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Tips & FAQ


  • How the computational cost scales?

    Computational time \propto N_k^2 N_b^2 N_{pw}\log N_{pw}, memory requirement \propto N_k N_b N_{pw}, where N_k, N_b, N_{pw} are the numbers of k-points, bands, and plane waves, respectively. This is the same irrespective of the methods (HF, TC, BITC).

  • Convergence of (BI)TC calculation is not good.

    Possible ways to resolve the convergence problem are as follows: (i) increase the number of (SCF) k-points, (ii) increase max_num_blocks_david (e.g., to 5), (iii) increase the number of bands, and (iv) reduce mixing_beta with mixes_density_matrix = true. (i) is effective, e.g., when one observes oscillation of the calculation results due to the divergence correction in the reciprocal space. This is often the case for band calculation. (ii) is always effective, but note that computational time is proportional to max_num_blocks_david. (iii) has a similar effect to (ii), but can also be helpful. For (iv), please try to reduce mixing_beta first. This is because mixes_density_matrix = true will increase computational time by about a factor of two, but is usually not so effective in improving convergence. Since A_up_up = A_up_dn = A_dn_dn = 0.0 in (BI)TC is equivalent to HF, performing (BI)TC calcultaion with a small value of the A parameter, and then restarting calculation with increasing the A values, might be another way to get convergence if HF has no problem for convergence.

  • Band dispersion is not smooth.

    Due to the difficulty in correcting the 1/(k-k')^2 divergence of the electron-electron interactions in the reciprocal space, eigenvalues of the band k-points (k') that are too close to the SCF k-points (k) often have a large error. We recommend that users should not take such a k-point in BAND calculation. If many band k-points have a large error, please increase the number of k-points in SCF calculation. A larger number of k-points compared with GGA might be necessary in TC calculation.

  • Memory requirement is too demanding.

    Increasing the number of MPI processes can alleviate this issue by distributing large arrays to many MPI processes. In addition, using non-unity OMP_NUM_THREADS can also be helpful. While this is not effective for acceleration, memory requirement per node will be reduced in massively-parallelized calculation.


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