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40 lines (34 loc) · 1.92 KB
title author created
July 24 2012 — fetching water
Carl Mäsak
2012-07-25 01:17:01 +0200

It's five months until Christmas, and I'm coding up tests and implementation for my Perl 6 adventure game to allow me to fetch water from a brook. Life could be worse. 哈哈

Github, roll the commits!

I don't have much to say in the way of comments. Making those commits was very straightforward. The last one meant a little tinkering around since I had to add yet another hook/listener. But not so bad overall.

Working this way really feels like "programming in the domain". The events and exceptions really help in this regard. I want to program more things like this.

Tomorrow we'll use our newly-fetched water to put out the fire. Then we'll have access to the innermost room... the room after which the game is named... the crypt, where it's silent as a grave, because well, you know.

Not much left now.