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Pre requirements

SikolenkoMaxim edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 6 revisions
  1. Python 3 ( Barapost is tested on Python interpreter version 3.8.1.

Barapost won't work on Python 2X, please, use Python 3X.

  1. BLAST+ toolkit is used by "" for creating a database and aligning.

    It can be downloaded here:


    • Linux: download tarball, unpack it and add bin/ directory from unpacked tree to PATH variable. (this should also work for macOS)

    • Windows: download .exe executable, run it and follow installation. Do not forget to add "BLAST+" to PATH during installation (you will see corresponding checkbox at one of installation steps).

    "" has been tested on Linux and Windows with BLAST+ version 2.9.0.

  2. h5py Python package is used by "" for binning FAST5 files.

    This package is not necessary if you don't intend to bin FAST5 files.

    To build h5py, libhdf5-dev is in turn required.


    • Linux (assumming that your packet manager is apt and you use pip3 as Python package installer):
      apt install libhdf5-dev
      pip3 install h5py

    Binning FAST5 files have been tested only on Linux (h5py version 2.10.0 was used).