divided to scripts and additional source files divided to three modules:

  • ./data/complex (Math module) see complex.ipynb
  • ./data/finance (Data objects) see finance- and finance_main.ipymb
  • ./data/geographic (Map) see geographic.ipymb

Python SQL to ARCGIS and Orange Canvas development

this project tests Python as a mediator technology between SQL data-store and an existing front-end UI called ARCGIS. As an UI platform, ARCGIS ( ) is developer-friendly.

To discover the links between source and documentation, database and thin-client UI, and programming practices and available libraries. The development platform used is Python 3.5. Task specific packages include:

  • geoalchemy2
  • geopandas
  • pandasql
  • sqlalchemy

Python to UI:

  • html5lib
  • esri arcgis

Python to analytics:

  • Orange.canvas


AS a method for native Python based development Orange Canvas is used as the analytics platform for this project. The Orange Canvas is a GUI tool embedded with it's own Python based libraries. A session in the Orange Canvas is visualized in:


As an analytics tool, the platform is usable as a visual staging area database. It can also be used to plot information or to produce automated reports for documentation.


S&P 500

The map produced as the result is available at:


The map features countries and companies as separate features.

Linked database design and queries

The information used is collected through different REST services. Each service type is linked with table (table = service call).

  • SandP500Index and CompanyStatistics tables share the [Symbol] as ID.
  • SandP500_index_data tables contains the running record of company performance.
  • SandP500history table is the running benchmark
  • GeographicNE and cities tables contain the geographic information needed to link location to company.



SELECT [Date] ,[Volume] ,[Adj Close] ,[100ma] ,stati.[symbol],[Latitude] ,[Longitude], s.City

FROM [finance].[dbo].[SandP500_index_data] as stati INNER JOIN
(SELECT top 10 [symbol], [Latitude] ,[Longitude], cities.City
FROM [finance].[dbo].[SandP500Index] as comp left join [finance].[dbo].[cities]

on cities.City = and cities.iso3 = comp.iso3 inner join [finance].[dbo].[GeographicNE] as country on cities.iso3 = country.iso_a3

where cities.iso3 is not null order by comp.symbol)

s on s.symbol = stati.symbol

where DATEDIFF(day,[Date],getdate()) between 0 and 170

order by stati.symbol, [Date]

Query using SQL alchemy - parameter name notation - :gigs

SELECT c_index.[symbol], [security],[SEC], [GICS_Sector], [GICS_subIndustry],[CIK],[marketCapital]

,[bookValue], [ebitda], [dividentShare], [DividentYield], [earningShare], [BookPrice] ,[SalesPrice], [earningsGrowth], [earningsRatio] ,substring(address, CHARINDEX(', ', address)+1, len(address)-(CHARINDEX(', ', address)-1)) as US_state

FROM [finance].[dbo].[SandP500Index] as c_index

inner join [finance].[dbo].[companyStatistics] as stat on c_index.symbol = stat.symbol

where [GICS_Sector] like :gigs

Opinions about Python

As development platform Python has mixed identity - it can be used to:

  • supplement command prompt
  • scripting
  • larger programming.

It is designed as modular tool with programmable objects at core. E.g. In this project, the main access is done with using scripts, but the core is done using the objects.

Additional sources: