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leaf (Love's Extensions And Facilities) is collection of libraries and classes for LÖVE.


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leaf (Love's Extensions And Facilities) is collection of libraries and classes for LÖVE. The structure of code and functions' names are entirely based on Pyxel.

leaf is open source and free to use.


  • Shorter functions' names

  • On Key Pressed Once function

  • Screen configurator

  • Object Platform and Multiple-State Machine Enemy classes

  • Physical and graphical tilemap composer

  • 2D colision system

  • Sprite Animator class

  • Save-Load build-in system

  • NES-Like resources system

  • Simple debug function

  • New Table and strings functions

How to Use

leaf is a lua module that can be loaded using require.

require 'leaf'

leaf.init({w = 480, h = 480, s = 3})

local x, y = 0, 0

function leaf.step(dt)

    if leaf.btn('a') then x = x - 1
    elseif leaf.btn('d') then x = x + 1 end

    if leaf.btn('w') then y = y - 1
    elseif leaf.btn('s') then y = y + 1 end

function leaf.draw()

    leaf.rectb(x, y, 4)

Do not use love.load | update | draw, it would override the Leaf's functions. Instead, use leaf.load | step | draw.

API Reference

Sets the screen size (conf.w x conf.h), the drawing scale (conf.s), if the screen is resizeable (conf.rz), the min screen size ( x and if vsync is enabled (conf.vs). Also the drawmode ( See Graphics for better understanding. Default values:

conf = {
    w = 512, h = 512, s = 4,
    mv = true, rz = true,
    vs = true,
    dm = "default"
  • leaf.load
    Works like love.load.

  • leaf.step
    Works like love.update.

  • leaf.late
    Called after leaf.step.

  • leaf.draw
    Works like love.draw.

  • leaf.fps
    The current fps.

  • leaf.s_wdth
    The current game screen width (real size / scale).

  • leaf.s_hght
    The current game screen Height (real size / scale).


  • leaf.table_first(lst)
    Returns idx, itm of the first item in lst.

  • leaf.table_last(lst)
    Returns idx, itm of the last item in lst.

  • leaf.table_find(lst, itm)
    Returns the index of the itm if it is in lst, otherwise returns nil.

  • leaf.table_eq(lst, otr)
    Returns true if lst has the same items in the same indexes of otr, otherwise returns false.

  • leaf.table_copy(lst)
    Returns an copy of lst.


All these functions works with string objects

  • string.split(str, pat)
    Returns a table of substrings splited by pat from str, returns str if doesn't find pat.

  • string.startswith(str, sub)
    Returns true if str starts with sub, otherwise returns false.

  • string.endswith(str, sub)
    Returns true if str ends with sub, otherwise returns false.


  • leaf.tobool(val)
    Converts value to bool. true if is "true", not 0 or not nil.


Simple print all function.

  • leaf.log(tag, [...])
    prints tag followed by all subsequent values (...). e.g.
leaf.log('debug', true, 4, 6 - 9)

>>> [debug][true, 4, -3]



  • leaf.drawmode = "default": draws game sprites and shapes normally.
  • leaf.drawmode = "pixper" : rounds the values before drawing, keeping all shapes on-grid.


  • leaf.popup(usr, msg)
    Creates a pop-up window to usr with msg as content. (Avaliable only on Windows and Linux).

  • leaf.color([r, g, b, [a]])
    Same of, but it uses 0 to 255 scale, and a is optional. If empty, resset the color to default.

  • leaf.rect(x, y, [w], [h])
    Draws an w x h rectangle (line draw method) at {x, y}. If w is nil, w and h will be 1, if only h is nil, h will be w.

  • leaf.rectb(x, y, [w], [h])
    Draws an w x h rectangle (fill draw method) at {x, y}. If w is nil, w and h will be 1, if only h is nil, h will be w.


  • ESC key
    Quits the application.

  • leaf.btn(key)
    Returns true if key is pressed, otherwise returns false.

  • leaf.btnp(key)
    Returns true if key was pressed at that frame, otherwise returns false.

  • leaf.btnr(key)
    Returns true if key was released at that frame, otherwise returns false.

Text Class

  • leaf.txt_conf(font, size, speed)
    Sets the default font as font, with size size and the class will type 1 letter per speed (seconds).

  • leaf.new_txt(tmsg, ypos, [effect], [trigger, tgrTime])
    Adds a new text object, that will be drawed at height ypos and alligned at center acording to the size (better with monospaced fonts). If trigger is definided (a table with the letter positions) the text will wait 1/tgrTime seconds before continue. If this text object already exists, nothing happens.

    • effect = 'noises' : will draw some red and blue shadows behind the text.
    • effect = 'glitch' : will render random red and blue glitches and change the showing text once in a while
    • effect = 'wobbly' : will draw the letters in a waveform, wobbling over the time
    • effect = 'shaking' : will shake the letters separately and randomly
  • leaf.type_txt(dt, [sound])
    Updates all text objects, playing the tape sound if given (See Gramophone).

  • leaf.txt_exist(idxr)
    Returns true if an text object has idxr as content.

  • leaf.txt_end(idxr)
    Returns true if the text object that has idxr as content has ended.

  • leaf.del_txt(idxr)
    Removes the text object that has idxr as content.

  • leaf.pop_text()
    Removes all text objects that has ended.

  • Text Objects are automatically drawn.

2D Vectors

  • leaf.vector([x[, y[, s]]])
    Returns a new 2D vector at {x, y} with optional scale (s). If empty, returns a {0, 0} vector.

    • vector:sum([x[, y]])
      Sums x (or 0) and y (or 0) to the vector. Returns itself.

    • vector:sub([x[, y]])
      Subtracts x (or 0) and y (or 0) from the vector. Returns itself.

    • vector:mul([x[, y]])
      Multiplies vector.x by x (or 1) and vector.y by y (or 1). Returns itself.

    • vector:mul([x[, y]])
      Divides vector.x by x (or 1) and vector.y by y (or 1). Returns itself.

  • leaf.vect4D([lt[, rt[, up[, dn]]]])
    Returns a 4dir vector with values left (lt), right (rt), up (up) and down (dn). If empty, returns all values as 0.

Global colliders

  • leaf.add_plat(type, pos, wdt, hgt, name)
    Adds a new platform of the type type ('solid' or 'jthru') of size wdt x hgt at pos (vector), identified by name.

  • leaf.coll(pos, coll, [down])
    Updates coll (vect4D) with all solid walls near pos. Ignore the floor (coll.dn) if the platform is jthru and down is true.

  • leaf.del_plat(name)
    deletes the name platform.

  • leaf.draw_plat()
    Draws all platforms.

Collectable items

  • leaf.add_itm(name, ipos, sprt, [wall])
    Adds a collectable item at ipos, rendered with sprt (vector). Will be a solid tile if wall is true.

  • leaf.catch(coll)
    Destroys overlapped items by call (vector) and returns item name if was caught.

Tile map

  • leaf.tilemap(back, main, info, [obj])
    Sets the tile map of the game.

    back metatable with the layers at the background (not solid).
    main table with the tiles of the main layer (solid).
    info table with the definition of the tiles.
    obj optional arg. table with the definitions of enemies that will be spawned at every correponding tile.

  • leaf.add_tile(name, spos, sprt, wall)
    Adds an tile with the indexer name at spos (vector) rendered with sprt (vector). If wall is true, the tile will be solid.

  • leaf.del_tile(name)
    Deletes the name tile.


First you have to create a classtype for the tiles.

function char_to_tile(char, _x, _y)
    local sx = char % 16
    local sy = (char - sx) / 16

    return {
        p = leaf.vector(_y, _x, 8), -- the tile itself position
        s = leaf.vector(sx, sy, 8), -- the sprite position at tilemap.png
        c = char                    -- the byte that represents its sprite

The byte value is the sprite position converted into a single numeric value (0-255). You can do it using this formula: byte = y * 16 + x.

Then you'll need to specify what each tile is:

local info = {
    skipt = {[255] = true}, jthru = {[34] = true}, -- 255 is skiped because it's the empty tile | 34 is the platform tile (jump thru)
    index = {spawn = 254}                          -- this value tells to the tilemapper to return the position of the last occurrence of 254

After this you can create a table containing all your tiles in your tilemap.

local map = {
    char_to_tile(255, 0, 0), char_to_tile(055, 1, 0), char_to_tile(255, 2, 0),
    char_to_tile(255, 0, 1), char_to_tile(034, 1, 1), char_to_tile(255, 2, 1),
    char_to_tile(233, 0, 2), char_to_tile(013, 1, 2), char_to_tile(112, 2, 2),

Also, you can specify an item that can be caught.

local item = {
    wall = false,                             -- the item isn't solid
    tile = {45, 61},                          -- both 45 and 61 are items
    name = {[45] = 'star_', [61] = 'coin_'},  -- to you be able of accessing it later, name the items with a prefix

Finally, if you want, you can instantiate enemies to prow in a certain area (between every two chars).

    local enemy = { -- the arg must be a table of every enemy, in this case just one
        [66] = {    -- the char that represents the bounds of the enemy habbitation
            name = 'pm-ghost', -- name given to leaf.create()
            clip = {
                -- same source name to --
                -- change only sprites --
                -- and not the current --
                -- frame               --
                idle  = leaf.asrc('idle', 2, 0, 04),
                angry = leaf.asrc('idle', 2, 5, 10),

Then just give everything to the tilemapper:

leaf.tilemap(map, _, info, item, enemy)

It's highly recomended that you use the Ethereal tilemap editor instead of tiling by hand. In this case, do something like this:

local main, back = leaf.decoder('map.txt')
leaf.tilemap(main, back, info, item, enemy)

Platform Object

leaf.create(otype, ...)
Returns a platform object of the otype.

  • Functions common to all platform types.
  • platform:step(dt, [cpos])
    Updates platform object (moviment, collision, animaiton). If platform is an pm-ghost, the object will haunt the cpos position (vector).

  • platform:draw()
    Draws platform object. If object has no animator, a rectangle will be drawn instead.

  • platform:get_pos([scale])
    Returns a vector with the current position of platform. The s parameter will be used as scale, if given.

  • platform:set_pos(npos)
    Sets the platform position to npos (vector).

  • platform:get_stt()
    Returns the current animation state of platform (idle or moving).

  • platform:get_yac()
    Returns current Y axis acceleration.

  • platform:can_jmp()
    Returns count of remained jumps of object or if it can jump (boolean).

  • platform:jumped()
    Returns true if platform has jumped at that frame.

  • platform:on_wall()
    Returns true if the platform is leaning against a horizontal wall.

  • platform:landed()
    Returns true if the platform is landed.

  • platform:onland()
    Returns true when platform lands.

  • platform:get_mrr()
    Returns the mirror state of platform. -1 if sprite is flipped, 1 if it's not.


(ipos, ctrl, [def])
Returns a playable object, instantiated at ipos, using ctrl as key definition. def is used do give an animator object and physics parameters. e.g.

local ctrl = {
    lft = 'left' , -- move to left
    rgt = 'right', -- move to right
    dwn = 'down' , -- climb down

    int = 'up', -- interact
    ups = 'x' , -- jump
    atk = 'c' , -- atack

local def = {
    speed = 1.5,         -- moviment speed
    anim  = leaf.anim(), -- animator object
    clip  = {

        jump = leaf.asrc('def-jump', 0, 6),       -- jumping animation clip
        fall = leaf.asrc('def-fall', 0, 7),       -- falling animation clip

        idle = leaf.asrc('def-idle', 0, 0, 4),    -- idle animation clip
        walk = leaf.asrc('stp-walk', 0, 4, 0, 5), -- walking animation clip
        size = 8, 				  -- object size (value x value)
        mass = 8,				  -- the object weight

        jump_count    = 2,    -- Count of jumps
        jump_strength = -200, -- Jump strength
        coytote_time  = 4,    -- how may frames after falling off from a platform are still able to jump

local char = leaf.create('platform', leaf.vector(0, 0), ctrl, def)

If ctrl be a table of booleans, you can control indirectly the object, e.g.

local ctrl = {
    lft = false,
    rgt = false,
    ups = false,
    dwn = false,
local char = leaf.create('platform', leaf.vector(0, 0), ctrl, def)

function leaf.step(dt)
    -- updating this table updates the character's one --
    -- when true, char moves, when false, char stops   --
    ctrl.lft = leaf.btn('left')
    ctrl.rgt = leaf.btn('right') = leaf.btn('up')



(min, max, pos, [clip])
Platform Packman-like enemy. Runs the area from min to max, but is instantiated at pos. If defined, the clip will be used as an animator object, containing the idle and angry animation clips. e.g.

clip = {
    -- Same name to change only sprites --
    idle  = leaf.asrc('idle', 2, 0, 4),
    angry = leaf.asrc('idle', 2, 5, 9),

ghost = leaf.create('pm-ghost', 0, 32, leaf.vector(0, 0), clip)


Leaf uses two png files ("tilemap.png" to the tilemap class and "sprites.png" to animator objects) in resources/ as graphic sources and all files in tracks/ as audio souces. The graphic files will be automaticly loaded, except if you use leaf.skip('resources').

Animator Object

Animation class, responsible for controlling and animating sprites.

  • leaf.anim([frame])
    Returns an animator object. If frame (vector) is specified, the animator will be initialized in this frame.

  • leaf.asrc(name, ...)
    Returns an animation source, taged with name, that can hold a prefix that specify the animation type.

    • ('def-name', rw, fx, lx, [opt])
      Default type, the same without a prefix. Returns a sprite sheet animation source, in the rw row, from the fx to lx columns. If opt ({spr, cnt}) is specified, optional frames (spr) will be appended at the end of the animation cnt times.

    • ('stp-name', rw, fx, mx, lx)
      Stepped type. Returns a sprite sheet animation source, interleaved animation of fx and lx separated by mx ({fx, mx, lx, mx}).

  • anim:play(dt, anim, speed, loop)
    Causes object anim to play animation anim at speed speed (frames per second). If loop is specified, the animation will be looping.

  • anim:loop()
    Causes object anim to loop the current animation.

  • anim:draw(pos, side)
    Draws the current animation of anim at pos (vector). If side is smaller than 0, the sprite will be flipped, if it's greater, will not.


  • leaf.playlist(main, back, ...)
    Sets the playlist of audio souce. main (tracks/<main>) is the main music layer, back is the background environment. ... is all other play-once sounds of the game (sfx), like soundsteps, hits, etc. * Max 8 tracks (0 to 7).

  • leaf.gramo.theme()
    Starts playing the main and background musics.

  • leaf.gramo.set(thm, stt)
    Sets playing status of thm ('main' or 'back') to stt (boolean).

  •, track, loop)
    Plays tape (indexed in leaf.playlist) at sound layer track. If loop is true, tape will play in looping. The volume will be set to track / 7.

  • leaf.gramo.pause(track)
    Pauses track if it exists.

  • leaf.gramo.resume(track)
    Resumes track if it exists.

  • leaf.gramo.fade_in(track, speed)
    Increases the volume of track from 0 to 1 in speed (percent per second).

  • leaf.gramo.fadeout(track, speed)
    Decreases the volume of track from 1 to 0 in speed (percent per second).

Serializable data

  • leaf.save_data(file, data, [method, msg])
    Saves a file named file containing the data of data (string, number or table) in the standard LÖVE directory, using an optional method.

    • method = nil
      Standart method. Save all data inside a .lua file.

    • method = 'safe'
      Magic method. Saves the file as file and store the data in a slightly difficult way to change it. It usually causes errors of nullity if done (not sure why). It also adds msg as a message at the top of the file.

  • leaf.load_data(file, method)
    Returns the content of file. If an method was used to save the file, it must be specified with method.


leaf (Love's Extensions And Facilities) is collection of libraries and classes for LÖVE.








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