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This package implements various grain boundary analyses. module

Module containing classes to generate grain boundaries.

class GrainBoundary(lattice: np.ndarray | Lattice, species: Sequence[CompositionLike], coords: Sequence[ArrayLike], rotation_axis: Vector3D, rotation_angle: float, gb_plane: Vector3D, join_plane: Vector3D, init_cell: Structure, vacuum_thickness: float, ab_shift: tuple[float, float], site_properties: dict[str, Any], oriented_unit_cell: Structure, validate_proximity: bool = False, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, properties: dict | None = None)

Bases: Structure

Subclass of Structure representing a GrainBoundary (GB) object. Implements additional attributes pertaining to gbs, but the init method does not actually implement any algorithm that creates a GB. This is a DUMMY class who’s init method only holds information about the GB. Also has additional methods that returns other information about a GB such as sigma value.

Note that all gbs have the GB surface normal oriented in the c-direction. This means the lattice vectors a and b are in the GB surface plane (at least for one grain) and the c vector is out of the surface plane (though not necessarily perpendicular to the surface).

Makes a GB structure, a structure object with additional information and methods pertaining to gbs.

  • Parameters

    • lattice (Lattice/3x3 array) – The lattice, either as an instance or any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector.

    • species ([Species]) – Sequence of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including:

      1. A sequence of element / species specified either as string symbols, e.g. [“Li”, “Fe2+”, “P”, …] or atomic numbers, e.g., (3, 56, …) or actual Element or Species objects.

      2. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g., [{“Fe” : 0.5, “Mn”:0.5}, …]. This allows the setup of disordered structures.

    • coords (Nx3 array) – list of fractional/cartesian coordinates for each species.

    • rotation_axis (list*[int]*) – Rotation axis of GB in the form of a list of integers, e.g. [1, 1, 0].

    • rotation_angle (float*, in unit of *degree) – rotation angle of GB.

    • gb_plane (list) – Grain boundary plane in the form of a list of integers e.g.: [1, 2, 3].

    • join_plane (list) – Joining plane of the second grain in the form of a list of integers. e.g.: [1, 2, 3].

    • init_cell (Structure) – initial bulk structure to form the GB.

    • site_properties (dict) – Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. For GB, you should have the ‘grain_label’ properties to classify the sites as ‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘top_incident’, or ‘bottom_incident’.

    • vacuum_thickness (float in angstrom) – The thickness of vacuum inserted between two grains of the GB.

    • ab_shift (list* of float, in unit of crystal vector a, *b) – The relative shift along a, b vectors.

    • oriented_unit_cell (Structure) – oriented unit cell of the bulk init_cell. Helps to accurately calculate the bulk properties that are consistent with GB calculations.

    • validate_proximity (bool) – Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 0.01 Ang apart. Defaults to False.

    • coords_are_cartesian (bool) – Set to True if you are providing coordinates in Cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False.

    • properties (dict) – dictionary containing properties associated with the whole GrainBoundary.

abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )


  • Returns

    Dictionary representation of GrainBoundary object.

property bottom_grain(_: Structure

Return the bottom grain (Structure) of the GB.

property coincidents(: list[Site )

Return the a list of coincident sites.


Convenience method to get a copy of the structure, with options to add site properties.

  • Returns

    A copy of the Structure, with optionally new site_properties and optionally sanitized.

classmethod from_dict(d)

Generates a GrainBoundary object from a dictionary created by as_dict().

  • Parameters

    d – dict

  • Returns

    GrainBoundary object

get_sorted_structure(key=None, reverse=False)

Get a sorted copy of the structure. The parameters have the same meaning as in list.sort. By default, sites are sorted by the electronegativity of the species. Note that Slab has to override this because of the different init args.

  • Parameters

    • key – Specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element: key=str.lower. The default value is None (compare the elements directly).

    • reverse (bool) – If set to True, then the list elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed.

properties(: dic )

property sigma(: in )

This method returns the sigma value of the GB. If using ‘quick_gen’ to generate GB, this value is not valid.

property sigma_from_site_prop(: in )

This method returns the sigma value of the GB from site properties. If the GB structure merge some atoms due to the atoms too closer with each other, this property will not work.

property top_grain(_: Structure

Return the top grain (Structure) of the GB.

class GrainBoundaryGenerator(initial_structure, symprec: float = 0.1, angle_tolerance=1)

Bases: object

This class is to generate grain boundaries (GBs) from bulk conventional cell (fcc, bcc can from the primitive cell), and works for Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Rhombohedral, and Hexagonal systems. It generate GBs from given parameters, which includes GB plane, rotation axis, rotation angle.

This class works for any general GB, including twist, tilt and mixed GBs. The three parameters, rotation axis, GB plane and rotation angle, are sufficient to identify one unique GB. While sometimes, users may not be able to tell what exactly rotation angle is but prefer to use sigma as an parameter, this class also provides the function that is able to return all possible rotation angles for a specific sigma value. The same sigma value (with rotation axis fixed) can correspond to multiple rotation angles. Users can use structure matcher in pymatgen to get rid of the redundant structures.

initial_structure (Structure): Initial input structure. It can

be conventional or primitive cell (primitive cell works for bcc and fcc).
For fcc and bcc, using conventional cell can lead to a non-primitive
grain boundary structure.
This code supplies Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Rhombohedral, and
Hexagonal systems.

symprec (float): Tolerance for symmetry finding. Defaults to 0.1 (the value used

in Materials Project), which is for structures with slight deviations
from their proper atomic positions (e.g., structures relaxed with
electronic structure codes).
A smaller value of 0.01 is often used for properly refined
structures with atoms in the proper symmetry coordinates.
User should make sure the symmetry is what you want.

angle_tolerance (float): Angle tolerance for symmetry finding.

static enum_possible_plane_cubic(plane_cutoff, r_axis, r_angle)

Find all possible plane combinations for GBs given a rotation axis and angle for cubic system, and classify them to different categories, including ‘Twist’, ‘Symmetric tilt’, ‘Normal tilt’, ‘Mixed’ GBs.

  • Parameters

    • plane_cutoff (int) – the cutoff of plane miller index.

    • r_axis (list* of three integers, e.g. u, v, *w) – the rotation axis of the grain boundary, with the format of [u,v,w].

    • r_angle (float) – rotation angle of the GBs.

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as GB type, e.g. ‘Twist’,’Symmetric tilt’,etc. and values as the combination of the two plane miller index

    (GB plane and joining plane).

  • Return type

    all_combinations (dict)

static enum_sigma_cubic(cutoff, r_axis)

Find all possible sigma values and corresponding rotation angles within a sigma value cutoff with known rotation axis in cubic system. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Acta Cryst, A40,108(1984).

  • Parameters

    • cutoff (int) – the cutoff of sigma values.

    • r_axis (list* of three integers, e.g. u, v, *w) – the rotation axis of the grain boundary, with the format of [u,v,w].

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as the possible integer sigma values and values as list of the possible rotation angles to the corresponding sigma values. e.g. the format as {sigma1: [angle11,angle12,…], sigma2: [angle21, angle22,…],…} Note: the angles are the rotation angles of one grain respect to the other grain. When generate the microstructures of the grain boundary using these angles, you need to analyze the symmetry of the structure. Different angles may result in equivalent microstructures.

  • Return type

    sigmas (dict)

static enum_sigma_hex(cutoff, r_axis, c2_a2_ratio)

Find all possible sigma values and corresponding rotation angles within a sigma value cutoff with known rotation axis in hexagonal system. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Acta Cryst, A38,550(1982).

  • Parameters

    • cutoff (int) – the cutoff of sigma values.

    • integers (r_axis* (list of *three) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • u (e.g.) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • v – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • w – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • c2_a2_ratio (list* of two integers, e.g. mu, *mv) – mu/mv is the square of the hexagonal axial ratio, which is rational number. If irrational, set c2_a2_ratio = None

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as the possible integer sigma values and values as list of the possible rotation angles to the corresponding sigma values. e.g. the format as {sigma1: [angle11,angle12,…], sigma2: [angle21, angle22,…],…} Note: the angles are the rotation angle of one grain respect to the other grain. When generate the microstructure of the grain boundary using these angles, you need to analyze the symmetry of the structure. Different angles may result in equivalent microstructures.

  • Return type

    sigmas (dict)

static enum_sigma_ort(cutoff, r_axis, c2_b2_a2_ratio)

Find all possible sigma values and corresponding rotation angles within a sigma value cutoff with known rotation axis in orthorhombic system. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Scipta Metallurgica 27, 291(1992).

  • Parameters

    • cutoff (int) – the cutoff of sigma values.

    • r_axis (list* of three integers, e.g. u, v, *w) – the rotation axis of the grain boundary, with the format of [u,v,w].

    • c2_b2_a2_ratio (list* of three integers, e.g. mu,lambda, *mv) – mu:lam:mv is the square of the orthorhombic axial ratio with rational numbers. If irrational for one axis, set it to None. e.g. mu:lam:mv = c2,None,a2, means b2 is irrational.

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as the possible integer sigma values and values as list of the possible rotation angles to the corresponding sigma values. e.g. the format as {sigma1: [angle11,angle12,…], sigma2: [angle21, angle22,…],…} Note: the angles are the rotation angle of one grain respect to the other grain. When generate the microstructure of the grain boundary using these angles, you need to analyze the symmetry of the structure. Different angles may result in equivalent microstructures.

  • Return type

    sigmas (dict)

static enum_sigma_rho(cutoff, r_axis, ratio_alpha)

Find all possible sigma values and corresponding rotation angles within a sigma value cutoff with known rotation axis in rhombohedral system. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Acta Cryst, A45,505(1989).

  • Parameters

    • cutoff (int) – the cutoff of sigma values.

    • r_axis (list*[int]*) – of three integers, e.g. u, v, w or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w): the rotation axis of the grain boundary, with the format of [u,v,w] or Weber indices [u, v, t, w].

    • ratio_alpha (list* of two integers, e.g. mu, *mv) – mu/mv is the ratio of (1+2*cos(alpha))/cos(alpha) with rational number. If irrational, set ratio_alpha = None.

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as the possible integer sigma values and values as list of the possible rotation angles to the corresponding sigma values. e.g. the format as {sigma1: [angle11,angle12,…], sigma2: [angle21, angle22,…],…} Note: the angles are the rotation angle of one grain respect to the other grain. When generate the microstructure of the grain boundary using these angles, you need to analyze the symmetry of the structure. Different angles may result in equivalent microstructures.

  • Return type

    sigmas (dict)

static enum_sigma_tet(cutoff, r_axis, c2_a2_ratio)

Find all possible sigma values and corresponding rotation angles within a sigma value cutoff with known rotation axis in tetragonal system. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Acta Cryst, B46,117(1990).

  • Parameters

    • cutoff (int) – the cutoff of sigma values.

    • r_axis (list* of three integers, e.g. u, v, *w) – the rotation axis of the grain boundary, with the format of [u,v,w].

    • c2_a2_ratio (list* of two integers, e.g. mu, *mv) – mu/mv is the square of the tetragonal axial ratio with rational number. if irrational, set c2_a2_ratio = None

  • Returns

    dictionary with keys as the possible integer sigma values and values as list of the possible rotation angles to the corresponding sigma values. e.g. the format as {sigma1: [angle11,angle12,…], sigma2: [angle21, angle22,…],…} Note: the angles are the rotation angle of one grain respect to the other grain. When generate the microstructure of the grain boundary using these angles, you need to analyze the symmetry of the structure. Different angles may result in equivalent microstructures.

  • Return type

    sigmas (dict)

gb_from_parameters(rotation_axis, rotation_angle, expand_times=4, vacuum_thickness=0.0, ab_shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), normal=False, ratio=None, plane=None, max_search=20, tol_coi=1e-08, rm_ratio=0.7, quick_gen=False)

  • Parameters

    • rotation_axis (list) – Rotation axis of GB in the form of a list of integer e.g.: [1, 1, 0]

    • rotation_angle (float*, in unit of *degree) – rotation angle used to generate GB. Make sure the angle is accurate enough. You can use the enum* functions in this class to extract the accurate angle. e.g.: The rotation angle of sigma 3 twist GB with the rotation axis [1, 1, 1] and GB plane (1, 1, 1) can be 60 degree. If you do not know the rotation angle, but know the sigma value, we have provide the function get_rotation_angle_from_sigma which is able to return all the rotation angles of sigma value you provided.

    • expand_times (int) – The multiple times used to expand one unit grain to larger grain. This is used to tune the grain length of GB to warrant that the two GBs in one cell do not interact with each other. Default set to 4.

    • vacuum_thickness (float*, *in angstrom) – The thickness of vacuum that you want to insert between two grains of the GB. Default to 0.

    • ab_shift (list* of float, in unit of a, b vectors of *Gb) – in plane shift of two grains

    • normal (logic) – determine if need to require the c axis of top grain (first transformation matrix) perpendicular to the surface or not. default to false.

    • ratio (list* of *integers) – lattice axial ratio. For cubic system, ratio is not needed. For tetragonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none. For orthorhombic system, ratio = [mu, lam, mv], list of three integers, that is, mu:lam:mv = c2:b2:a2. If irrational for one axis, set it to None. e.g. mu:lam:mv = c2,None,a2, means b2 is irrational. For rhombohedral system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv is the ratio of (1+2*cos(alpha))/cos(alpha). If irrational, set it to None. For hexagonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none. This code also supplies a class method to generate the ratio from the structure (get_ratio). User can also make their own approximation and input the ratio directly.

    • plane (list) – Grain boundary plane in the form of a list of integers e.g.: [1, 2, 3]. If none, we set it as twist GB. The plane will be perpendicular to the rotation axis.

    • max_search (int) – max search for the GB lattice vectors that give the smallest GB lattice. If normal is true, also max search the GB c vector that perpendicular to the plane. For complex GB, if you want to speed up, you can reduce this value. But too small of this value may lead to error.

    • tol_coi (float) – tolerance to find the coincidence sites. When making approximations to the ratio needed to generate the GB, you probably need to increase this tolerance to obtain the correct number of coincidence sites. To check the number of coincidence sites are correct or not, you can compare the generated Gb object’s sigma_from_site_prop with enum* sigma values (what user expected by input).

    • rm_ratio (float) – the criteria to remove the atoms which are too close with each other. rm_ratio*bond_length of bulk system is the criteria of bond length, below which the atom will be removed. Default to 0.7.

    • quick_gen (bool) – whether to quickly generate a supercell, if set to true, no need to find the smallest cell.

  • Returns

    Grain boundary structure (GB object).

get_ratio(max_denominator=5, index_none=None)

find the axial ratio needed for GB generator input.

  • Parameters

    • max_denominator (int) – the maximum denominator for the computed ratio, default to be 5.

    • index_none (int) – specify the irrational axis. 0-a, 1-b, 2-c. Only may be needed for orthorhombic system.

  • Returns

    axial ratio needed for GB generator (list of integers).

static get_rotation_angle_from_sigma(sigma, r_axis, lat_type='C', ratio=None)

Find all possible rotation angle for the given sigma value.

  • Parameters

    • sigma (int) – sigma value provided

    • integers (r_axis* (list of *three) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • u (e.g.) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • v – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • w – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • lat_type (one character) – ‘c’ or ‘C’: cubic system

      ’t’ or ‘T’: tetragonal system ‘o’ or ‘O’: orthorhombic system ‘h’ or ‘H’: hexagonal system ‘r’ or ‘R’: rhombohedral system default to cubic system

    • ratio (list* of *integers) – lattice axial ratio. For cubic system, ratio is not needed. For tetragonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none. For orthorhombic system, ratio = [mu, lam, mv], list of three integers, that is, mu:lam:mv = c2:b2:a2. If irrational for one axis, set it to None. e.g. mu:lam:mv = c2,None,a2, means b2 is irrational. For rhombohedral system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv is the ratio of (1+2*cos(alpha)/cos(alpha). If irrational, set it to None. For hexagonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none.

  • Returns

    rotation_angles corresponding to the provided sigma value. If the sigma value is not correct, return the rotation angle corresponding to the correct possible sigma value right smaller than the wrong sigma value provided.

static get_trans_mat(r_axis, angle, normal=False, trans_cry=None, lat_type='c', ratio=None, surface=None, max_search=20, quick_gen=False)

Find the two transformation matrix for each grain from given rotation axis, GB plane, rotation angle and corresponding ratio (see explanation for ratio below). The structure of each grain can be obtained by applying the corresponding transformation matrix to the conventional cell. The algorithm for this code is from reference, Acta Cryst, A32,783(1976).

  • Parameters

    • integers (surface* (list of *three) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • u (e.g.) – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • v – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • w – or four integers, e.g. u, v, t, w for hex/rho system only): the rotation axis of the grain boundary.

    • angle (float*, in unit of *degree) – the rotation angle of the grain boundary

    • normal (logic) – determine if need to require the c axis of one grain associated with the first transformation matrix perpendicular to the surface or not. default to false.

    • trans_cry (3 by 3 array) – if the structure given are primitive cell in cubic system, e.g. bcc or fcc system, trans_cry is the transformation matrix from its conventional cell to the primitive cell.

    • lat_type (one character) – ‘c’ or ‘C’: cubic system

      ’t’ or ‘T’: tetragonal system ‘o’ or ‘O’: orthorhombic system ‘h’ or ‘H’: hexagonal system ‘r’ or ‘R’: rhombohedral system default to cubic system

    • ratio (list* of *integers) – lattice axial ratio. For cubic system, ratio is not needed. For tetragonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none. For orthorhombic system, ratio = [mu, lam, mv], list of three integers, that is, mu:lam:mv = c2:b2:a2. If irrational for one axis, set it to None. e.g. mu:lam:mv = c2,None,a2, means b2 is irrational. For rhombohedral system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv is the ratio of (1+2*cos(alpha)/cos(alpha). If irrational, set it to None. For hexagonal system, ratio = [mu, mv], list of two integers, that is, mu/mv = c2/a2. If it is irrational, set it to none.

    • integers – or four integers, e.g. h, k, i, l for hex/rho system only): the miller index of grain boundary plane, with the format of [h,k,l] if surface is not given, the default is perpendicular to r_axis, which is a twist grain boundary.

    • h (e.g.) – or four integers, e.g. h, k, i, l for hex/rho system only): the miller index of grain boundary plane, with the format of [h,k,l] if surface is not given, the default is perpendicular to r_axis, which is a twist grain boundary.

    • k – or four integers, e.g. h, k, i, l for hex/rho system only): the miller index of grain boundary plane, with the format of [h,k,l] if surface is not given, the default is perpendicular to r_axis, which is a twist grain boundary.

    • l – or four integers, e.g. h, k, i, l for hex/rho system only): the miller index of grain boundary plane, with the format of [h,k,l] if surface is not given, the default is perpendicular to r_axis, which is a twist grain boundary.

    • max_search (int) – max search for the GB lattice vectors that give the smallest GB lattice. If normal is true, also max search the GB c vector that perpendicular to the plane.

    • quick_gen (bool) – whether to quickly generate a supercell, if set to true, no need to find the smallest cell.

  • Returns

    The transformation array for one grain. t2 (3 by 3 integer array):

    The transformation array for the other grain

  • Return type

    t1 (3 by 3 integer array)

static reduce_mat(mat, mag, r_matrix)

Reduce integer array mat’s determinant mag times by linear combination of its row vectors, so that the new array after rotation (r_matrix) is still an integer array.

  • Parameters

    • mat (3 by 3 array) – input matrix

    • mag (int) – reduce times for the determinant

    • r_matrix (3 by 3 array) – rotation matrix

  • Returns

    the reduced integer array

static slab_from_csl(csl, surface, normal, trans_cry, max_search=20, quick_gen=False)

By linear operation of csl lattice vectors to get the best corresponding slab lattice. That is the area of a,b vectors (within the surface plane) is the smallest, the c vector first, has shortest length perpendicular to surface [h,k,l], second, has shortest length itself.

  • Parameters

    • csl (3 by 3 integer array) – input csl lattice.

    • surface (list* of three integers, e.g. h, k, *l) – the miller index of the surface, with the format of [h,k,l]

    • normal (logic) – determine if the c vector needs to perpendicular to surface

    • trans_cry (3 by 3 array) – transform matrix from crystal system to orthogonal system

    • max_search (int) – max search for the GB lattice vectors that give the smallest GB lattice. If normal is true, also max search the GB c vector that perpendicular to the plane.

    • quick_gen (bool) – whether to quickly generate a supercell, no need to find the smallest cell if set to true.

  • Returns

    a slab lattice ( 3 by 3 integer array):

  • Return type


static vec_to_surface(vec)

Transform a float vector to a surface miller index with integers.

  • Parameters

    vec (1 by 3 array float vector) – input float vector

  • Returns

    the surface miller index of the input vector.

fix_pbc(structure, matrix=None)

Set all frac_coords of the input structure within [0,1].

  • Parameters

    • structure (pymatgen structure object) – input structure

    • matrix (lattice matrix*, *3 by 3 array/matrix) – new structure’s lattice matrix, If None, use input structure’s matrix.

  • Returns

    new structure with fixed frac_coords and lattice matrix


obtain cubic symmetric equivalents of the list of vectors.

  • Parameters

    matrix (lattice matrix*, *n by 3 array/matrix) –

  • Returns

    cubic symmetric equivalents of the list of vectors.