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Vite-react example

To set up a project with vite + react, go through the following steps:

  • Create a package.json file

  • Install dependencies:

    $ npm install --save-dev vite
    $ npm install react react-dom
    $ npm install squint-cljs
  • Create a public/index.html page (see public/index.html).

  • Create a viteconfig.js with the React plugin

    See viteconfig.js

  • Create a squint.edn to specify the source directories and to use the .jsx extension for outputted files

    See squint.edn

  • Run npx squint watch to start compiling .cljs -> .jsx

    E.g. see src/MyComponent.cljs:

    (ns my-component
      (:require ["react" :refer [useState]]))
    (defn MyComponent []
      (let [[state setState] (useState 0)]
        #jsx [:div "You clicked " state "times"
              [:button {:onClick #(setState (inc state))}
               "Click me"]]))
  • Run npx vite --config viteconfig.js public to start a webserver and to hot-reload your React project!

Babashka tasks

To run all of the above using one command, run bb dev. See bb.edn.


To build your production website:

$ npx vite --config viteconfig.js build public