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Original project by LedgeDash

Each application contains a unum implementation (under directory unum) and a Step Functions implementation (under directory step-functions).

Step Functions Implementations

Step Functions implementations contain

  1. User functions, each in its own directory
  2. An events directory with example workflow inputs
  3. A template.yaml for deploying the user functions and the Step Functions state machine with AWS SAM.

Note that the Step Functions state machine definition is in template.yaml and is deployed using AWS SAM as a Cloudformation stack along with the user Lambda functions. The advantage of defining state machines inside template.yaml is that we can programmatically insert Lambda ARNs into the state machine definitions as SAM deploys the stack.

As an example, let's look at the hello-world app. The state machine is named HelloWorldSF under Resources. Its Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine indicates that it's a Step Functions state machine. The DefinitionString under Properties defines the state machine. The definition string starts with !Sub which is a Cloudformation intrinsic function (see here for more details). It replaces ${helloArn} with !GetAtt [ HelloFunction, Arn ] and ${worldArn} with !GetAtt [ WorldFunction, Arn ] during the Cloudformation stack creation process. !GetAtt [ HelloFunction, Arn ] will get HelloFunction's Arn once it's deployed.

After deployment completes, you'll find a Step Function whose name starts with HelloWorldSF on AWS.

How to deploy

To deploy a Step Functions workflow, use AWS SAM.

Make sure you have the aws cli, aws sam cli and an AWS account correctly created and configured. Then use

sam build

to build the stack. You'll see a .aws-sam directory after build succeeds.

Then use the sam deploy command to deploy your stack to AWS. You can either run

sam deploy --guided

which guides you through the deployment process. Make sure you pick a unique name for your stack (by default, SAM uses the generic name sam-app).

sam deploy --guided might also create a samconfig.toml file. With the toml file, you can simply run sam deploy to update the stack without going through the guided process.

Alternatively, you can specify deployment options directly on the command line, for example,

sam deploy --stack-name hello-world-sf --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND CAPABILITY_IAM --s3-bucket aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-1p6wkdqwc2lfe --region us-west-1 --s3-prefix hello-world-sf

unum Implementations

unum implementations contain

  1. User functions, each in its own directory
  2. An events directory with example workflow inputs
  3. A unum-template.yaml that specifies workflow-wide configurations. unum-cli can transform unum-template.yaml to platform specific template files, such as AWS SAM template. For more details, see the unum cli documentations and the unum template documentations
  4. A common directory that contains the unum runtime libraries
  5. One or more workflow definitions, such as Step Functions state machines. For more information, see the unum frontend documentation.

For example, programmers can build an unum workflow by writing a Step Functions state machine where Lambda functions in Task states are refered to by their names in the unum-template.yaml (instead of their AWS Arns as in actual Step Functions). Based on the Step Functions state machine, the unum frontend compiler can derive a unum configuration for each function in the workflow and place the configuration file (unum-config.json) in its directory. In some cases (e.g., a Step Functions state machine that starts with a fan-out state, such as Parallel or Map), the frontend compiler might add additional functions to the workflow. The added functions are fully created by the compiler (i.e., the directory, the, unum-config.json, requirements.txt files, etc.). Programmers don't need to modify them.

Alternatively, programmers can opt to write unum configurations for each function by hand, in which case they do not need to provide a workflow definition such as a Step Functions state machine.

Once all functions have a unum-config.json file under their directory, you can build the workflow with unum-cli build. You can specify which serverless platform to build against. For more details, see the unun cli documentation.

User Functions

User functions in both implementations are identical.

Test cases


Simple chaining. No fan-out metadata propagation.

Creation of session by Start function.

NextInput: Scalar


Simple chaining. No fan-out metadata propagation.

Creation of session by Start function.

NextInput: Scalar


Start' config:

Branching based on user function return value.

"Next": [
			"Name": "Hello",
			"Conditional": "$ret == 'hello'"
			"Name": "Bye",
			"Conditional": "$ret == 'bye'"


Parallel pipelines of different length

Start's config:

"Next": [{"Name": "UserMention"},{"Name": "FindUrl"}]. Runtime metadata for parallel fan-out

FindUrl's config:

Chaining inside a parallel fan-out. Runtime metadata propagated correctly.

UserMention and ShortenUrl's config:

Parallel fan-in. Explicit function output name (e.g., "UserMention-unumIndex-0", "ShortenUrl-unumIndex-1").

Invoking fan-in function with the correct input

CreatePost's input. Correct input for parallel fan-in function.

CreatePost's config:

Fan-out Modifiers removing the runtime fan-out metadata.


UnumMap's config:

"NextInput": "Map". Runtime metadata for map fan-out.

F1's config:

F1-unumIndex-*. Fan-in on *. Expanding *.

Any one of the F1 instances can invoke Summary. Multiple instances of Summary might run, each with a different unum index and therefore outputing return values into the intermediary data store with different id. For instance, with s3, we might see Summary-unumIndex-0-output.json and Summary-unumIndex-1-output.json.


F1's config:

Conditional: $0 == $size - 1.

Wait = true



only the last one performs the fan-in Conditional: $0 == $size - 1

Propagation of fan-out metadata within chains in a map fan-out.


Chain of map fan-outs.

Partition function has a Fan-out Modifiers: ["Pop"] and therefore should not embed the Fan-out field from its input to its output.

Partition function's return value can be named Partition-unumIndex-5 but the Reducer function's return value cannot be Reducer-unumIndex-5.0. It should simply be Reducer-unumIndex-0.


Vpxenc's config

Conditional: $0 <$size -1. The last Vpxenc does not invoke its continuation (which is Xcdec)

Xcdec's config

Fan-out Modifiers: [$0 = $0+1], increments the Fan-out Index so that the invoked Reencode function's input is event["Fan-out"]["Index"] is 1 greater than the invoker Xcdec's event["Fan-out"]["Index"].

"NextInput": {
        "Fan-in": {
            "Values": [

($0+1) expressions when expanding value names.

Reencode's config

Conditional: $0 == 1 only the first Reencode function invokes the Rebase function.

Fan-in: Values: [Reencode-unumIndex-$0, Reencode-unumIndex-($0+1)]


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  • Python 79.8%
  • Jupyter Notebook 19.8%
  • Other 0.4%