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๐Ÿ‹๏ธ GymPoint backend developed using Node.js, Express.js, Docker, Redis and PostgreSQL

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๐Ÿ‹๏ธ GymPoint

Full Stack app developed by myself as a challenge from RocketSeat to make it easier to manage Gyms. The app is called GymPoint and it was developed using Node.js in the backend and React.js and it will use React.js and React Native in the frontend

Backend: Rest API using Node.js, Express.js, Docker, Redis and PostgreSQL

Dependencies used

  • "bcryptjs": Uses a password hashing function to store passwords on database
  • "bee-queue": A simple, fast, robust job/task queue for our mail sanding in Node.js
  • "date-fns": A date utility library used in the appointments
  • "dotenv": A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env
  • "express": A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features
  • "express-async-errors": Handles async errors inside express
  • "express-handlebars": Handles handlebars templates inside express
  • "jsonwebtoken": An implementation of JSON Web Tokens
  • "multer": Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data
  • "nodemailer": A module for Node.js applications to allow easy email sending
  • "nodemailer-express-handlebars": Express Handlebars plugin for Nodemailer
  • "pg": Non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js
  • "pg-hstore": A node package for serializing and deserializing JSON data to hstore format
  • "sequelize": A promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres
  • "yup": A JavaScript object schema validator and object parser

Getting started

  1. Clone the project into your machine and install all dependencies inside the backend folder using:
yarn install
  1. Now, run these three Docker containers in your machine:
sudo docker run --name gympoint -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
sudo docker run --name redisgym -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
  1. You also have to create a database called 'gympoint' inside the PostgreSQL (Here is an example using Postbird) and create the tables using:
yarn sequelize db:migrate
  1. Rename the .env.example file for .env and put your credentials inside the .env

  2. Finally, to run the server:

yarn dev
  1. And to run the mail queue:
yarn queue

Sequelize Models

User Model

Field Description Type Allow Null
id user id INTEGER False
name user name STRING False
email user email STRING False
password_hash user password hash STRING False
created_at creation date DATE False
updated_at update date DATE False

Student Model

Field Description Type Allow Null
id student id INTEGER False
name student name STRING False
email student email STRING False
idade student age INTEGER False
peso student weight FLOAT False
altura student height FLOAT False
created_at creation date DATE False
updated_at update date DATE False

Plan Model

Field Description Type Allow Null
id plan id INTEGER False
title plan title STRING False
duration plan duration INTEGER False
price plan price FLOAT False
created_at creation date DATE False
updated_at update date DATE False

Help Order Model

Field Description Type Allow Null
id help order id INTEGER False
student_id student id INTEGER False
question help order question STRING False
answer help order answer STRING True
answer_at answer date DATE True
created_at creation date DATE False
updated_at update date DATE False

Checkin Model

Field Description Type Allow Null
id help order id INTEGER False
student_id student id INTEGER False
created_at creation date DATE False
updated_at update date DATE False



  • POST /sessions: This route creates a session and requires a body like the following example: { "email": "", "password": "123456" }. This route also return to us a JWT (Jason Web Token) that has to be used in the following routes


  • GET /students/:id/checkins: This route lists all check-ins made by the student at the gym

  • POST /students/:id/checkins: This route creates an check-in by the student at the gym

  • GET /students/:id/help-orders: This route lists all help orders created by the student

  • POST /students/:id/help-orders: This route creates a help order to the gym and requires a body like the following example is passed: { "question": "How should I...?" }

  • POST /students: This route creates an student (if the admin is logged in the system) and requires a body like the following example: { "name": "Matheus", "email": "", "idade": "123456", "peso": 68.7, "altura": 1.73 }

  • PUT /students/:id: This route updated an student (if the admin is logged in the system) and can update the fields like the following example: { "name": "Matheus", "email": "", "idade": "123456", "peso": 68.7, "altura": 1.73 }


  • GET /plans: This route lists all plans registered at the gym

  • POST /plans: This route creates a new plan and requires a body like the following example: { "title": "Gold", "duration": "3", "price": 129.90 }

  • PUT /plans/:id: This route updates the fields of the plan when passing a body like the following example: { "title": "Gold", "duration": "3", "price": 129.90 }

  • DELETE /plans/:id: This route deletes a plan based on his ID


  • GET /subscriptions: This route lists all subscriptions registered at the gym

  • POST /subscriptions: This route creates a new subscription for a student and requires a body like the following example: { "student_id": 1, "plan_id": 2, "start_date": "2019-02-01T23:00:00-03:00" }

  • PUT /subscriptions/:id: This route updates the fields of the subscription when passing a body like the following example: { "plan_id": 3, "start_date": "2019-05-01T23:00:00-03:00" }

  • DELETE /subscriptions/:id: This route deletes a subscription based on his ID

Help Orders

  • GET /help/: This route lists all help orders created by students that were not answered yet

  • POST /help-orders/:id/answer: This route answer a help order created by a client and send him a mail to notify him. It requires a body like the following example: { "answer": "You should..." }

Made with โค๏ธ by Matheus Beck ๐Ÿ‘‹ Get in touch!


๐Ÿ‹๏ธ GymPoint backend developed using Node.js, Express.js, Docker, Redis and PostgreSQL







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