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This repository is under active development by a small number of contributors at the moment. Once the code and API has settled a bit we will open up and welcome contributions. But not yet.

Setup for local development

  1. Create a new environment using Python >=3.8, for example 3.10
conda create --name CausalPy python=3.10
  1. Activate environment:
conda activate CausalPy
  1. Install the package in editable mode
pip install -e .
  1. Install development dependencies
pip install causalpy[dev]
pip install causalpy[docs]
pip install causalpy[test]

If that fails, try:

pip install 'causalpy[dev]'
pip install 'causalpy[docs]'
pip install 'causalpy[test]'

It may also be necessary to install pandoc. On a mac, I run brew install pandoc.

  1. You may also need to run this to get pre-commit checks working
pre-commit install
  1. Note: You may have to run the following command to make Jupyter Lab aware of the CausalPy environment.
python -m ipykernel install --user --name CausalPy

Building the documentation locally

Ensure the right packages (in requirements-docs.txt) are available in the environment. See the steps above.

A local build of the docs is achieved by:

cd docs
make html

Sometimes not all changes are recognised. In that case run this (again from within the docs folder):

make clean && make html

Docs are built in docs/_build, but these docs are not committed to the GitHub repository due to .gitignore.

Remote documentation

Documentation is hosted on New remote builds are triggered automatically whenever there is an update to the main branch.

The .readthedocs.yaml file contains the configurations for the remote build.

If there are autodoc issues/errors in remote builds of the docs, we need to add all package dependencies (in requirements.txt) into the list autodoc_mock_imports in docs/

New releases

Test release to (manual)

  1. Bump the release version in causalpy/ and pyproject.toml.
  2. Build locally and upload to Full instructions here Note that this requires username and password for In the root directory type the following:
rm -rf dist
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
  1. At this point the updated build is available on We can test that this is working as expected by installing (into a test environment) from with
conda create -n causalpy-test python
conda activate causalpy-test
python3 -m pip install --index-url --extra-index-url causalpy
  1. Now load a python or ipython session and follow the quickstart instructions to confirm things work.

Actual release to (manual)

  1. Bump the release version in causalpy/ and pyproject.toml (if not done in the previous step). This is automatically read by and docs/
  2. Push this to a branch, open a pull request, and merge into main.
  3. Manually draft a new release here, making sure to hit 'generate release notes'.
  4. Build locally and upload to In the root directory:
rm -rf dist
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
  1. Readthedocs: