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Archived February 16, 2017 :: POP plan types for Apple devices


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POP for Material Motion (Swift)

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The POP Material Motion family provides a bridge between Facebook's POP library and the Material Motion runtime.

Supported languages

  • Swift 3
  • Objective-C


SpringTo uses POP springs to animate properties using spring physics driven on the main thread of the application.

For example, you might use a SpringTo plan to move a view's position to a specific position on screen:

let springTo = SpringTo("position", destination: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10))
scheduler.addPlan(springTo, to: view.layer)

SpringTo supports a subset of key paths on certain types:


  • backgroundColor
  • bounds
  • cornerRadius
  • borderWidth
  • borderColor
  • opacity
  • position
  • position.x
  • position.y
  • transform.rotation.z
  • transform.rotation.x
  • transform.rotation.y
  • transform.scale.x
  • transform.scale
  • transform.scale.y
  • bounds.size
  • sublayerTransform.scale
  • sublayerTransform.translation.x
  • sublayerTransform.translation
  • sublayerTransform.translation.y
  • sublayerTransform.translation.z
  • transform.translation.x
  • transform.translation
  • transform.translation.y
  • transform.translation.z
  • zPosition
  • shadowColor
  • shadowOffset
  • shadowOpacity
  • shadowRadius


  • strokeStart
  • strokeEnd
  • strokeColor
  • fillColor
  • lineWidth
  • lineDashPhase


  • constant


  • alpha
  • backgroundColor
  • bounds
  • center
  • frame
  • transform.scale.x
  • transform.scale
  • transform.scale.y
  • bounds.size
  • tintColor


  • contentOffset
  • contentSize
  • zoomScale
  • contentInset
  • scrollIndicatorInsets


  • barTintColor


  • textColor

Read the feature request for supporting more key paths.


Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift libraries. CocoaPods automates the process of using third-party libraries in your projects. See the Getting Started guide for more information. You can install it with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

Add MaterialMotionPop to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialMotionPop'

Then run the following command:

pod install


Import the framework:

@import MaterialMotionPop;

You will now have access to all of the APIs.

Example apps/unit tests

Check out a local copy of the repo to access the Catalog application by running the following commands:

git clone
cd pop-swift
pod install
open MaterialMotionPop.xcworkspace


  1. How to animate a property with a SpringTo plan
  2. How to configure spring behavior
  3. How to pause a spring while a gesture recognizer is active

How to animate a property with a SpringTo plan

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

MDMSpringTo *springTo = [[MDMSpringTo alloc] initWithProperty:"<#property key path#>"
                                                  destination:<#Destination value#>];
[scheduler addPlan:springTo to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

let springTo = SpringTo("<#property key path#>", destination: <#Destination value#>)
scheduler.addPlan(springTo, to: <#Object#>)

How to configure spring behavior

A spring's behavior can be configured by setting a SpringConfiguration object on the SpringTo instance.

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

springTo.configuration = [[MDMSpringConfiguration alloc] initWithTension:<#tension#>

In Swift:

springTo.configuration = SpringConfiguration(tension: <#tension#>, friction: <#friction#>)

How to pause a spring while a gesture recognizer is active

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

MDMPauseSpring *pauseSpring = [[MDMPauseSpring alloc] initWithProperty:"<#property key path#>"
                                                     gestureRecognizer:<#gesture recognizer#>];
[scheduler addPlan:springTo to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

let springTo = MDMPauseSpring("<#property key path#>", whileActive: <#gesture recognizer#>)
scheduler.addPlan(springTo, to: <#Object#>)


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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.